Status: Complete!

A Party Song

The perfect plan.

"Guys! Guys!" Kennadee's voice rang from down the hallway, Rian, Kara and I turned around to see Kennadee and Alex, pushing through the crowd and rushing their way towards us.

"Calm down. What?" Rian asked.

"We just found the perfect way to destroy Lisa and her little posse" Kennadee smirked.


Rian's car pulled up to Alex's house. As he did, we could hear the music blaring out of the speakers, and the smell of pure alcohol. Rian, Jack, Kara, Kennadee and I walked up to the house, as I was about to ring the doorbell, Kennadee rolled her eyes and turned the doorknob, opening it. She looked around the room and finally spotted Alex who was over in the living room talking to Zack and some other girls. Kennadee walked over.

"Are they here yet?" she asked.

"Ryan is, Lisa's not" he told her. She nodded and went over to the drink table. The rest followed. They grabbed beers.

"Wait!" Kennadee stopped them. "Who's turn is it to be the designated driver?" she asked.

"Well you did the last 3 times, so definitely not yours"

"Oh right, that was when it was supposed to be Jack's turn, but he was wasted, and I drink the least. Then the other time it was supposed to be Alex's, but this is his house, so, guess it's on you Jack. Use your two wisely" she winked.

"What?!" he sighed. The group walked away, leaving Jack and I behind. "Do you drink?" he asked me.

"Uhm, not really"

"Have you ever tried it?" he asked.

"Well, um, once, but I didn't like it. When I was 14. But I didn't get invited to a lot of parties, so I never tried it again after that" I told him.

"Well, not to force you or anything, but how'd you like to try something again?" he asked giving me a weak smile. "It's all up to you"

Shit. I have to. They'll think I'm lame if I don't. "I-well, uhm, I-, okay" I mumbled.

"Are you sure?" Jack asked with concern. I nodded and he grabbed me a drink. "Alright then, we'll start you off plain and simple, beer" he said handing me the bottle.

"Thanks" I muttered, popping the bottle. I took a sip, the bitter taste of alcohol flowing into my mouth. It wasn't bad, but it didn't taste the best either. Just then I heard the door slam in the entrance way and looked over, there was Lisa with her posse. All of them dressed in matching outfits. Oh good god.

"Well, time for this stupid plan to be triggered" Jack mumbled. I spot Kennadee in the crowd with Kara.

"She's here" I whispered. Kennadee nodded.

"Tell Alex" she whispered back. I went over to Alex and tapped his shoulder, he was talking to a girl. I rolled my eyes.

"What?!" he asked turning around as he saw me he looked embarrassed. "Uh, what did you need?" he asked scratching the back of his head. I just pointed to Lisa. He nodded and got up. "Well, I'm sorry but I have to go, I'll see you around, okay?" he told the girl with a wink. I rolled my eyes. He made his way over to Lisa.

"Hey Lisa" Alex greeted. We were watching them around the corner. "Weird, I didn't invite you"

"Oh, baby I know. But I was thinking we could start over again" she told him. He smirked.

"Ugh, it's disgusting watching them"Kennadee complained. Alex grabbed 3 bottles.

"Here's a couple drinks for you and your girls. Enjoy" he said with a grin. She returned the grin.

"Thanks Lex!"

"No problem baby. You finish that shit" Alex told her the huge smile still plastered on his face. As she walked away, he ran over to us. "What's next?"

"We wait until she's wasted..." Kennadee replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading! Feedback?! It's been really good!

Thank you to purplemonster, my mole buddy forever!

And Starscream_x, her awesome co-writer, just cause I love her!
Go check out they're story, Come Back Into My Arms!

HeyThereKrystelle because she makes me feel good when she comments! XD

Come Back Into My Arms:



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