Status: One-Shot complete, enjoy! ^^

We Never Grew Out Of This Feeling

I Love You


" Pete? Pete? Pete!" Pete heard a voice calling his name through the crowd. It sounded like her voice, he just shook his head. No, it couldn't be possible. He hadn't heard from her for a few months now, why would she be here now?

" I need to stop thinking about Lyla, she's got a life of her own. But I can't help but think, would it have been different had we stayed together? God I miss that girl. I never stopped loving her.. is that why I'm hearing her right now? Because I'm so desperate, my mind is playing tricks on me to try and make me feel better? We were so in love and this separation is still killing me." Pete whispered to himself. " But does she still love me? The way she did and the way I do?"

" It's killing me too Pete, everyday it was ripping me apart." Lyla said, trying to regain her breath once she reached him. " It still is."

Pete's eyes widen as soon as he set eyes on her, then proceeded to hug her and spin her around. " You have no idea how much I missed this, this holding you, this being near you. I don't ever want to let go again." he whispered into her ear, his breath sending shivers down her spine and his voice making her heart skip a beat.

" Really?" she asked as they pulled back a little, her eyes met his and she searched them for any signs that he was lying. Finding none, a grin crept it's way onto her face, making her seem even more beautiful is possible.

" Really. I still love you and I still need you, please don't leave me again." Pete begged.

" As long as you don't leave me either and I still love and need you too." Lyla said.

" Be mine? Again?" he asked.

" I thought you'd never ask. Yes!" she said and put her arms around his neck, pulling him into a sweet and innocent kiss. When they broke apart, gasping for air, they rested their foreheads against each other with noses touching.

" I love you Pete Wentz." she said.

" I love you Lyla Moore, soon to be Lyla Wentz." he said and she cocked her head to the side in confusion.

" What do you mean Pete?"

" I mean this." Pete said, pulling away and pulled a black box out of his jacket pocket. Then he got down on one knee and asked, " These past few months away have been nothing but torcher for me, but they made me realize how much you meant to me. How much I want and need you in my life, I can't see my future without you in it. So what I'm saying is, Lyla Whitney Moore, do me the honor of becoming my wife. Will you marry me?"

" Only if you say please." Lyla said in a joking manor with tears in her emerald eyes.

" Please."

" YES!" she squealed and tackled him to the grassy green ground in a hug.

" Oof!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoyed it, I'll add a banner later! also, this one shot was set to the song The Best Of Me by The Starting Line