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Broken Angelz

Broken Angelz: A band started by two best friends, which is jumping for the stars...

Kelsi Cooper: Broken Angelz drummer and Peyton's best friend.

Peyton Matthews: Broken Angelz lead vocalist and guitarist, and an alcoholic with an addiction to sex.

Drew: Also know as the dooche bag, and the keyboardist of Broken Angelz

Chris: Trusted friend of Kelsi and Peyton's since he joined the band. The guitarist of Broken Angelz.

Jackson Rathbone; Teenage Heart-throb, actor, singer
Robert Pattinson; Teenage Herat-throb, actor,
The biggest thing to walk into the girls lives.

Co-written with Cassadee;;Stackhouse
  1. Vampires, Vodka and One hell of a night!
    What happens when two friends meet two famous faces??
  2. Hangovers, Hotties and facing the music
    What will Peyton think when she wakes up the next morning?
  3. ***ing Fred and Hollywood hotties
    Kelsi and Peyton get to see more of their new found friends
  4. Jimmy, Jumping and Car Trips.
  5. Pools, Phones and Revenge.
    Revenge is sweet... Or so they say
  6. Air Drums, Air Guitar and a Jug of Water
    One Night Of Peace, Kinda.
  7. Songs, Sing-alongs and Campfires.
    Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.
  8. Fights, Furstration and Second Chances.
    The morning before Songs, Singalongs and Campfires.