A True Romance

Some Answers But Still More Questions

Jess woke up early the next morning and went outside to walk around and think. The crisp morning air made goosebumps appear on his arms as he shivered. He kept thinking about what Mr. Burke and him spoke about a few days ago.
"Jesse," Mr. Burke began as soon as Jess entered the house, "thanks for coming." He paused as he motioned for Jess to take a seat on the couch opposite of him. "I wanted to know what your thoughts are about Leslie." Jess just stared at Mr. Burke blankly for a while as he tried to gather his thoughts. "Well she is a great friend and..." he got cut off by Mr. Burke quickly. "I don't think I worded myself correctly sorry. What i mean is what are your feelings toward her?" Instantly Jess's face turned bright red, "She is the most amazing and beautiful girl I have ever met." he whispered quietly. Mr. Burke just nodded silently, "I figured that would be something along the lines that I would hear. You know she feels the same way towards you right? When we left she kept asking for you and tried to find you. I won't tell her about what we are speaking about if you don't want me to." Jess looked up gradually, "Don't tell her yet." Mr. Burke just nodded, "Okay, and Jess please take care of her I already almost lost her once."
Jess opened up his eyes and looked over towards the Burke house. He walked over to the house and when he knocked on the door Mr. Burke answered. "Hi Jess, Leslie is upstairs getting ready for school. You can go up if you want to." Jess thanked him then slowly climbed up the stairs. He turned left towards Leslie's room. When he got to the room he turned around out of embarrassment. She was half dressed looking for clothes to wear.. "Umm I'll wait downstairs." he said when she looked up and saw him. Jess went into the kitchen and sat down waiting for Leslie. When Leslie came downstairs ten minutes later she looked at Jess quickly and turned tomato red. "Are you ready to go to the bus stop?" he asked quietly. She nodded her head and they left to go wait for the bus. "I'm sorry for walking in like that. Your dad said that i could go upstairs." Jess whispered when they stopped to wait for the bus. "What...? Oh it's okay don't worry about it," she said distractedly. She began to study him intently for some reason. "What Leslie?" he asked after a minute or two. "Why did you come to get me this morning?" she hesitantly asked. 'Well... I was just thinking about part of your dad and my conversation from a few days ago.
"Can you tell me what you two spoke about?" she whispered as the bus pulled up. After they sat down he looked over to her and finally responded. "I can give you a hint," he simply said and leaned over to kiss her cheek. She looked up at him surprised, "That doesn't tell me anything!" Jess just stared at her, "It should tell you at least part of the conversation." Her head tilted sideways as she started to think. "Can you just tell me!" she whined after a minute. "Now how would that be fun my queen?" At this she jumped back in surprise. Jess hasn't called her his queen since the day before the accident. "Please tell me." she whined again. "How about we go to Terabithia after school and I can tell you then." They got off the bus in silence. "Do you promise that you will tell me." she asked. "Yes I do promise." he whispered into her ear then gave her a quick hug before running off to his locker. For the second time in two days Leslie stood still surprised at what just went on. When she composed herself she went off to her first period class.