Fake Perfection

Chapter 19

It was surprising how fast Bill could pull himself back together in a short time.

When he came downstairs, he looked good, and it was obvious that he knew how to use the makeup to hide his exhaustion. That concerned Sarah, because it made her think of that, for how long has this been happening already.

Already couple hours later car arrived and both teens were taken back to the mansion. Sarah felt kind of sad for leaving her family again, but she didn't refuse to go back.


Bill's mom had returned home just recently, so Bill shouldn't be worried about that, that he might have to face her.

However, the band mates seemed to be happy to see them again. Guys greeted Sarah and Bill with weird smiles gracing their faces, but, if Sarah was confused, then Bill ignored it openly. After all, he knew them for years, and he was used to hear biting replications.

“What are the closest plans?” Bill asked, after the first rapture was over.

“Tomorrow we have to be at the filming place, David said that this video will be much alike the one which we made for “By your side”.” Tom informed him.

“I thought that we have one more day off...” Sarah glanced at Tom.

“Plans change.”

Bill frowned slightly: “Okay... is there something else what we have to know?”

“Not really.” Georg said calmly, “And how did you spend the last few days?”

“Well, not really the way I wanted to, but all in all it was fine, I guess...” Sarah said thoughtfully.

“What do you mean, with saying, that it wasn't really the way you wanted to?” Gustav tried to get a bit more information.

Bill raised an eyebrow, this sudden interest annoyed him: “Gustav, the more you know, the less you understand. Is that clear?”

Gustav glanced at Bill with a slight smirk playing on his lips, but Bill decided to ignore him form now on.

“Okay... I'll go and put my things down then...” Sarah said thoughtfully, though this was an attempt to escape the drama, which Bill was about to create here.

“Good idea.” Bill muttered.

Tom devoted an enigmatic look to his twin brother. Bill gave him a short glance of hate, but instead of arguing he followed Sarah.


Bill came out of the bathroom, when he heard a knock on the door. He went to open it, but, when he saw Tom's interested face, Bill sighed heavily.

However, Bill stepped aside to let Tom in the room. Tom walked inside, looking quite confident about that, what he was doing.

“What do you want, Tom?” Bill muttered, while he closed the door behind his twin.

In every other situation he would love to see Tom around, but today... well, today just wasn't that day.

“So, how was that?” Tom asked without any hesitation.

Bill wrinkled his eyebrows: “I am sorry, I don't think that I understand you.”

“Oh, do you?” Tom spoke calmly, “I mean, you did get that, what you wanted, didn't you?”

Bill crossed his hand onto his chest. Tom shouldn't be doing this, because Bill was about to lose his restraint, and since he hadn't lost it for a long time already, then it was the same as daring the devil. However, Tom didn't seem to care.


“Tom, I would like for you to leave now.” Bill tried his best to escape the storm.

Tom smirked: “So you did it! Oh, my dear God... Have you lost your fucking mind? When you asked me that, I thought that you were joking...”

“Tom, stop it please.” Bill cut him off.

“Do you even know what kind of consequences it might create?”

Bill averted Tom, the anger was building fast, and Tom was making it even worse.

“What? What kind of consequences?” he suddenly raised his voice the same old sparkle of sarcasm appeared in it, “I just crave to hear it, so why don't you tell me that?”

Tom raised an eyebrow: “Don't you fucking yell at me, Bill!”

“And what else were you expecting? Maybe I had to tell you how grateful I am for your words?” Bill hissed.

Tom hated it when Bill started to act like this. After all, he was the one who had started it, and now he was blaming Tom for things, which didn't even concern him. He moved to leave the room, but, when Tom reached the door, he glanced at Bill again, butt his time with a slight ridicule.

“At least I hope that she was a virgin...”

Bill confused, but only for a split second, because in the next moment he approached Tom and hit him into face with unexpected force.

The sudden attack unsettled Tom, he staggered backwards a bit, almost losing his balance, but Bill didn't show any mercy or regret, instead he was staring at Tom as if he was the lowest creature on this planet.

Tom attacked Bill, without even thinking of it twice.

Shortly after that both twins were fighting like there's no tomorrow, without even thinking of that, that they were hurting each other.

If not Georg and Gustav who came once they heard the noise, then they would have probably killed each other. Sarah also ran into the room, at the same moment, when Georg and Gustav tried to separate them.

