Status: Complete!

A Party Song

"Juliet, I'll save you!"

I sat down at the seat beside Jack's, but Jack was no where. I looked around the lunch room.

"Where's Jack?" I asked. Alex and Rian shrugged. I sighed and sat down. He'd show up eventually, or, knowing Jack, maybe not. As if on cue, loud, quick footsteps could be heard on the squeaky lunch room floor. Jack ran towards us, phone in hand.

"Guys!" he called out of breath. I cocked an eyebrow at him, and we all gave him a look of confusion.

"Dude. What happened?" Alex asked him.

"I just got us a gig at that place downtown, Blaze at 6! Just think, if we can get Tom, from Emerald Moon to show up, we could get signed!" he laughed. Alex was the first to react. He grinned and hugged Jack.

"Jack, you smart son of a bitch!" he cheered. He let go.

"You guys! This is amazing!" Kara smiled. Kennadee just smirked, and we all gave out hugs to each other. Rian turned to Kara, Kennadee and I.

"We're going to need your help" he told us. We nodded and squealed still excited.


We'd gotten our jobs, Kara's was to make t-shirts, mine was to make posters, and put them everywhere, and Kennadee's was merch bitch. So I here I was, sitting in front of my computer, I put on the details, and added a couple more small decorations to them. Once I was satisfied, I printed one out, and went over to photocopy them.

I spread them around wherever I could find, the park, the mall, the school, wherever the teenagers lingered. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time, it was still just 4:30, and I was out of posters.

I grabbed my keys and headed home, which was 10 minutes away. When I got into the house, I saw Ashley with her head down, sitting down at the table across from my parents. I bit my lip, and tried not to get noticed, going upstairs.

"Ocean Miller, you get back here! You are in so much trouble!" my mum called after me. I sighed and went over to the table, taking a seat beside my sister.

"We got a call from Ocean's school today, looking for Glenda Miller. Would you girls like to explain to me who that is? Cause I see no Glenda here!"

Ashley's eyes widened, and she cupped her hand over her mouth to prevent herself from laughing. I pursed my lips together looking away, ready to do the same.

"We told them there was no Glenda here. Who they presumed to be Ocean's mother. I told them I was your mother. They asked me how Ocean had been doing with her punishment at home and that she finished her punishments at school" Mom stated calmly.

"Yes, the also told us that a bit of a younger women came in, claiming to be Ocean's mother, calling herself Glenda, and trying to get Ocean out of punishments"

Ashley and I said nothing but a chuckle was heard from behind us. I turned around to see Jayden, his eyes wide. I glared at him, he just smirked, shook his head and left.

"You are both grounded for a month, I'll be taking your phones and laptops away" Dad said sternly.

"But-" I started.

"Not buts"

"You can't ground me! I'm a legal adult!"

"You live under my roof, you follow my rules. You're grounded" Mum argued. Ashley sighed in defeat.

"Mom! Dad! That's not fair! The boys have a concert tonight! And they have a chance of getting signed! I won't be there to support them!"

"Well that's too bad, isn't it?" Dad turned me down. "You know, ever since you've become friends with those kids, you've been abusing the rules, not being home on time, getting into trouble, and getting your siblings to lie for you!"

"Your father's right Ocean. In fact, I forbid you from being friends with those kids. It's your senior year, and I want you to do good in school. I don't need you fooling off with those, oh, what's the word? Hooligans! Troublemakers!"

"What! Mom, they're my best friends! Who else am I going to hang out with?!" I shot back.

"Ocean Miller, don't you give me that attitude!"

I ran upstairs, slamming the bedroom door. I finally have a social life, and my parents ruin it all. Thanks Mom and Dad. I grabbed my phone, and dialed Kennadee's number.


"I can't come to the show tonight" I said in an irritated tone.

"Huh? Why not?!"

"My parents, they found out about the video, and Ashley covering for me, and I wasn't home on time. They grounded for a month, and they don't want me hanging around you guys anymore" I explained.

"What? That's crazy."

"Yeah, my mom's exact words, Hooligans! Troublemakers! And I'm getting my phone taken away, so this will be the last time I call you"

"It's okay, I have a plan"


Moments later, I heard a bang on the window and looked out, something small was hitting the glass. I lifted it, and looked around, I looked down, and saw the familiar smile, and skunk hair. Jack to the rescue, Romeo style.

"Juliet! I am here to save you!" he called.

I laughed, and put my index finger over my mouth. "Shh! My parents!" I told him. He nodded. He motioned for me to come down.

"Jack, I can't!"

"Why not? You have to come! This could be one of the biggest nights of All Time Low's career!"

I sighed. I stuck out my index finger, saying 'one minute'. I went over to my door and locked it. I was really about to do this. Prepare to get killed in the morning Ocean, I told myself. I climbed out the window, and grabbed onto the tree, swinging down to where Jack was.

I fell from the tree, he went to catch me, and put me down, he grabbed my hand, and we started to run to his car. The results of this night, would not come out good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading, sorry for the delay and it being short. I got my laptop taken away, a fight with my dad. I'd appreciate feedback, its been going good. Thanks!