Fake Perfection

Chapter 25

No one could have imagined Bill would make such a scandal, after his mom and Tom announced him, that they had to cancel the tour. They even had to call doctors to settle him down. However, his reaction did not change the fact that the tour had to be canceled.

The next few days were very hard for everyone. Bill was forced to stay in the hospital for some time, while his band mates had to face the press. It was Tom, who was put under the biggest pressure. For some reason press thought that he knew every single detail about Bill's health. They buried him under the ton of questions to which he had no answers.

And then there were also financial problems. Even if the band said that they will play all those shows, which they had promised to play, as soon as Bill will be able to get back on stage, they still couldn't call the date or even a month, when it will happen,so, the band had to play huge fines for breaking the contracts, to escape any other possible difficulties.

David joked that this was probably the worst year of his life. However, he also said that there was always the next year.

Fans adored Bill and they were worried, and it meant that they will be waiting for his comeback.


“When will they understand it?!” Tom said angrily, after they left the room, where they had another press conference, “I don't know anything about it! Do I look like a doctor to them? I don't think so! The fact that I am Bill's twin, doesn't mean that I know everything, what is happening with him, or his health!”

“Calm down.” David bespoke him.

“Why can't they understand that Bill will give all those answers as soon as he will be able to face the press! I am not him, I can't just come up with some kind of theory!”

“Tom, stop it please!” Sarah tried to calm him, “We are all tired and nervous, spare your nerves, it is not worth it.”

“She's right.” Georg added, “Besides, the fact that you are mad, will not change the situation.”

“Yeah, it will make it only worse.” Gustav said approvingly.

“Can we go back to the mansion now?” Sarah asked, looking at David.

He nodded. “Yes. You all deserve some rest, this was a long day.”

“Tell me about it...” Tom muttered.

His band mates smiled weakly. Tom was in a bad mood, and it was pretty much the only one mood he had lately. It didn't surprise them, though. After all, Bill was his twin brother. You couldn't get any closer than that, no matter how much you tried.


Sarah came into the living room and there she found Tom. He sat on the couch, changing the TV channels. Everything would be okay, if only he paid any kind of attention to that, what those channels were showing.

Sarah sighed heavily. She approached Tom and took the TV remote out of his hand. When she did that, Tom jumped slightly. Obviously, he hadn't noticed her, when she came into the room.

“Oh... hey...” Tom said uncomfortably.

“Hey there.” Sarah answered calmly.

She turned off the TV and threw the TV remote on the table.

“You should really try to calm down, you know?” Sarah spoke, looking at Tom with a slightly worried look. “I don't really think, that we need another band mate, who has some kind of health issues.”

Tom smiled weakly. “I know. I am so sorry about my behavior lately, but...”

“Don't be sorry.” Sarah calmed him.

She sat near with him on the couch. “It's not like we don't understand you. It's just... Bill will be out of the hospital soon, and I don't think that he will like the fact that you are worried.”

Tom chuckled. “Oh, he will be thrilled! Bill is a real fiend, when it comes to attention.”

Sarah glanced at him weirdly. “He is not that bad...”

“No he is. Why would he became a star otherwise?” Tom laughed. “No, my brother likes the attention. And I would be lying, if I said that I don't like it.”

Sarah smiled. “So you both really are similar.”

“You can't even imagine...” Tom said a bit thoughtfully. Suddenly he turned serious again.

“Ah,” Sarah sounded annoyed suddenly. “That's it!” She stood up, grabbing Tom's hand. She pulled him up to his feet. “Come on! I have an idea! Go, get the others! We are going out!”

“What?” Tom confused.

“You heard me?!” she spoke with a clear determination now, “I just have to make a phone call, and then I will take you out to have some fun!”

Tom wrinkled his eyebrows, but Sarah ignored it. She touched his shoulder and spun him around. Tom let her do that, otherwise she wouldn't be even able to move him form place.

“Well, don't you just stand there!” she called out, pushing him from behind slightly, “Go and make sure that you came back with Gustav and Georg by your side.”

Tom still didn't know what she was up to, but he fulfilled her “request”. He left to get Gustav and Georg.

Sarah smiled happily. She slid her hand into her pocket, taking out her cell phone. Sarah dialed the number and put the phone to her ear. She didn't have to wait for a very long time, until she received an answer.

“Hallo?” It was a boy's voice.

Well, it only sounded boyish, actually its owner was 19 years old. It was Rick, she knew him from school, and they plaid in the same band, before she decided to join “Tokio Hotel”.

“Hey, Rick! How are you?”

“Sarah? Hey, Sarah! I haven't heard your voice in a while. I am good. How are you doing?”

“I am fine, I guess. Thank you.”

Rick chuckled on the other side of the phone. “You're welcome... So, what's up? Why are you calling me?”

“I wanted to ask you for a small favor, if you don't mind.”

“Not at all. You have my attention.”

“Good.” Sarah said happily, “Rick, could you bring our band together? Just for tonight.”

“Umm... sure... I think so. Why?”

“Have you heard about Bill Kaulitz?”

“Yeah... I am so sorry, I know that he is a lead singer of your band.”

“He is...” Sarah said thoughtfully, “Well, what I wanted to say, is that other guys are really down and upset at the moment, so I wanted to cheer them up. And, I decided, that meeting you guys would be a nice plan. After all, you know how to cheer people up.”

Rick laughed on the other side of the phone. “Yes, I am guessing that it is our specialty...”

“So...” Sarah asked him, “Can I bring them over to your house for tonight?”

“Sure, why not. When will you be here?”

“After an hour or so...” Sarah said thoughtfully.

“Great. I'll make couple phone calls and we will be waiting for you here then.”

Sarah couldn't hold back her smile. Rick was one of her best friends, she loved him to death.

“Thank you so much! And who knows, maybe you will have an opportunity to jam with the guys.”

“Sounds great!” Rick said in his usually cheerful voice, “I'll see you then!”

“Bye!” Sarah said.

She managed to finish the conversation just on time. As soon as she put her phone back into the pocket, Tom, Gustav and Georg came into the living room.

“Are you ready to have some fun?” Sarah asked excitedly.

Georg frowned. “What do you mean?”

She rubbed her hands together.

“I want to introduce you to my band. You will love them, I promise!”

Three guys in front of her exchanged with weird looks, then they looked back at her.

“Please?” Sarah made puppy eyes, “I already arranged everything. Please, don't make me call it off.”

Gustav shrugged. “Why not?”

“Yeah...” Georg added, “It sounds better than sitting here, looking at those four walls.”

Sarah grinned happily.

“You will not regret it. I love those guys, they are funny and very talented.”

“If those are just guys...” Tom tried to refuse as soon as she had said it.

“Don't worry, Tom,” Sarah laughed, “There will be girls too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, Bill, guys will have some fun without you! ^^