Status: Complete!

A Party Song


We went to the boys band practice and it was almost over. They were just finishing a new song they wrote called 'Coffee Shop Soundtrack'. They were great and never missed a beat. They definitely had a future. I met one of their other friends also in the band who went to Towson High. Named Zackary Merrick. He was a sweet, fun and chill boy.

"Hey, my mom is making snacks and stuff. You guys wanna hang out for a bit?" Rian asked.

"Yeah, I'm in" Zack said.

"Sure" Alex agreed.

"Yeah, I'll stay" Kara smiled.

"I have to drive Ocean to get her car. Maybe after though?" Kennadee told them.

"I'll take her. I'm not hungry, and I think I'm just going to hang out at home" Jack offered.

"Thanks Jack" I told him. Kennadee stopped him, they exchanged a couple words I couldn't hear and we made our way to Jack's car.

"Your car is at the school right?" I nodded. Jack and I had become good friends. We talked, usually just small talk when everyone hung out. But we'd never just been by ourselves. He put the keys in ignition and pulled off the curb and into the streets. He pushed the power button to the radio and Blink 182 came flowing out of the speakers.

I grinned at him and he gave me a confused smile. "Blink 182, they're my favorite band"

"Really? They're mine too! They're the main inspiration for our band!"

"I didn't think anyone here liked them. I was an outcast because of the music I listened to at school. Everyone else listening to all the that teeny pop stuff. My old school was all prep. I couldn't stand it, there we're only a couple of friends I had there"

"I don't think I'd be able to stand it either if Dulaney turned out like that" he told me.

We pulled up to the school. "Thanks Jack" I said opening the car door.

"Wait, I have to ask you something" he said.

"Sure thing"

"Will you go to the dance with me?" he asked. I sat there in shock. "I get it if it's a no. I understand" he said snapping me out of the trance.

"I just can't believe that out of all the gorgeous popular girls here at Dulaney, that you choose me to take to the dance" I told him. "Yes Jack, I will go with you to the dance" I smiled.

"I like you. You're not a big flirt, and all over the place. You're chill. A really cool girl. Good. So see you tomorrow then" he replied returning the smile.

"Yeah, see ya" I said walking back to my car. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I was bursting with joy. Jack Barakat, just asked me out.

I love this new life in Baltimore.

The next day;

I sat down at the lunch table and Jack smiled up at me. "Hey guys" I greeted them all.

"So I hear you got a date to the dance" Kennadee smirked. I blushed and so did Jack. Everyone laughed.

"I heard you also got a date to the dance" I shot back playfully. She smiled.

"Mhmm!" was all she said.

"Who's your date?" Alex asked.

"Ryan Sanders. He is so sweet, and so cute" she replied.

"Ryan Sanders?! You've got to be kidding me. That kid is so lame. I don't even know how he gets so many girls. Do you know any other guy in this school that gives girls roses when he asks them out, and kisses their hands?" Alex argued. "He's on the chess team, and still manages to fit in. Or thinks he fits in anyways"

"No, that's exactly what I like about him. He's sweet, kind, generous, and cute!" she debated. "I can date whoever I want!"

"Whatever..." he mumbled. Kennadee rolled her eyes.

"Let's go shopping this weekend. Guys can come too to get your tuxes" Kennadee offered.

"Oh! Can I come?!" Lisa cheered looking at Kennadee. Kennadee opened her mouth, but no words came out when Alex cocked an eyebrow at her with a face saying 'you-better-let-her-come'.

"Fine..." she said in defeat.
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Thanks for reading! :) I appreciate feedback!