Click, Click, Shoot!

Don't Make Me Swallow Bug Spray.

I would have pressed Jordan more, but at the sound of ‘Christofer’ and ‘get going’, I forgot all about Martin and became excited for the tour to start. We walked back onto our bus, greeted by Christofer and his band. They were sitting down at the little table near the front of the bus writing a song together.

“Hey guys, ready to go?” Christofer asked, looking up. Jordan and I nodded, and he grinned, sending my heart into a tizzy of fast beating.

This is going to be just lovely.

“Great, I’ll go tell the driver.” He got up, moving past us to the front. Soon he was back and the bus was started, moving forward. I couldn’t contain my excitement, I was bubbling over with it. My grin was spread from ear to ear, and I had to sit down in fear of bouncing around and making a fool of myself.

The first venue was only about an hour away, but that was still 60 minutes filled with tortuous anticipation. I walked over to the window seat, practically plastering my face against the window and watching the scenery fly by.

“Excited, huh?” Christofer’s voice startled me, and I whirled around. He laughed lightly, putting a hand on my shoulder.

“Sorry.” He said with a smile. I smiled back quickly, shaking my head.

“It’s okay. Yeah, I’m really excited.” I added, my smile turning into a grin. Christofer’s smile turned into a grin, and I felt those dang butterflies again.

Don’t make me swallow bug spray.

“I know how you feel. I remember my first tour. I couldn’t sit still. My band mates wanted to kill me.” He said, laughing. I smiled widely; he had a nice laugh. I shook my head slightly, getting rid of the thoughts. I had to be professional or this tour wouldn’t go well.

“Oh, I’m sure you weren’t that bad.” I said.

“Trust me, he was that bad.” Dustin said from the couch, laughing and shaking his head. Christofer laughed again.

“Oh, thanks dude.” He said, mock glaring at Dustin. Dustin waved his hand dismissively.

“Just telling the truth.” He said before turning back to his iTouch, playing a game. Christofer shook his head before turning back to look at me.

“Anyway, I’m glad you’re on this tour.” He said, flashing another one of those stomach twisting smiles. I smiled back quickly.

“I’m glad I’m here too.” I said. Jordan walked out of the back room, coughing slightly.

Christofer and I jumped, realizing how close we were standing. I looked away quickly out the window, trying to stop the blush that was creeping over my cheeks.

“So, either of you hungry?” Jordan asked, chuckling slightly. I stared out the window, trying to calm down.

“Food sounds nice.” Christofer said, sounding completely unaffected by embarrassment.


“Yeah, food is good.” I said, feeling calm enough to turn around now. Jordan smiled.

“Cool. Ruby, wanna help me with the food?” He asked, and now I knew I was in for it. No one else noticed the undertone to his words but me, and that was understandable. None of these guys had been best friends with Jordan since ever.

“Sure.” I said, getting up and following him into the small kitchenette. I braced myself for the inevitable barrage of words that was coming, but it was silent. Jordan dug around, looking for some pots and pans to cook in.

“You’re not mad?” I asked surprised. Jordan looked over at me confused.

“Why would I be mad?”

“Because I was up close and personal with Christofer. You normally get upset when I’m with a guy.” I said, biting my lip. Jordan stood up, shaking his head.

“To be honest, he’s someone I would trust you with. Much better than some other people on this tour,” He said, muttering the last line under his breath. I frowned.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” He mumbled, moving around the kitchen again.

“Jordan, I swear, if you don’t tell me right now-”

“Ruby, it’s really not important. Please just let it go.” He said, his voice sharp. I frowned deeper.

“Fine, grumpy.” I said, jumping up onto the counter and watching Jordan. “What’s for lunch?”

“Whatever I can stir up from this kitchen.” Jordan said, laughing.

“We could always go through a drive-thru.” Nathan said, strolling in and grabbing a can of Mountain Dew from the fridge.

“That’ll go over well. I can see the headlines now. Band members trampled by fans while waiting in line for food.” Jordan said with a snort, turning around to look at Nathan. Nathan shrugged.

“We could send Ruby in.” He said, motioning towards me. Jordan looked over and down at the pots and pans in his hand.

“It would make cooking dinner a lot easier. Are you up for it?” He asked me. I nodded, jumping down from the counter.

“Sure! It’s not like I’m ever going to see those people again.” Nathan and Jordan gave me confused looks.

“Why would that matter?” I rolled my eyes. Leave it to guys to not understand.

“I’m going to be ordering for a bunch of guys. They’re going to think I’m a fatty.” Jordan burst out into laughter, shaking his head.

“Girls.” He snorted, and Nathan laughed. I frowned, crossing my arms.

“Gee, thanks.” I said sticking my tongue out at them both. Jordan laughed again, slinging his arm over my shoulder.
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