Fake Perfection

Chapter 26

As soon as the car stopped by the house, Sarah got out of it, she ran across the backyard and jumped into the arms of the dark haired guy, who was standing there to greet them. And he didn't hesitate to return the favor, he lifted her from the ground, hugging her tightly. Sarah was so happy to see him.

Tom got out of the driver's seat, Gustav and Georg also got out of the car. He stopped, looking at Sarah and her friend. It was obvious that he didn't like what he saw. Tom glanced at his band mates, who stood behind him.

“Are you sure that he's just a friend?”

Georg smirked, “Tom, she's with Bill, so you shouldn't get jealous.”

“I am not.” Tom said calmly, “I'm just making sure that my brother's girlfriend stays his girlfriend.”

Meanwhile Sarah finally released Rick and turned to look at them.

“Come on guys! What's taking you so long?!”

“Let's go, we have to leave a good impression.” Gustav joked.

Tom and Georg glanced at him weirdly, but they followed him.

“Guys, this is Rick, he is a good friend of mine and he's playing a guitar and is also the main lead singer of my band... I mean, his band... now, when I am gone.”

Rick was a tall and slender guy with black dyed hair... and probably no haircut at all. His clothing was screaming “emo”, which was nice... someone would probably compare him with Bill in the early stage... Bill looked like this two, maybe three years ago. And it was actually kind of amusing.

The guy laughed, “Yeah, Sarah loves to think that it's her band... but I am very pleased to meet you guys.”

They exchanged with handshakes, guys actually had to call their names. The main reason for that was the fact that Rick was a guy, he was probably 19 or maybe older, so there was a small chance that he was a fan of Tokio Hotel.

“Where is everyone?” Sarah asked once when they were done with introduction.

“Oh... we actually have a small problem here...” Rick spoke hesitantly.

Sarah narrowed her eyes, “What's wrong?”

“Nothing, really... well, nothing what should be bothering you.” he spoke thoughtfully, “Well, do you remember Patrick?”

Sarah raised an eyebrow, “Patrick who?” she thought for a second, “You mean Ana's brother Patrick?”

“Yeah, that's the guy... well, you see, he got a scholarship in one of the most prestige universities of art in London, and he's leaving soon.”

Sarah confused, “Now? September was quite a while ago, you know?”

“I know, but they have a different graph there... and we're making a party for him... tonight.” Rick finished his sentence almost unwillingly, “I was so excited, when you called me, that I completely forgot about it... sorry.”

Sarah tilted her head, she looked very disappointed.

“But I wanted to ask you guys, maybe you could join us?”

Tom, Gustav and Georg, who were standing there, listening to their conversation, didn't seem to be happy about this thought. And Sarah wasn't thrilled as well.

“Come on! It'll be fun! Besides, you don't have to worry about fans or anything... those people aren't really into Tokio Hotel. I am sorry guys, but you're not the only one band out there, so- even if I can't promise you that they will not know who you are, 'cause that would be stupid, but I promise you that they will not try to tear you in pieces.”

Tom actually laughed, when he heard it, and he was the one, who agreed to go there, which surprised everyone else.

“Are you sure?” Sarah asked, “I mean, you don't have to do that...”

“Come on, it'll be fun... besides, it was you, who dragged us out of the house and brought us here.” Tom said, dropping his hand around her shoulder.

Sarah confused slightly.

“Patrick will be happy seeing you.” Rick encouraged her.

She glanced at Gustav and Georg, “And how about you guys?”

“I am cool with that...” Georg said calmly.

“Fine with me...” Gustav shrugged his shoulders.

“It's a deal then...” Rick said happily, “I will only grab my guitar and... should I take my car?”

“No...” Tom said calmly, “I think that we'll fit in one car...”

“Okay, fine with me...” Rick said.

He left for a short while, and soon he was back. They all got into Tom's car and they drove off to Ana's place.


Rick was right, people, who were in the party did recognize them, but actually they were more excited to see Sarah. Her band mates would have never guessed that Sarah had left so many friends here, besides She was never like that, when she was with their band.

Here she felt free and it was obvious that here she felt much more comfortable than at those moments, whens he was with Tokio Hotel.

Soon after they got there, Rick, who's band was playing tonight, asked for her to join them on stage, he actually wanted for her to sing. Sarah tried to reject his offer at first, but finally she agreed and stepped on the miniature stage, which they had in the living room.

“I think that it will be worth listening, don't you think?” Georg bespoke Tom, who had started a chat with some kind of girl.

“What exactly?” Tom confused, then he glanced into that direction, which Georg showed him, he frowned, “What is she doing over there?”

“She'll sing...” Gustav spoke, he had approached them from other side of the room. Guys hadn't even noticed that Gustav was gone.

At that moment Sarah finally took the mike, she looked nervous, but Rick had asked her so sweetly, that she simply couldn't say “no” to him. She turned to face the small auditory, and smiled.


People in the room cheered for her. Tom looked around, even the girl, with whom he had spoken before, was now clapping with her hands and called her name. It looked like Sarah was quite popular in this crowd of people.

“Yeah... thanks.” Sarah started, she was still smiling, “Well, I actually haven't done it in a while, so I can't promise you a huge show... no one lets me sing in my band, and we all know the reason...” she chuckled, “Well, but tonight I will sing, and it's only because you asked me to. So, those who are here with the hope that they will shut me up, can leave the room now..” everyone laughed.

She glanced at Rick, Sarah approached him and whispered something, he nodded. Sarah gave him a winsome smile.

