Status: Having trouble with the error things. Got no clue what they mean. So got to wait till i figure that out ~Angel Girl

Forbidden Romance (Werewolf Love)

View like no other

Chapter 6
Klare's POV

Waking up early after a movie/party night. I decided to clean up a little bit but before that i gotta change.

'Now what to change into'....i thought of course that would be weird talking to yourself. Out loud. Oh wait i do that.

Getting up off the bed of course...and walking straight to my closet and sliding it open. Well that's obvious of course. Lets skip through all this boring stuff to right after she is ready.

Walking out of the bathroom, that is across the hall, fresh from the shower in a pair of light short shorts, and a light blue and black (can't really tell if that is black or brown but I'm saying black cause that goes with the stud earrings) tank top, there are flower designs and stuff on it. My jewelry which consists of the red ruby heart shaped ring on my right ring finger, another ring that says peace with a little blue stone in the center of the swirl of the P on my left middle finger, a sterling sliver blue faced watch on my left wrist, a crystal heart bracelet that has other little circle charms on it that is placed onto my right wrist, there is a sterling heart necklace, sliver looking half hoops (i am not sure if it is Sterling or not but it looks it so in my first whole and black rose studs in my second holes (i think they look pretty...what do you think?....well i don't expect a response but ya...OK shutting up now). Now that's my outfit. (OK i can't keep quite for is the link for the outfit.. tell me if it doesn't work)

Going back to my room to grab my phone off its charger and setting it in my pocket and heading downstairs to where the party was at. Turning on the light and walking down the stairs but before i hit the bottom i stop completely in shock.

"Wow." Pausing to look around. "That's a lot of trash." Pausing again and guess what i looked around again. "This is going to be fun." And guess i paused...i know shocking."This will take forever....might as while start now" Starting out normal but turning into a mumble at the end. Looking at the time to see that its only 7:43 am. Wow i woke up early, i must be still in school mode. lol school mode. Grabbing a bunch of trash bags and starting to clean up

~fast forward, you probably don't want to read about her cleaning up other people's garbage~

After 3 hours of cleaning. Yea THREE HOURS!!!!! My feet hurt. God and it was so disgusting. Looking around, proud of myself that there is no evidence of the party besides the very little well actually there isn't any more alcohol left.

Since its 10, I might as well go wake up Amethyst. She had long enough time to sleep. Walking back up to the room, i receive a text but i ignore it, and thinking of a way to wake up Sky (if you forgot like i did Sky is Ame. Sorry, Demon).

Light bulb flashing above my head. I know so cartoon. Anyways, an idea struck me. It's an old thing i know but it is fffuuuunnnyyyy!!! Grabbing a cup, and filling it with of course cold water and walking to my room.

Coming close to her ear, I whisper sweetly. "Sleeping Beauty wake up.” HA sleeping beauty....kidding she is pretty. Way prettier then me. Insert mental pout here.

“No!! I don’t want to. Let me sleep.” She says sleepy and rolls onto her other side.

Standing up and threatening. "If you don’t wake up now I will dump this cold cup of water on you."

"Fine! I'm up." She shoots up into a sitting position.

I hope this doesn't get onto my bed. Oh well. "I don't care." Thrashing the contents of the cup at her and bolting away from her. And now I'm getting chased after in my own home. Stopping dead in our tracks in the living room when we heard the door bell ring. We look at each other.

“Lets go see who it is.” Sky says walking over to the lovely wooden door and looking through the glass that's besides it. "Omg! It's Kyle and Jake!" She turned looking at me. Why are they here?

"Well then open it." Saying like its obvious that she should do that. Well it is obvious. Standing off to the side while she opens the door there is silence.

Complete silence until Ame says. "What are you staring at?" Well she must be confused cause i am too. I didn't get to the response, i guess i was too far away or he was quieter then i thought, wait i wonder who he is. Cause i don't know who spoke. Well that's kinda obvious especially if i didn't hear them. But before i got a chance to ask who spoke and what they spoke i got a death glare from Sky. Ahhh boys will be boys once it dawned onto me what they were probably talking about. Her walking upstairs, i snicker before i walked over to the door.

"Hi." I say with a little bit of shyness there.

"Hey" Jake.

"Hi." Kyle.

"Uh. Come on in. You can sit in the living room." Saying as i move aside and let them pass me by and pointing to the direction of the TV. I follow behind after shutting the door and locking it. Hey don't think anything bad or weird of it. It is there for protection. And I'm not being sarcastic. You don't know what kind of sphyco that might want to come in your house and take you or attack you or something like that. You can never be to safe. Well actually you can, but I'm not gonna get into that. Locking door = protection, bottom line. Even though with those two guys in there, especially kyle with those big strong bronzed skin muscled bodies....OK off track here. Anyways, hope you get where i am going at here.

Sitting in a single person chair, and the Kyle and Jake sitting on the couch that is to the right of me, with the TV to the left and the window across me. We just look around and at each other. Well this isn't awkward at all. Ame walked back downstairs after awhile changed. Thank god maybe she can take away the awkwardness.