Tom pushed away Gustav, making him to understand, that everything was okay, but Bill was still trying to free himself from Georg's grasp, and only after he understood, that it was worthless, Bills stopped that. Only then Georg let go of his band mate.

“David will fucking kill you!” Tom spoke, while straightening his clothes, “She is your band mate, and that, what you did...”

Bill lunged forward, but Gerog managed to stop him.

“Stay out of my life, Tom! It is none of your business!” Bill hissed under his breath.

Sarah, who was already worried, only now understood that she was the reason for this fight.

Bill withdrew Georg, he went to sit down on the bed, where he staid. Tom left the room in a quick pace, Gustav muttered something, then followed Tom. Georg sighed, he shook his head slightly, but he also exited the room. Only Sarah staid, she was looking at Bill, who was trying to regain his patience at the moment.

“What?!” he called out, when he saw Sarah's condemnatory look.

“What was that Bill?”

He chuckled disdainfully.

“You should leave now.”


“LEAVE!” he yelled at her.

Sarah jumped by the sound of his voice, but she didn't move, so Bill decided to ignore her. He just sat there, while Sarah was looking at him with an obvious pity. When she understood that it was meaningless, she decided that leaving was really that, what he wanted form her at the moment.

“By the way, you're bleeding.” she said quietly.

Bill didn't react to those words. Unwillingly Sarah exited the room, closing the door behind her.

Bill raised his look only then, when he was assured that she was gone. He stood up to approach the mirror. She was right, his nose was bleeding.

He went to the bathroom to grab a towel, Bill opened the water and washed off the blood which was already there and then sat down to wait until the bleeding stopped.

Tom and Bill had fought before, but it had never went this far. And what was even worse, Tom had done nothing wrong, he had only rephrased those words, which Bill had said just couple days ago...

Bill glanced at his own reflection, wrinkling his eyebrows lightly.

So, what went wrong?


None of guys asked any questions. They didn't even look at her strangely. Not even Tom, even if he had gotten into a fight for her.

But the evening was still awkward. Bill didn't join them for dinner, so there were only four of them by the table. Sarah was playing with her food, she felt badly for that, what had happened.

“Sarah, it wasn't your fault.” Tom suddenly said.

She glanced at Tom. His words meant a lot for her, so she gave him a weak smile.

“Yeah, Bill and Tom had fought before. Besides Bill is quite tensed up lately.” Georg added.

“Tensed up? I would say that he's crazy...” Gustav added.

Sarah glanced at them. For a moment she felt a huge temptation to tell them everything, what she knew, but then again, this didn't seem to be the right moment.

Sarah stood up slowly.

“I am tired, and I am guessing that tomorrow we will have a tough day...”

“Yeah, video sounds like fun, but actually, I would rather be on stage for 12 hours, than film a video.” Tom approved her sentence.

She nodded : “Good night then.”

They said her the same, she devoted them one last warm smile and left the kitchen. Georg looked after Sarah, his look was thoughtful.

“He'll break her heart...”

“Won't he?” Tom said ironically.

“He will.” Gustav agreed with them, “I mean, already now she cares about him more than she does for herself.”

Tom smirked: “That's so much alike him...”

Georg and Gustav glanced at Tom. But Tom was right, Bill didn't know how to build relationships... but he was damn good at ruining those.


It was two past midnight, when Bill sneaked into Sarah's room.

The house was quiet, and he was the only one who was awake. Bill's insomnia was usual, he suffered form it already since he was 15. Stress and pressure which caused the fame, wasn't left unnoticed. Besides Georg had quite the same problem, so Bill never really complained.

He slowly approached the bed, it was dark, so he had to be careful not to bump into something.

Sarah didn't wake up when the cover moved, she didn't wake up, when Bill got under it near with her, but she did open her eyes when she felt a hand sneaking around her waist.

“Hush... it's me...” Bill whispered noticing her fear.

She reached out to switch on the light, but Bill caught her hand on the halfway.

“What are you doing here?” she whispered, “Someone might see you.”

He chuckled quietly. Sarah felt his body against her back as he locked her into a loving embrace.

“They know that already... besides,” he kissed her neck lightly, “even if they didn't, it wouldn't stop me.”

She smiled. Feeling him this close wasn't so bad after all.

“I am sorry for yelling at you earlier...”

