44 Minutes


It was a cool winter's morning
Somewhere shortly past 9:00 AM
The armored car they wanted to heist wasn't coming
So instead they went for the bank

"Hello?" Jamie's nervous voice rang through the call of the cell phone that she had just answered. A pause, her hands began to shake. After some moments, her eyes widened. "Say what? Shawn?" she exclaimed. She silenced, hearing more coming from the other line. She had to hold herself back from going into hysterics. "An accident...two men with guns?!" Jamie couldn't bear to hear anymore.
"Tell me where to go!"

The fateful duo that sat in the get-away car
Heavily sedated with thousands of rounds
Armor piercing, fully automatic weapons
The bowls of wrath poured on the ground

Jamie ran into the hospital, almost staggering in her steps towards the front lobby. A woman of about forty walked up to her from the service desk.
"Hello there dear, may I help you?"
The blond nodded frantically. "I'm here to see Shawn Daniels. The hospital sent me."
The woman nodded in understanding. "Of course, honey. She's in the Emergency Ward, room 205."
Jamie thanked her, but wasted no time in charging up the stairs into the other part of the building, rushing to find her friend.
When she reached her destination, she was breathing heavily as she stopped by the waiting benches. A doctor in a long, white coat emerged from the room she faced.
"Ah, you must be Jamie Briggs. You can go see Shawn now."
The blonde didn't hesitate once in standing up and walking into the small room. As she entered, she noticed a bathroom, a television, and a bed. Under its covers was Shawn, her black hair spread messily on the pillow, her eyes shut, her breathing somewhat uneven. Jamie looked over to see a heart moniter strapped to her.
Beep...beep...beep, beep...beep...beep, beep...beep...beep...beep, beep...
She averted her gaze from the object, pulling up a chair and sitting down by her unconcious friend. Out of instinct, she gently grabbed Shawn's hand, only to have her eyes widen.
It was cold.

Baptized in a firefight, hot blood running cold as ice
44 Minutes of target practice, all hell's breaking loose
Outgunned, watching "The Force" come to a firefight with a pocketknife
Getting schooled until they shot Achilles' heel
And brought down the beast

"Shawn... can you hear me, girl? It's Jamie. You in there?" she whispered, hoping her words would reach her ears. To her surprise, she felt Shawn's hand move. Jamie looked up to see the black-haired girl's body stir slightly, and her eyes opened shortly after. Slowly, she turned her head to face the blond.
"J...Jay? Is that you?" she managed to breath. Jamie had to hold back tears as she reached out and hugged her friend tight.
"Oh my god, Shawn... I was so worried about you. I'm just so glad you're okay...!" she let a few tears fall from her eyes, staining Shawn's white hospital shirt. She managed to hug back.
"Yeah... but I'm not doing too well, Jay." she choked. Jamie pulled back slightly.
"What do you mean?"
Shawn looked up towards the ceiling. "I'm... not exactly in the best condition," she coughed. "...the doctors say that I may die here."
Jamie shook her head rapidly. "You can't die, Shawn! You just can't!"

This was an accident waiting to happen
It wasn't if it would happen, it was when
The city's people sabotaged themselves
Calling their firepower an unneeded expense

Jamie did not let her friend's hand go throughout the whole time she was there, except for when she had to go the the bathroom. All the while, Shawn's heartbeat had begun to slow down at a moderate pace.
"Shawn... please don't die on me..." she said quietly. Shawn's eyes opened slightly at the sound of her best friend's voice.
"I can't promise that, Jay... I guess...this is the way it has to be..." she sighed, the exhale drawling out for a long time. Jamie could only let another tear fall down her cheek as she turned on the T.V. to see something that made her somewhat better.
"... where two men that had been driving quite recklessly along Highway 41 with two loaded shotguns and caused at least three accidents. After several tests, they came out positive for being under the influence of alcohol. The two were arrested just shortly after the crew had arrived on the scene..."
Jamie, still worried, looked over to see that Shawn was smiling faintly.
"Heh... serves 'em right... assholes."

The two most violent men it seemed couldn't be stopped
Standard police issue guns were just not enough
But SWAT arrived and settled the fight
Between ak-47 and ar-15

By now, Jamie was beginning to think that Shawn was right. Her heart rate was almost slowed down to the point of near death. Shawn let out a violent string of coughs.
"Ah, crap..." she muttered in a hoarse voice. "Guess... this is it..."
Jamie grabbed Shawn's hands. "No, Shawn! You can't leave me now! Please, just not now!" she was borderline hysterical right now, a high pitch hearable in her voice. Shawn shook her head almost hesitantly.
"Can't, Jay... it's..." she coughed again. Jamie shook her head, still trying to hold back the urge to break down. Shawn let out a few heavy breaths, then lifted her head up to face the blond.
"Listen, Jay... okay? Just... just listen..." Jamie nodded.
"...I... I knew it was gonna happen, girl. I kinda...figured it out." she paused, taking in a shaky breath. "You... were always my best friend... no matter what... you... were always there... for me."
Jamie choked back a sob.
"But don't... ever forget... I'll... always be there... for you, too..." Shawn smiled faintly. "...Love you, Jay..."
Jamie sniffled. "Love ya too, Shawn..."
Shawn's smile managed to grow so it spread across her face. "Love ya... Jamie..." her chocolate brown eyes then shut closed, her head went flat on her pillow, and her hand went limp in Jamie's.

Jamie then broke out into violent sobs as she hugged Shawn's lifeless body close to her, not noticing the watch that the black-haired girl wore slip off her wrist to the cold, marble floor.
It had stopped at 44 minutes to midnight.

Baptized in a firefight, hot blood running cold as ice
44 Minutes of target practice, all hell's breaking loose
Outgunned, watching "The Force" come to a firefight with a pocketknife
Getting schooled until they shot Achilles' heel
And brought down the beast
♠ ♠ ♠
Yup, my third one-shot and contest entry. Again, this was something intense for me, but not as intense as Watch The Blood Fly. Either way, I really hope you like this! =]