“So what are the plans for the day?” She asked looking at everybody.

"Well how do you two feel about watching a movie?” I suggested its something and the awkwardness will hopefully go away. And we won't get so bored so fast if its a good movie.

“Sounds fun, but no chick flicks.” Kyle said with fright in his voice and face. Wow, does he actually think i would let someone choose a chick flick. God, they are always so boring. I only watch them if i want to sleep or if i feel like i need to cry. They give me the excuse to cry.

“That’s no fun, but since you said that you can choose.” Ame says a little fake disappointment and she walks out to the kitchen. As she leaves awkwardness comes in. And the room is deadly quite except the murmurs of her voice.

"So.....Out of curiosity. Why did you guys come here?" I asked politely and absolutely desperate to get rid of the awkwardness. I hate it, i always hated that feeling.

Looking at each other, Jacob shrugged and looked back at me and said. "We were bored and thought we could hang out with Ame and you and maybe help clean up."

"Oh. umm. Well I already cleaned it up while Sky was asleep. But that's sweet. Um...." I think the cleaning up thing was just an excuse. What boy wants to clean up? I don't even want to clean up. But being clean makes it easier to be organized. And silence erupts into this room once again.

"I'm gonna go see what Amethyst is doing." Jake announces while standing up and walking over to the kitchen. I just nod my head while i follow him with my eyes till he leaves the room.

"So..." I say trying to get the awkwardness to go away. I hate it make it go away. Image that last line in a whiny way.

"So." Kyle just says. "What do you have planned for today?"

"Nothing really. Today is just the boring day. I don't start work till tomorrow." I said with a shrug of the shoulders.

"You work?" He says with a little shock. And i nod my head. "Where do you work?"

"I work at the library." I said with a little smile. (By the way i never read twilight series, i don't know what kind of places are in Forks or La Push. So just go with it please. The most i read out of the book was one page. I thought it was boring. And the knowledge i have of Twilight series is from the stories here. Sorry if i screw anything up.)

"That's cool." He said kinda bored but gets right back to being happy with a smile. "Do you want to hang out with me today?"

"I thought that was what we were going to do with Jake and Ame? So....ya i thought that was already decided?" I sort of questioned confused.

"No i mean just me and you." He clarifies.

"Oh." I said shyly with a tint of red to my cheeks. "Yea, we could hang out today." He chuckles and i look back up to him to see him smiling at me.

"After the movie of course." He says still looking at me. "We should pick out the movie."

"Yea, they are over there." Point to a set of draws under the television. He walks over to them and pulls them open. "There are a lot of movies."

"Yea, you ain't kinda me." He says glancing back up at me, curled up in my chair. After he looks down i get up and sit on the floor close to the draws and him.

"What kind of movie do you want to watch?"

" don't really know. Maybe something with action?"

"Well over here." Sliding over to the opposite side of drawers and opening them to show more DVDs. "Are the action and horror movies." He closes the other draws and walks over to the ones near me. Kneeling back down, he looks throw them. Making comments on some them.

He finally choices were Mr. Woodcock, Transformers 2, or V for Vendetta. Looking between the three he says. "You choose."

Looking at them all and then looking at them again i point to V for Vendetta and look up at Kyle seeing him look at me and i say "That one. V for Vendetta"

He looks back down to it and nods his head. "OK." He puts the other ones away. We both stand up and he looks pretty lost.

I try not to laugh at how cute his face looks but a little laugh escaped my attempt. He just looks at me confused. "Here let me just set it up." He hands me the DVD and sits down the couch in front of the TV. Walking over to the TV i set everything up, you know turning it on putting it on the right setting turning the DVD player on and stuff like that. After doing all that i turn around and get ready to sit over in the chair that i was previously sitting in. But Kyle stops me.

"Why don't you sit here, by me?"

"Um..."Looking unsure but walking to him anyways. I sit next to him maybe a little to close, but when i was going to slide away a little he just puts his arm around my shoulder. I look up at him and see him staring at. We lock eyes and we just look at each other. A door bell interrupts us, and pretty much scared the poop out of me. I jumped so high i sort of....kind of..... landed on top of Kyle. And then having Ame scream "I got it!" out of no where made it even worse cause i just clung to him. He just chuckles and holds onto me. I just laugh softly and loosen my grip just a little. My heart is still beating pretty fast. Hearing the door slam shut, puts me into a curious confused mood, and i want to be a detective about it. So i let go of Kyle, he automatically lets go of me. And i just walk around the couch and hide near the wall that is next to the steps that is in front of the stairs so i can see what is going on. But the problem with hiding, is that you are so far away to the point where you can't hear anything. Sad i know but I'm working on that. Kyle walks up behind me and places his hands on my waist. I don't even think about it, it just seems so natural, i don't worry or freak about it.
I see her hugging him, words being exchanged. Now i wish i had super hearing i hate it. OK, now what is he doing? Is that Eddie? he he i call him I'm an idiot. oh well. What is going on?!? OK now I'm totally confused door shut, kissing going on and door bell go off again. They must really like each other. That or.... ya I'm just gonna leave it with that. Oh look pizza!!! I know that dude.