“Okay!” she said, turning back to her friends, “This is not my song... Do you know the band called “Guano Apes”?”

People in the room showed their elation. She laughed.

“Okay, I see that you do know them... I am sorry, I can't sing you “Break the line”, then we'll have to deal with the police, but I can sing you something else....” then she paused, “I think I need a wine...” one guy filled her a glass and gave it to her, she drank it “ Not the best thing, but it might help... Okay! “Living in a lie” everyone!”

Music started to play, but Gustav, Georg and Tom exchanged with weird looks... however, when she finally started to sing, none of them could hide their surprise. When the song was over, her friends were over the moon, but her band mates were shocked.

“Umm... can we put Bill by the keyboard?” Tom suddenly asked.

Gustav punched his shoulder, “I don't think that your brother will accept this idea.”

Sarah, who stood on the stage, thanked them. Then she gave the mike to Rick and left the band. People, whom she passed bespoke her, but she could only smile. Sarah took another glass of wine and left the living room.


Party was huge, Patrick probably was a well known guy, though Gustav, Tom and Georg didn't even manage to find out, who the hell was he, and actually none of them cared about that.

Georg soon found a company. He started a chat with some kind of girl, who didn't seem to be very much interested, but obviously he found a way how to change her mind, 'cause they spent together the rest of the evening. Gustav disappeared in the crowd and soon he also found a company for himself. Tom... well, Tom was punished tonight in some way. Of course he did enjoy the party, and he did start a flirt... actually not just one. And the most of those were successful. However, due to the fact, that he had to drive them back home, he was forced to stay sober, and eventually he got bored. The most of girls here were drunk, and those who weren't were taken.

After an hour or so, he started to wonder trough the house, looking for his friends, and then he spotted Sarah. She sat in one of chairs, alone this time (probably this was the very first time, when she was alone). She seemed to be very thoughtful. Sarah was looking at her friends, and then she stood up and Tom saw how she went to the door and left the house. It confused him, so he followed her.

Tom found Sarah in the backyard. It very cold outside, since it was late autumn, almost winter already.

Sarah stood there, she emptied the glass of wine, which she held in her hand, and then threw it across the backyard. Probably this was the very first time, when she acted like this. Besides, she couldn't be sober, because if she was, she would never go outside in this cold, without wearing her windbreaker.

“I bet that neighbor won't be too happy tomorrow...” Tom spoke.

Sarah startled by the sound of his voice. She spun around and then she smiled.

“Oh... it's you! Hey!” she smiled, “Where were you?”

“In the house, I saw your performance. You were fantastic.” Tom said, he approached her.

“Yeah... I guess I was.”

“You're wasting your time with us, do you know that?”

Sarah frowned, “Okay... this is weird.”

“What is?”

“Bill said exactly the same thing, after he heard my singing. Are you using the same script or something?”

Tom laughed, “Maybe, I don't know.”

She smiled at him. Sarah wrapped her hands around her own body and looked around.

“I just love this place. It's so simple, don't you think?” she changed the theme.

Tom followed her example and looker around, “Well, yeah, I guess that you're right.”

She smiled, glancing at him, “Of course I am, I am always right, you just don't know it yet.”

Tom chuckled, “Using my own phrases to beat me?”

Sarah laughed, “As if I could possibly do that.”

Then she became quiet again. They stood there in silence for a while. Suddenly Sarah sighed heavily. Tom glanced at her. She looked melancholic, which confused him.

“I will miss this life, won't I?” she turned to look at him.

Tom eyed her for a moment, then he looked back at street. He nodded.

“Sometimes... Well, but then again you can't have it all. And this is how we're paying for being famous.”

Sarah laughed softly, “You have written down all those smart phrases, haven't you?”

“Nice... so now you know my secret. I will have to kill you now, sorry.” Tom said jokingly.

Sarah glanced at him, raising an eyebrow, “Oh... oh, that's funny. We'll see who will kill whom.”

Tom chuckled, “Okay... I will leave you alive. Otherwise, I will have to find a way how to explain it to Bill, and I don't want that.”

“You always know when to retreat, don't you?” she asked curiously.

Tom smirked, “Yeah... and even if I don't, I don't have to worry about that. After all, I am cute, and no matter what I do or how I act, people will always love me.”

Sarah gave him another confused look, “Gosh... you two are so much alike that it is almost scary.”

Tom frowned, “No shit! You have noticed it?”

It made her laugh, “Okay! I think that we should go back inside. Otherwise I am risking with my health and my sanity here.”

Tom nodded, “Good idea, 'cause I am freezing.”

Sarah turned around, and almost lost a balance. Tom helped her to regain it.

“Gosh... I guess I am drunk.”

“Yeah, and I hope that you do remember the fact that we have to be in the hospital tomorrow.”

She gave him a nervous look, “Oh shit...” Sarah smiled stupidly, “And I will have a huge hangover... Maybe we should go home now?”

Tom laughed, “Maybe you're right... let's go and find the others.”

Well, wine had affected her walking skills suddenly, and Tom had to make sure that she didn't loose her balance. It was weird, he had never seen her drunk before.

It took them almost an hour to find Gustav and Georg. They also had to inform Rick about their leaving, and it was almost three o'clock in the morning, when they all finally got into the car and drove back home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guano Apes ''Living in a Lie''
(I love that song)

And, sorry for the late update.
Actually I feel emotionally exhausted... I simply wanted to stop writing, like for real... who knows, maybe one day I'll actually do that.