One Way Escape

New Place, Same Old Me

I felt happy to just be gone from that town,

I was hoping that once I landed,

I would come off the plane a whole new person,

And I wouldn't go home empty handed.

But when I did get off the plane,

I still felt the same,

Same game,

Same pain.

We were schedualed to spend the day at the beach,

It sounded like fun,

Look at some shops, Swim in the sea,

Maybe soak up some sun.

But how could I do it?

When I felt this way,

Could something, please,

Brighten my day?

We boarded the buses,

Collected our luggage from the return bin,

And then we were off,

Hopefully somewhere to get rid of the mood I was in.

For california weather,

The air was cool,

Thinking this place would be great,

I was a damn fool.

Friends of mine decided to get in their suits,

I tagged along hoping maybe it's warm up,

The water was like ice,

And it didn't pull me from my rut.

A friend and I stuck together

We walked around and then basked 'til the end,

Two others joined us,

I then made a new friend.