“You crossed the line.” Sarah spoke, but her voice staid quiet, almost a whisper.

“Tom dared me, I lost the control. It happens often...” Bill answered her.

“He's your twin,” she said as she turned to face him, but it was hard to see his face expression in the darkness.

Though, when he spoke, she knew that Bill was smiling.

“You know, having a twin, is the same as having a life mirror reflection. He knows me, and at most of times he is the only one who understands me. But at the same time, sometimes I have a feeling, that he's mocking me... the same movements, the same behavior, the same speech... we're sharing the same essence. There are moments, when I think, that nature plaid out “copy and paste” trick.” Bill stroked her hair lightly, “I love Tom, but sometimes I have a certain wish to be on my own. Do you understand me?”

“I don't think that I do...” Sarah said quietly.

Bill chuckled.

When Sarah felt his hands tenderly caressing her whole body and his lips kissing her hair, she understood that Bill wasn't in a mood for conversations anymore.

Lifting her face, he trailed kisses along her forehead and eyes and cheeks, and finally, his mouth found hers. His tongue gently pushed its way between her lips exploring her mouth.

Warm swells of excitement began to flow through her body and, every trouble faded away. He was here, and it was all what she wanted at the moment. Sarah reached up and brushed her fingertips over his cheekbones, she trailed her fingers down his neck and shoulders then to his ribs.

Bill tugged her tank top, and she let him take it off easily, it didn't take a long time till they feed themselves from the other clothing as well.

He pushed her gently on her back, pinning her hands above her head, holding them with one of his hands, making sure that she couldn't move. He began to kiss her neck, pushing his hips into hers, teasing her. Sarah whimpered with the sudden sensation.

He laughed softly, running his free hand over her breasts, gently squeezing them, caressing each one. She closed her eyes and rolled her head to the side, trying to hold back her excitement, but it was too late, he already knew that she won't be able to reject him. Then, Sarah gasped as she felt a finger probing her most private area, her wetness making it so easy for the finger to slip inside. She tried to pull away, but Bill leaned down and kissed her lips again, parting them with his tongue, he moaned to himself when he felt her respond to the kiss, her tongue dancing against his.

She moaned into his mouth as she felt him add a second finger, sliding both into her as her hips started to move in a slow, sensual rocking. He slowly slid his fingers in and out of her, kissing her lips, enjoying her quiet moans of pleasure.

Sarah broke a kiss, arching herself into him.

“Please...” she whimpered, closing here eyes tightly, “I can't take it anymore...”

“So you want me to stop?” he whispered teasingly, while adding a third finger.

“G-god...” Sarah gasped, “No...”

He smirked: “Then what do you need, dear?”

“You...” she breathed out, “I need you in me...”

Bill smiled, slowly he removed his hand. She felt how he used it to regain the full and almost unbreakable control by taking her both wrists. He pinned her hands above her head again, but Sarah didn't even try to protest. She already had a feeling, that he will never let her gain her dominance, at least not in this kind of situations.

Sarah dropped her head back as he slowly slid his inside her. She moaned and groaned as she felt him fill her, Bill kissed her to suffocate his own passion. He began to move slowly into her with long, slow thrusts. Sarah responded, her hips rocking, meeting his.

He kept kissing her to keep their moans quiet, though they both were failing with this quest.

She was whirling under him. Her body was thinking on it's own, as she tried to break his hold, but Bill only tightened his grip with her every try to free her hands. She whimpered wishing for more, and he obliged her as his thrusts soon became more intense and he groaned softly as they were nearing an orgasm.

Sarah wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper inside. It didn't take long, till her body tensed, as she felt herself let go. She shuddered in a culminative wave of orgasmic delight, as she screamed into his mouth.

Bill could barely control her and himself. It was too much, her body and the entire situation sent him over the edge. He made a final, deep thrusts, holding himself deep inside her as he exploded, filling her, over and over again.

Both were too lost to stop it.

Bill collapsed on top of her, letting go of her wrists. He rolled off of her, they both were breathing heavily.

“You're killing me, you know that?” he uttered after a short respite.

“Yeah... my dad will kill you, if I end up being pregnant...”

Bill chuckled while pulling her into a loving embrace. That wasn't what he thought, but he didn't wish to spoil the moment.
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Okay... I think that I should stop with these chapters and go back to the story...