Status: Sorry it's been so long (& sorry if you got an update and thought it was a new chapter) my computer crashed a long time ago and right now the story is on a flash drive. Unfortunately this flash drive also has the virus that shut my computer down. But don't worry, I'm still thinking of something.

Famous Last Words


My Chemical Romance. Ever heard of them? Well, obviously you have since you're still reading this. And if you haven't, you have a hell of a lot to learn.

Let's start of by saying that this band is absolutely not perfect. Not one little bit. How do I know? Well, I'm not your average seventeen year old teenager. My name is Carla. Legally my name is Carla Toro. But I will not answer if you call me that. I have illegally dropped my last name. I go by Carla. Nice to meet you.

Anywho, this is how I know the members of MCR: I am Ray Toro's adopted younger sister. Now there's a shocker.

Before we get started, let me tell you that this is not like those stupid fan-fictions you've read about guy on guy or incest or any of that disgusting shit. I don't know why it's so much fun to read...

Buy anyway, this is not a fiction in any way, shape, or form. This is my story and I will write it how I damn well please to. Unfortunately, those jackasses stole my notebook and wrote how they saw certain things happen.

So, click the Chapter 2 link at the bottom of the page to read how this shit really goes down.
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I know that I deleted this story without any notice, but I felt like the first half of this story was really shitty. I know that I have gotten better in my writing and I was embarrassed by the first half of it.

Also, I changed the title of this story (used to be called This Is How I Disappear).

Thank you guys.
: )

P.S. Oh! By the way, my computer skills basically if anybody wants to make me a new layout for this story, or a banner or something, I would love you forever. :D