Click, Click, Shoot!

Leave it to Jordan.

“So, where am I sleeping, and where can I put my stuff?” I asked, turning around, looking at Jordan.

“Follow me,” He said, moving toward the back of the bus. I flashed Christofer another smile, and picked up my suitcases, following Jordan towards the back of the bus.

“This is where me and the other guys will be sleeping. They have been given strict orders not to touch you.” Jordan said, motioning to the bunks around us. I laughed quietly, shaking my head. Leave it to Jordan to scare every guy away from me.

“You will be sleeping in here.” He finished, moving past the two bathrooms and pushing through a curtain. There was a small room in the back, with a bed and a clothes rack. There was also a window and a few electric plugs. I smiled. It was perfect for me.

“This is great!” I exclaimed, putting my suitcase on the bed. Jordan chuckled, and put my other bag down next to it. I hugged him tightly.

“Thank you so much, Jordan!” I squealed, and he laughed quietly, hugging me back.

“Of course, Ruby.” He said softly, and I pulled back, kissing his cheek quickly.

“You’re the best big brother in the entire world!” I exclaimed in a childish voice, and he laughed again, shaking his head.

“And you’re the craziest little sister in the world.” Jordan said, cracking a grin. I rolled my eyes, and moved past him, holding on to my camera in case another photo op came up.

“So, who else is on tour with us, Jordan?” I asked, not looking back at him.

“Well, NeverShoutNever, All Time Low, and Boys Like Girls.” He answered, only a few feet behind me. I moved back into the front of the bus, where Christofer was talking to a few other guys. I assumed they were part of his band, and took another picture. I smiled at the result; it was a good picture showing each of them nicely. They whirled around, an effect of the bright white flash.

“Sorry.” I apologized again, grinning sheepishly as I held up the camera. Christofer laughed, turning to his band mates to explain.

“Guys, this is Ruby. She’s Jordan’s friend, and she’s also our personal photographer.” He said, explaining quickly. He turned to me.

“Ruby, this is Caleb, my guitarist, Nathan, my drummer, Taylor, my bassist, Dustin, my keyboardist, and Hayden, my drummer slash any other instrument needed.” Christofer said, pointing to each member in turn. I smiled, waving at all of them. They all waved back, large smiles on their faces.

Soon, we had pulled away from my street and were heading towards the place where we were meeting Boys Like Girls and All Time Low. I was sitting on the window seat near the front, reading over a concert date list when we pulled up to the small parking lot.
Another tour bus was already waiting, a plain, non-descript black one. I plastered my face to the window before snapping a picture of it.

“Come on, paparazzi girl, let’s go outside so I can introduce you to everyone.” Jordan said, laughing from behind me. I stuck my tongue out at him, but followed him off the bus. My trusty camera was hanging from my neck, as usual. Christofer and the rest of the guys stayed behind, seeing as they were already acquainted with the bands we were meeting.

“Whose bus is that?” I asked, pointing to the large black one already parked.

“That’s All Time Low’s. Come on, let’s go.” Jordan said, walking towards it. He knocked on the door, and I held the camera up to my eye, ready to click. A sleepy looking Alex Gaskarth opened the door, and I snapped the picture, smiling.

“Nothing like paparazzi to wake you up.” He said, laughing slightly as he rubbed his eyes.

“Sorry about that. Can we come in?” Jordan asked, and Alex nodded.

“Don’t worry about it, chickie. That’s your job to take pictures, isn’t it?” He said, turning towards me. I nodded.

“I’m Ruby.” I said, putting out my hand. Alex smiled, shaking my hand.

“Alex. Come on in.” He said, letting go and turning around. Jordan walked into the bus and I followed him.

“Guys, wake up, we’ve got company!” Alex called through the bus, followed by three sleepy groans.

“Stop lying.” One bundle of blankets said. Alex grinned, hitting it lightly.

“Nope. It’s a girl, too.”

“Now we know you’re lying. And even if you’re not, it’s probably Jordan’s girl, and if we wake up for her, he’ll kick our butts.” Another mass of blankets said from the bunk above us. I laughed, turning to Jordan. He grinned, shrugging.

