Fake Perfection

Chapter 4

Bill came downstairs, and now he was also wearing black. Tom smirked at his twin brother, but Bill wasn't smiling.

Soon appeared David and announced that they had to leave. Tom, Georg and Gustav left, but Sarah hesitated for a moment, Bill had also staid, but not because of her, he was lingering by the mirror to see if he looked okay.

“Sarah, Bill, are you coming?” David called to them.

Sarah made a gesture with her hand to make him understand that they will be there in a moment. David shrugged his shoulders and left.

Sarah glanced at Bill, she took a deep breath and tried to approach him for the very first time. If he didn't want that, then she will try to make these relationships work... they had to get along, no one asked for her to be in friends with him... actually she thought, that Bill wasn't willing to accept her as a friend.

Bill noticed her movement, he frowned slightly, watching her reflection in the mirror. Sarah took another deep breath, but Bill crossed his slender arms on his chest, a questioning expression appeared in his face.

Sarah noticed it, and suddenly she felt quite stupid around him, but she wasn't willing to give up... who knows when will be the next time when she'll have a courage to speak with him.
“Bill, I am so sorry about your...” she started, but she was roughly interrupted.

“Listen, sweetheart,” he started, his voice seemed to be colder than before, “I don't know, who you are, or where are you from,” he said as he turned around to face her, “but from now on, I will be nice around you only when it will be necessary, and you should be acting the same. But in all other situations, I would like for you to stay away from me.”

Sarah raised an eyebrow. Who was he? A God? How dared he to speak with her like that?
Bill smiled his fake smile and passed her, on the halfway to the door he stopped and turned around.

“You're coming?”

She followed him unwillingly. Bill opened the door for her, and he did the same once they reached the car. David who noticed that gave to them a satisfied look. Everyone else didn't seem to believe in what they saw.

“I see that you are starting to get along.” David bespoke Bill.

Bill smiled at him: “She is a part of my band, isn't she?”

Sarah felt awkward... Bill's kindness was scary. Besides she knew that it was fake.


Interviewer was extremely interested to hear everything about Sarah and that, what guys thought about her.

Well, Tom told that he was glad to be around a beautiful girl, Gustav described Sarah as a friendly girl, Georg answered that he didn't know her yet, but Bill smiled widely and told that it was god to have a girl in the band, and that it was almost the same as having a younger sister.

Sarah puzzled, Gustav and Georg looked at Bill with perplexed looks, but Tom was the only one who seemed to recognize Bill's lies.

When interviewer asked Sarah's opinion about her band mates, she confused even more, and then she lied... well, she told the truth when it came to Gustav, Tom and Georg, but she had to lie when she spoke of Bill... if he had stated this game, why would she stop it?

After an interview they had a photo session for the same magazine.

Bill and Sarah were sent to the makeup artist, other guys just had to deal with a small dose of face powder.

“Why are you dong this?” Sarah asked as they both walked trough the hall, following a young guy who took them both to the makeup artist.

“What am I doing?” Bill asked carelessly.

Sarah glanced at him, Bill returned the look. Slight smirk crossed his facial features. Sarah gave up, there was no use to ask something, this mask was working too well, there was no chance that she will break it.

Photo session was her worst experience so far. Sarah had never spend that much time in front of cameras. At least no one tired to push her in the foreground... of course they took couple photos with her only, and then there was also couple shots with twins, which was kind of awkward, though Bill was still the most important here, and he seemed to enjoy every single second in the spotlight.

After the photo session they returned to the car and drove back to the hotel. Big was Sarah's surprise when she found out that they had returned only to change into a different clothing, and after that they had to go to the television and give the next interview.

She and Gustav were in the elevator, Tom had disappeared somewhere, and maybe it was even better.

Sarah sighed as she lied against an elevator's wall.

“Tired?” Gustav asked.

She glanced up at him.

“How do you guys deal with it?”

Gustav smiled: “It takes some time. Besides, as far as you are not one of twins, you can calm down.”

Sarah smiled: “They get all the attention...” she said thoughtfully, then she glanced at Gustav, “Doesn't that bother you?”

Gustav laughed a bit.

“No. I have at least a small chance to build my own life, and keep it personal. Tom's life is a real nightmare, but Bill doesn't even remember how it is to have something personal.”

“That's sad...” Sarah admitted, “Maybe that's why he is such a jerk sometimes.”

This time Gustav's laughter filled the entire elevator.

If Sarah thought that the photo session was hell, then attending show was even worse. She had never binned on television before, and that made her feel even more uncomfortable.
She was stammering all the time and guys kept finishing her sentences. That was a real disaster, and once she was off of the stage, the only one desire which she had was to get into the first plane and leave.

Suddenly she felt two hands on her shoulders, she noticed the black manicure, his touch made her stiffen instantly.

Bill leaned closer to her ear, and she heard his voice. It was mocking but quiet.

“You absolutely sucked there, do you know that?”

She glared at him, but Bill was smiling brightly.

Other guys were coming into their direction, and it was Bill's call to let go of her shoulders.
“Sarah, you did a great job!” Gustav tried to encourage her.

“Yeah, for the first time it was very good!” Tom added, though the fact that he was lying was obvious.

Sarah smiled thankfully, Georg approached her, wrapping his hand around girl's shoulders.
“I also don't like cameras, so you shouldn't feel so ashamed.”

“Yeah... I just forgot my name and everything else what I had to know...” Sarah muttered.

All three guys chuckled, but Sarah glanced at Bill, who was smiling evilly... he was enjoying her defeat, wasn't he?
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know why Gustav has became so important suddenly... oh, well, I guess that he just looks like a friendly guy, whom you can trust...