Status: Active but slow

Love Game


I sighed as I flipped through the pages of my book. "And once again, he saves the day and gets the girl..." I shut the book, laying down and closing my eyes. I spent all nights like this. Relaxing, as if if I laid still enough and relaxed into a deep enough state, I'd actually sleep again.

It never works.

I evened my breathing, making it quiet enough to hear things around me. I heard Emmett and Rosalie watching TV in their room. The lights were dimmed, I could tell, because there was no hum from the light bulbs. They were kissing, their sounds getting friskier. I pulled away, turning my attention to other things.

I heard Alice and Jasper in their room, exchanging silent kisses. I heard them whispering something too. I scowled, my eyes still shut as I lay under the covers.

Don't do it...

But in the end, I couldn't help myself. I opened my mind, the walls melting away in my mind. I saw Jasper and Alice, curled up on their bed, Alice in Jasper's arms. I could swear my heart almost gave a painful thump. "I feel bad, Jazz. She watches us all everyday with pain in her eyes. She is all alone. She doesn't even have Edward anymore. He's got Bella. She has no one."

She gave a heavy sigh before standing up. She walked to the bathroom. She looked back over her shoulder. "I need to relax. I'm going to take a bath." Jasper nodded, knowing to stay out when she needed to relax. Knowing when to be courteous to his wife.

I pulled away again, looking to Carlisle and Esme. They were looking through old pictures of their previous lives. Their graceful fingers drifted over the pages. Esme gave a sad smile. "You miss it." Carlisle observed. She nodded, turning to him. "But now I have this." She leaned up to connect their lips.

I pulled away, the walls in my mind suddenly there again, at the sudden sound of the front door. Bella's scent drifted into my senses, making me fully aware Edward was home, and now I was suddenly as hungry as him.

"Hey." He said, pushing my door open. I opened my eyes, sitting up. "Hey." I responded in a whisper, though he still heard me. He saw the misery in my eyes. He scowled for a second, then gave a small smile. "Want to go hunting?"
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY!!!!! I can finally update again!!!! :D you should totally check out my new Original Fiction: Evil In Your Heart and comment please! On both stories if you can. I would GREATLY appreciate it. :3

thanks to mnissymidnightcupcak, Angela09, JaspersGirl108, dancergurl112495, and Parkseyy2k9 for the first five comments. :) THANK YOU SO MUCH GIRLS!!!!! :D