Pepsi Life

Pepsi Life

What a nice day! It seems like it was just yesterday I was in a factory with all my brothers and sisters. Sadly I could never tell anyone apart from the other. We all had the same name and we all looked exactly the same. But I couldn’t be a happier Pepsi can!
One day my brothers and sisters and I were moved into a dark box and moved away. When the box opened I was put into this chilly room. It felt so good! I felt so alive being in this “cooler” they called it.
Everyday I’d sit around and watch people come in and out of this big place. It was so weird! There were things like candy, other sodas, chips, and even beer. But the weirdest was the man who would sit behind that desk like thing and take paper and metal circles out of this box.
Day after day someone would open up the cooler and take one of my brothers and sister out. It saddened me to see them all leave. Then the human would open them and drink them! Simply monstrous! Slowly our family decreased. We knew we had to do something.
“We escape at dawn!” said one of my brothers.
“But what if it doesn’t work?” cried a sister.
“It’s either we try to make an escape or we all leave one by one to be drunk” I shouted.
At dawn the next day we prepared to make out escape. We all gathered near the door and pushed as hard as we could. Pop! The door opened. A lot of us fell out some of us didn’t even survive the fall. We rolled across the floor silently without being noticed.
“We made it to freedom!” several cheered.
“Well I guess now it’s time for us all to go our separate ways” A brother declared.
We all bid each other farewell and went off to our new lives.
I walked and walked for a few days and found nowhere to live! But when I laid my eyes on this sign that said “Best Park in the world” I hauled myself there. When I arrived I felt a tingly feeling in my belly. This must be home.
When I woke up the next morning I was in someone’s hands. I screamed so much I thought my carbon dioxide would pop out. The woman looked at me with a shocked look.
“You can talk!?” She said frightened.
“Let me go, let me go, let me go!” I struggled in her grip.
“Hey chill out fella.” She said.
“Chill out? Chill out!? You’re going to drink me!”
“I won’t drink you. What’s your name fella?” she smiled.
What an odd lady I thought. She has pink hair. I’ve never seen pink hair on a human before.
“M-m-my name is Pepsi but you must have known that.”
She gave me a warm smile.
“How would you like coming to live with me and my dog Jessie?”
I thought for a second. What if she plans on drinking me when she gets home? Or is she really going to give me a home and keep me safe?
♠ ♠ ♠
Now you choose the ending

Live With The Lady
Run Away!