“Come on guys, let’s not be rude.” The last blankets spoke, shifting to reveal a dirty blonde head with sleepy eyes and a wide smile. He rubbed his eyes, jumping out of the top bunk he had been sleeping in, revealing that he was wearing nothing but sweatpants.

“I’m Jack.” He said, holding out his hand. I smiled, holding up my camera quickly and taking a candid photo of him before shaking his hand.

“I’m Ruby.” I said, smiling.

“Alright! I’m up!” The first blankets said, groaning from Alex’s continuous punching. They sat up, falling down to show a brunette with a buzz cut.

“This is Ruby.” Alex said, smiling proudly. The brunette waved sleepily.

“I’m Rian.” He said. The last blankets sat up from above Rian quickly.

“I’m up!” He said, shaking his dark brown hair out of his face. He looked around quickly and disoriented, his eyes landing on me.

“I’m Zack.” He said, obviously glad to find the source of the commotion. “You’re Ruby.” He said, pointing at me. I giggled, taking a quick picture of him and Rian.

“Yeah, that’s me.” I said, putting the camera down.

“Give us a few minutes to get dressed, Jordan. Then we’ll come out and meet up with everyone.” Alex said, and Jordan nodded.

“Okay. Come on, Ruby.” I nodded, taking another shot of all four of them before following Jordan off the bus. We were walking back to our bus when another bus pulled up, this one orange, red, and yellow.

“Who’s that, Jordan?” I asked, stopping to look at the large bus. Jordan frowned slightly, and I knew instantly that something was wrong. Jordan was normally a cheery guy, never frowning without a really good reason.

“BLG is here. Come on, I guess we should introduce you.” I bit my lip, wondering why Jordan’s voice was tinged with a hint of reluctance. I followed him to the bus, waiting cautiously as he knocked on the door. A blonde haired man opened the door, fully dressed and awake unlike Alex had been. He smiled, and I wondered again why Jordan seemed upset. This boy seemed nice.

“Hey, Jordan. You must be Ruby; it’s nice to finally meet you. I’m Bryan.” He said, first to Jordan and then to me, extending a hand. I smiled, shaking it.

“Nice to meet you, Bryan.” I said, and held up my camera, taking a quick picture. He laughed.

“Well, that is your job. Come on in guys.” He said, turning away and leading us into the bus. Jordan and I followed, Jordan apprehensive, me curious. I looked around the bus, passing the neatly made beds that were empty. Bryan led us to the back of the bus, where the rest of the band was located. They looked up at us, and I quickly took a picture, smiling at the outcome. The middle one with a notebook in his hand and dark brown hair stood up, smiling with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He extended his hand.

“I’m Martin.” I smiled, he seemed charming. I reached out and shook his hand.

“I’m Ruby.” He smiled, holding onto my hand and lifting it, kissing it lightly. I blushed slightly, looking down shyly. Jordan frowned deeper, coughing. Martin laughed, letting go of my hand.

“Calm down Jordan, I was just being a gentleman.” Jordan rolled his eyes, muttering something about how being a creep wasn’t being a gentleman. Martin either didn’t hear him, or ignored him, turning back to me.

“It’s nice to meet you, Ruby. This is our guitarist, Paul, and our drummer, John. I see you’ve already met Bryan, our bassist.” Martin said, and I nodded.

“It’s nice to meet you all.” I said, waving slightly at the two guys behind Martin. They smiled, waving back.

“Come on Ruby, we should probably be getting back to our bus.” Jordan said, turning to leave.

“Oh, alright.” I said, a little taken aback by Jordan’s cold tone. I waved goodbye to the band, and Martin smiled again.

“Come back anytime, Ruby!” He called after us as we left the bus. We walked off, and Jordan closed his eyes, shaking his head.

“What’s wrong?” He looked up at me, shaking his head again.

“Nothing. Let’s just get to the bus.” I stopped in front of Jordan, staring at him.

“We don’t storm off buses for nothing, Jordan Witizgreuter.” He sighed, giving in.

“I just don’t like the way he looks at you.”

“Like what?”

“Like you’re something to eat. Like he’s going to…never mind. Let’s just get back to the bus. I’m sure Christofer is waiting for us so we can get going.”
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