Drive Me Crazy

Chapter 1; A bad day

The school bell rang, finally.
”Remember kids, this essay is going to be presented next week! Oh and can Mr. Allman and Ms. Waters stay? I need to talk to you.” Mrs. Bailey said as everyone in my class rose and went.
“Fuck” I said quietly and looked at the other side of the classroom facing him, that blonde I’m-a-pretty-guitar-player with eyebrow piercing and weird clothes. Pfft, pretty my ass! I grabbed my bag and walked to Mrs. Bailey’s desk, he did too.
“I want you to do the essay, together” she took off her glasses and looked at both of us.


“Look, you’re the only ones who haven’t showed me how to work in pair. And If I’m not going to see it next week I’ll have to give you both an F”
“Are you serious? You can’t do that!”
“I’m afraid I can, Ms. Waters. Now go, I have a lot to do…and so do you”
We both walked out of the classroom.
“Bitch” I said as I walked down the empty corridor, everyone else had already left. When I was on my way home, just walking on the sidewalk I noticed that blonde guy again on the other side of the road.
And yes, I did know his first name. I just preferred not to use it.

“Are you following me?” I asked.
“No” he answered. I started to walk a bit faster, which he also did of course. Then I started to run and disappeared from the road and into a short cut I found last year. I ran the fastest I could to my house, but as soon as I reached my house he was already standing by the house next to mine.
Damn, I hated the fact that he was my classmate AND my neighbor.
“What a great short cut” he smiled as I closed the gate behind me and walked towards the front door to my house. I opened it and glanced at him for a second.
“Go fuck a goat, Allman” I said and walked inside slamming the door behind me.

“Welcome home honey, how was your day?” I heard mom ask from the kitchen. I took off my red worn out converse and put my bag on the floor before joining her in the kitchen.
“Crap. I hate school and I hate Mrs. Bailey, I even hate this neighborhood.”
“Oh honey, I don’t know what’s happen to you. You loved this place when you were younger” she embraced me.
“Well, not anymore” I answered. She looked at me and stroked my cheek.
My mom has always been there for me, always. I’m the only child and since that fucker, who also used to be called “dad”, left us when I was 14 we have created a special bond. A bond that’s so strong people think we act like sisters. She’s also very young, she had me when she was 17.

“So, what did Mrs. Bailey to you today?” she smiled.
“We’re going to do an essay about whatever band we like and then present it next week, in pairs.”
“And you’re with…?”
“Dickhead Allman” I sighed and sat down on by the kitchen table

“Sam, don’t call him that” she said and sat down on the opposite side.
“He is” I said quietly and started to play with a pencil that was lying on the table.
“I know it’s none of my business, but I-” she started before I cut her off.
“I don’t want to talk about it” she took my hand and nodded.
“I know”
I smiled at her for being so understanding, she’s the best mom in the world.

[a/n: Chapter one folks! I'll take all critics, both good and bad.
I'm serious. If you think I should change/correct anything, please tell me :)]