
The Party

I stared at the them with a feeling of uncontrollable hate. My instincts want to go over there and shred them all to furry pieces. One by one.

"Stop staring," Eric muttered. "you'll give them ideas."

"Well they'd be the one to start it, not us." I said as turned away from there table and looked at Eric. His brilliant green eyes stared at me with something I knew all to well with him. Affection. He loved me but I never returned the favor. I couldn't, he would be nothing more to me than he was now. A friend.

"We don't need to cause another disturbance this early in the year, now do we?" He smiled, fangs and all.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I guess not."

"It wouldn't be all that bad if they didn't smell so horrid," Mimi said with a nose scrunched up. "I can smell them all the way over here."

She tossed her smooth brown hair back before averting her eyes back at the food in front of her. We didn't eat, we didn't need to but it just made us feel a little less weird. It's strange going to a high school and at lunch not eat a thing. Everyone knew we didn't need a tray a food yet we still purchased them. It made us seem a little bit normal. Even though we all knew we were far from it.

"Now, Mimi," Daniel said as he put his arm around his girlfriend. "we all know that those mutts are afraid of water."

"I think your thinking of a cat," I mumbled as I pushed my blonde hair behind my ear.

"Does it matter?" Mimi asked. "They're all animals."

I rolled my eyes. I looked back over my shoulder to their table. My gaze instantly met one of them. She was the one I'd seen most often. Her hair that was black and skin darker than my own. Which didn't really say much since I don't like the sun. But all of them had fair tans. Just like all of us were pale. We were complete opposites and it would always be this way. I didn't know her name, I never bothered with it. To me it didn't really matter anyways. She was a werewolf and I was a vampire. Two monsters that were never meant to get along.

I broke off our staring contest and looked back over Eric. He really was beautiful, I wonder why I could never fall for him. I guess in a sense he reminds me of what I'm reminded of everyday. Even though our exterior is a miraculous beauty, inside were cold heartless monsters. I don't think I could ever be with another monster, even if he has a heart for me.

"Oh my god! Guys!" our fruitful little friend, Danny, said as he approached the table. "I'm totally gonna fail English. I haven't even gotten started on it and it's due Friday," he wined.

"Well sweetie, I told you to come over to my place to get started on it weeks ago but you never even bothered," Mimi sighed.

"Oh yea, like you really expect me to miss out on a rave to write a stupid report." He said as he placed his hands on his hips.

"You went to raves for three weeks straight?" I asked. "How many raves are there in this town?"

"Your forgetting that Danny is notorious for finding parties anywhere he's at," Daniel laughed.

"Which reminds me," Danny said as he placed himself down on one of the seats around the table. "there's this really cool concert that you guys need to come to."

"It already sounds bad," I muttered.

"Yeah, last time we went to one of your 'concerts' we got in a big fuss with a bunch of mutts. Even though those supernatural parties are all fun, I really don't want any trouble," Eric said.

"Don't worry about all that. Trust me it'll be really fun," Danny said smiling his fangs flashing.

"What about the report you need to get started on?" Mimi asked him.

Danny rolled his eyes and sighed. "I have three more days to worry about that, but this is gonna be really fun. Come on what do you guys say?"

"I'm down," Daniel said as he smashed his fist down on the table to show his enthusiasm.

Mimi rolled her eyes and looked over at Daniel. "Wherever he goes I go," she said which earned her a kiss on the cheek by her boyfriend.

"I guess I'll go," I said.

"Yea me too," Eric said all too quickly right after me.

"Sweet." Danny's fang-ful smile never ceased.

I could only hope that this wasn't something I would regret later.
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