Status: Complete!

A Party Song


Everyone had just got to school, and we were walking down the halls together. It was safe to say none of us were in the best mood.

We were all telling each other our community service, and complaining about it. They were telling me how lucky I was that Ash saved me, and how their parents lectured them. And how lucky I was I didn't have to do the 'picking up garbage for underage drinking' thing at lunch.

We all went our separate ways to our classes as the bell rang. Mine being English with Kara and Rian.

We sat down in our assigned seats, the teacher then took attendance, and started ramble on about the lesson.


The time had finally come for lunch and I was the only one actually allowed to sit down and have my lunch, while the others picked up garbage. Though I was happy I didn't have to pick up garbage, I was kind of lonely. Soon enough, everyone sat down, with pissed looks on their faces.

"I hate Principal Green. What the fuck is picking up garbage going to teach us?" Jack asked annoyed, plopping down on the seat next to me. He turned to me. "You are one lucky bitch" he joked. I giggled.


2 weeks later-

Finally, the all the punishment and grounding had ended for all of us. "Finally, I'm free!" Kennadee said running out of her house.

"I say in celebration, we go to band practice and play as loud as we can to piss of the whole neighborhood, have a nerf gun fight, and order a pizza on Rian!" Jack shouted.

"Let's do it!" Alex replied.

"Yeah!" Rian said. "Wait... hey!" he said shaking his head. Alex turned to Jack.

"Dude, call Merrick and tell him to be at Dawson's asap"

We hopped into our separate cars with our rides, and sped off to Rian's house for our celebration of being free.

Soon the cars pulled up to the curb of the big yellow house, and we rushed into Rian's basement.

"Don't make a mess down there Ri! " his mum called.

"Okay mum!" he replied back running down the stars. Rian went to a room in the back and started rummaging, he soon pulled out enough of the toys guns for each of us, and soon we were at it.

"I got an idea" he smirked. "Glow in the dark nerf " he tossed us each glow stick necklaces. We cracked them, and put them over our necks. He turned off the lights, and we found hiding spots. "And... GO!" he yelled.

I felt like a little kid again, playing with toy guns with my friends, and with my brother and sister. I shot at whatever I could see, or when I saw a green flashing light, indicating it was someones necklace.

I crouched down, and started to move, until I felt a big bump, and someone fell on top of me. I groaned and the lights went on, revealing Jack on top of me, everybody laughed and I blushed. I looked over at Jack who was doing the same.

"You can get off of me now" I laughed.

"Oh, right, sorry" he blushed again, pushing himself up. I reached over for the gun, and loaded it up. I pulled the trigger, shooting the bullets out of him, they hit him and rebounded onto the carpet.

"Got you!" I teased and he grinned at me.


Rian pressed down the end button and sighed. "Pizza should be here in fifteen minutes. In the meanwhile what do you guys want to do?" Rian asked us.

"Let's go play" Jack said getting up and heading toward Rian's garage. Everyone just followed. They played covers, and songs of their own, and finally the pizza came. Rian handed the man the money, and he took off, as we were about to go inside, a man came around the corner.

"Uh, excuse me, boys?" he started and they turned around. We cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Uh, yeah?" Zack replied.

"Was that you playing the music?" he asked.

"Yes" Rian said awkwardly.

"You guys have talent, a future ahead of you. I'm Tom Fergison from Emerald Moon Records, and play a little more for me and I'd be interested in signing you" the man smiled.
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Thanks for reading! Again, loving the feedback, thanks guys! :]

Sorry, it's kind of short.