"We should get back." Kyle said. He's right, watching other people is not only creepy but plain out rude. Nodding my head once and walking back into the living room with Kyle right behind me. We sit back down in the chair but I'm a little bit cozier to him, and he has his arms wrapped around me, watching the previews. Soon the other too joined us with food. Placing it on the table that is between all of the chairs and couches. They grab what they wanted and we grabbed what we wanted and i pressed play onto the remote and the movie begins.

~2 and half hours later- movie over~

Food gone, credits rolling, and everyone comfortable in their positions. Jacob with Ame in his arms and me in Kyle's.

"Well, that was i good movie." Ame noted.

"Hmhmmmm." I mummered (?) and snuggled into Kyle. I'm sleepy now.

"You tired there?" Kyle asked with a chuckle.

I nod and snuggle even more. "Nap nap time." I mumbled into his side and wrapped my arms around his waist. Pretty much everybody laughed.

After awhile Amethyst announces, "I'm bored so lets go do something."

"OK. I know what we can do." I say.

"And whats that?" Jacob questions.

"Sleep." I state and close my eyes. They laugh....again.

"Well, I'm not that tired but lets go do something." Ame said.

"Why don't you guys go do something, since i was gonna take Klare somewhere but she is to tired. But we aren't stopping you." Kyle suggested enphaizing on was.

"OK." Jacob jumps to that. And he also jumps up and Ame does the same. They walk right out the door.

"You could have gone with them. You know?"

"What feel like the third wheel? Or...feel like I'm going to be sick seeing them make out all the time. And why would i leave you by yourself?"

"I don't know." He just chuckles again.

"Why don't we do something?" I question, standing up and stretching.

"I thought you were tired?"

"I am. But i don't want you to be bored and you did say that we could hang out today and sleeping does not consist of hanging out. So lets go do something."

He chuckles and nods his head and says at the same time. "OK."

"What do you want to do?" Walking into the kitchen with him behind me. I grab a mug and coffee stuff and begin the coffee maker.

"We could...." He pauses thinking "go to the cliff?"

"Cliff?" He nods. "OK." He nods his head and moves from leaning against the wall to sitting on the island chair and leaning forward. "Would it be OK if i bring my camera?" I asked shyly as i walk around the kitchen grabbing some stuff.

"Yea. Bring it."

"OK. Do you want anything?" I ask looking at him.

" you got coke?"

Walking over to the fridge to make sure. "Yep" I pop the p. I grab it and hand it over to him. Walking back over to the coffee maker i make myself a cup. Sitting on the opposite side of him i stir my coffee without looking up. I can feel his eyes on me. I lift my head and drink my coffee then i look up at him. Yep he's looking at me. I look away again and place my coffee on the table. I began stirring the cup as i avoid him.

"Why haven't i seen you around before? You new here?" Kyle breaks the beginning of my day dream.

"Oh.. uh.. no i lived here my whole life." I finally look up at him.

"Why haven't i seen you before?" He questions again.

I shrug. "My parents don't like me around La Push, for some reason."

"Hm" He said, well made noise while nodding his head up and down.

Finishing up my cup with a last sip i get up and put it in the sink, rinsing it out. Kyle gets up and throws the cup away.

"Ready to go?" Kyle asks.

"Um....yea just let me grab my stuff and we could go." I say while turning to leave the room.

"Ok." He says while i leave the room heading upstairs to grab everything.

Coming back down with gray and white puma sneakers on, camera in hand, cell in pocket, keys in my other hand and ready to go. "Kay, lets go."

Kyle opens the door for me and follows me out.

"Want to take me jeep?" I ask while looking up to him. God i feel short next to him. (Jeep- C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\Pictures for Who Knows story\Klare's jeep.jpg picture it with a dark blue color instead of that color)
He looks over at it and says sure.

Getting in the car he give me directions to it. Parking my car at the beach since he said we had to walk the rest of the way there. Going through the woods and up the rocks we reach to the top to a beautiful view. I just stare at it in aw. After awhile i start to take pictures. I walk back some to get a more of a wide view. I go back to the point where Kyle would be in them. He's looking out over the cliff. I snap pictures of him. Hoping he doesn't notice. Cause if he does that would be just plain weird. He turns around. I still take pictures of him. Still hoping but right now i don't care. He looks like and Egyptian god. (Sorry i didn't know what else to compare him to. Not so good at comparing things or people.) I stop taking pictures and i just look at him and he looks at me. I shy away. Of course I'm the one that breaks it off and gets scared. Kyle walks up to me and sits down next to me. I sit next to him. After quietly watching the view of the ocean. We start talking, asking questions about each other. And we just stay there for hours.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok its official i suck at writing stories. I think pictures are more for me. Not even poems cause mine suck. Lisa and Alyssa don't lie to me i know they do. So i guess im just going to complain on how terrible i write but continue writing. Someone please be honest with me and tell me what you think of my writing. I hate people who lie, so please dont.

Love the world. Cause the world loves you.
Angel Girl