Fake Perfection

Chapter 15

Sarah went upstairs, she approached the door and knocked onto it. No one answered her.

“Bill, I would like to talk to you?” she spoke quietly, but he didn't seem to show any kind of reaction.

At least she didn't hear anything.

Sarah wasn't from those, who was ready to stand behind the closed door and beg for someone to let her in. Of course, this behavior disappointed her, but it was Bill's choice.

She lingered there for couple more moments, but eventually she went to her own room. Sarah lied in her bed there, with her face to the wall...

Bill had yelled at her, and it was his own fault that, this situation had happened in the first place...

But then again, why did she felt so guilty then?


Bill was sitting on the edge of the bed. He had heard Sarah's attempt to talk to him, but he didn't open the door.

He was still irritated, and Bill was affright, that, if he let her in, it would end with another argument. However, when she left, he felt like a jerk.

For about ten minutes he just sat there, considering what to do next. Then Bill stood up slowly, he went to the door and entered the hall.

Bill approached the door, which were right next to Harold's room, for a moment he hesitated, this was harder than he thought. Then he knocked on it quietly, but alike he had done it just a moment ago, Sarah didn't answer him.

Bill wanted to leave, but something made him do the contrary. He pushed the door and it gave up easily. The young male went in and he saw Sarah, she slept on the bed, facing the wall. Girl didn't pay any attention to him.

Bill sighed. He closed the door behind him and slowly approached the bed. She didn't show any sign of that, that she had noticed his appearance.

For a moment he loitered, but then he sat on the edge of her bed. Bill glanced at her, he reached out to put his hand on her shoulder.

“Sarah, I am sorry...” he said quietly.

She stiffened by the touch, but she spoke with him.

“Do you know that it might be serious?”

“I know...” he said quietly.

Girl turned to look at him, Bill gave her a weak smile.

“People care about you. This decision, which you have made, will not make them less hurt if something happens.”

He nodded, but his look slipped away from her.

“I know... and I know that it's stupid and absolutely unnecessary and that I am probably making the biggest mistake of my life, but I need to gain some time. I need to reconsider it all.” he spoke calmly, every single word was said with prudence and wisdom, but for Sarah it still made no sense.

She wanted to hide all those emotions, which came visible on her face. The sudden concern and fear which overtook her was surprising. Girl turned away towards the wall again.

Bill noticed that, he sighed slightly.

The next step which followed from his side confused Bill himself, but he was acting instinctively. He crawled into the bed near with her, wrapping his arms around her frail body. Bill was almost assured that she will shed him, but Sarah only took a deep breath, when she felt his chest against her back.

He embraced her lovingly, and they just lied there for couple of minutes. Sarah felt his warm breathing on her neck, Bill took her hand in his, interlacing their fingers.

She was wearing red nail polish... something about this fact made him smile. However, no matter how much he wanted to have her this close, he still felt unsure about that, what he was doing.

“If I had met you a year ago, I would probably be the most charming guy, whom you had ever known... but now it's different...”

She looked at their hands... why did she wanted to cry now?

Sarah freed her hand, just to turn around, as she nestled against his chest. Bill wasn't expecting for this movement, but he was glad that she did that.

“If this is the way how you are trying to push me away, then you are not doing it very well...” she tried to joke, thought her voice was failing her, it was weak and quiet.

“Am I?” he chuckled lightly.

She was silent. Bill touched her chin, he tilted her head back, so she would look into his eyes. Her gaze was sad... it was easier to look at her when she was irritated.

“Promise me that it will stay between us...” he said quietly.

Sarah averted him: “I can't...”

“Sarah, please.” Bill repeated, “Please... and I will promise you- if things became worse, then I will be the first one, who will ask for you to take me to the doctor... okay?”

She touched his necklace, for a while she staid silent, then Sarah nodded.

“Okay...” she said faintly, giving him a warm, but insecure smile.

Bill looked into her eyes, then he kissed her forehead gently.

Sarah's heart almost stopped each time when he showed her his affection. She would give anything just to stay like this forever.

Bill stroked her cheek softly, it made her look at him again, he smiled, moving down to her mouth. Slowly Bill covered her lips with his, parting them tenderly, as their tongues touched slowly; they shared a passionate kiss, which they both had expected for so long.

He rolled Sarah on her back, girl didn't refuse him. She had rejected Bill for too long, and now she just wanted to feel him.

Bill's hands moved down her body, under her t-shirt further up her rib-cage. His black fingernails stole their way across her skin sending her pleasant shivers. Bill broke their kiss and she felt how he kissed her down to her neck as Sarah arched into him, relaxing in his arms.

Her own hands slid under the plain fabric of his black sweater, Sarah let her fingernails scrap his back, making him tense up a bit. Bill's lips crashed against her with the a dazzling desire, as he pulled her into his body.

All barriers were crushing with a dashing speed, when they were interrupted by a sound, which came form downstairs.

The moment was ruined.

Unwillingly Sarah pushed Bill off herself. He gave out an reluctant groan, but Bill knew, that he had to let her go.

“Tomorrow...” she whispered into his ear, while straggling for a deeper breath, “Tomorrow we will be alone here.”

Bill gave her a playful smile. Sarah kissed him swiftly and slipped out of the bed. Girl straightened her hair and t-shirt, quickly she then threw a short look into a mirror and left to meet the person who had entered the house just minute ago.

Bill fell back into pillows; a heavy sigh escaped his lips... the evening will be tough... however, he was glad that it happened, even if it had stopped before they crossed the final line.

He got out of the bed and went to the door.

Once Bill was downstairs, he met a guy, who was probably older than Bill was. He was good-looking, the guy had short, spiky hair, but dressed he very much alike Georg. Bill seemed to startle a bit.

“Oh, you brought a star to our house...”

Sarah beamed, she looked calm, as if nothing had happened.

“Bill, this is my brother, Harold.”

Harold reached out his hand, Bill smiled returning his greeting. It was nice to know that it was her brother, not some kind of secret boyfriend...

“Bill Kaulitz. I am very pleased to meet you.” he said politely, though Bill would have felt better if Harold wouldn't be here...

Harold smiled at him.

“I am pleased to meet you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
If my characters were able to say what they think of me, I would be dead by now *laughs*
I suppose that you kind of hate me by now... (: