Fight for Your Love


The chill of the cool summer breeze sent shivers down my spine. The ring on my left ring finger felt like a ton as I walked on the cool pavement. Dark clouds drew closer as the day had gone on. One of the many summer storms this county saw was on its way and usually it meant something bad was going to happen to me. The storms are just a bad omen for me. Why? I have no idea. I stuffed my hands into my hoodie pocket as another light breeze swept across the road. 'I shouldn't be doing this.' I thought as I approached the house my fiancé and I were living in.

A rain drop hit my forehead before I reached the porch, and a crack of thunder was heard in the distance. When I walked into the house, Josh was sitting on the couch, beer in hand watching the Yankees game. I made no attempt to talk to him; I simply walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water out of the fridge. After taking a drink or two, I screwed the cap back on and placed the bottle on the counter. Josh had finally moved off the couch, made his way into the kitchen and stopped in front of me.

"Baby, we need to talk." I rolled my eyes and tried pushing past him. I failed... horribly. "Harleigh, stop it!" He said in a stern voice.

"Why yes, DAD!" I said pronouncing the D, and being a smart ass.

"Harleigh, stop it! We need to talk." Josh said a little frustrated and annoyed.

"What's to talk about?!" I yelled, getting frustrated. "What's left to say?" Josh looked at me as if he were pondering for a moment.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He finally asked.

"Just forget it, Josh." I pulled the engagement ring from my finger and handed it to him. "You got what you wanted in the first place." I whispered before shoving past him. I walked out onto the porch, it was pouring down rain. I pulled my hood up and walked out into the freezing rain. I was almost instantly soaked, my hoodie and shorts clung to me.

"Harleigh, wait!" I heard Josh call after me. I rolled my eyes and finally let a tear spill over. I didn't want to hear it, we weren't working out according to everyone. We always fought, we were never getting along. I was jerked backwards to face Josh. He kept a firm, but gentle grip on my forearm and practically glared into my eyes.

"Let go, Josh." I stated firmly, tears slipping from my ducts. "You wanted this in the first place, just let it happen!" I yelled, my voice breaking slightly. Josh let out a frustrated sigh.

"What did I want? Huh? For you to walk out of my life? For you to leave me?" He yelled back. I just shook my head and hung it. A flash of lighting lit the sky and a huge crack of thunder bellowed in between the trees.

"What do you think I want?" Josh asked, his voice softer than before.

"I-I I don't know." I stated simply.

"What did you hear?" He asked softly.

I bit my lip, trying to fight tears once more. "I went down to the station to get you today and everyone was standing around talking. Dev pulled me aside when he noticed me and told me he had something important to say." A crack of thunder interrupted me. "He said, 'Josh told us some stuff, but I don't know if you want to hear it.' I told him he needed to cough it up before you got there and he told me you didn't love me anymore, that you can't see yourself with me anymore. Basically he said you told them I should leave." My voice stayed monotone the whole time, never getting more than a crack from the tears.

Josh gritted his teeth. "Seriously? You believe him? Why would I tell them that?"

"I don't know...but what you said to the guys down at the station contradicts what you're -” Josh cut me off.

"They have no idea how much you mean to me." He stated simply. "I said, 'I love her more than anything. I can't see myself without her. She's the only person I ever want to be with.' I never said I didn't want you." I felt a huge weight lift off my chest, but come hurdling back down. I had managed to hurt him and myself, both in a matter of ten minutes.

"Sorry." I whispered. Josh let go of my arm and grabbed my hand.

"Look at me," Josh whispered as he took a step closer, basically closing all the distance between us. As I looked up, another crack of thunder boomed and lighting lit up the sky. I gulped and shakily looked into this eyes.

"This ain't over, Harleigh." He stroked my cheek with the tips of his fingers and looked at me with adoration. "Far from over." My bottom lip quiver as Josh leaned down closer to me. He stopped as his lips were barely touching mine.

"Tease." I accused before smashing my lips to his. Josh's hands gripped my waist and pulled me into this muscular chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his face closer as he deepened the kiss. The cool rain was running down our faces and soaking what wasn't already wet. This is what I want...him.

Our lips moved in sync and my hands were running through his short brown hair. His hands were basically massaging my lower back and side. I pulled away to get some air and Josh rested his forehead on mine. The rain started to let up and the thunder sounded distance. Light drops dropped unto my head as I smiled and leaned my head against Josh's chest.

"I love you, never forget that." Josh said as he kissed my temple. "Will you still marry me?" He asked making me giggle.

"I love you, too. And of course I will." I murmured as leaned the side of my face into this chest. The beating of his heart was like the bass drum to my melody. 'Thump, thump, thump.

"Come on... let's get you inside." Josh pulled me inside and carried me up the stairs. Lazy? Yes. He gave me back the ring, more like slid it back into place, before we changed.

We changed into clean, DRY clothes and went back downstairs. Josh went back into the living room while I went and grabbed a water from the fridge. I down about half of it before I went back into the spacious living room. Josh was sprawled out on the black leather sofa, watching 'The Notebook.' I chuckled softly before sitting down on the edge of the plush sofa.

"The Notebook? Babe you know that's a tear jerker." I teased. Josh grabbed my hands and pulled me so I was laying on top of him.

"It's your favorite movie," he lightly pecked my lips before wrapping his arms around my waist, "besides; it's my job to keep you happy." He finished before turning back to the TV. I smiled a little and turned my head towards our thirty-two inch plasma. It was at the part where Allie and Noah break up, when they're in front of her house and she slaps him before telling him to leave.

I laid my head on Josh's chest and lightly pecked him. He chuckled before gently squeezing me.

"I love you, Harleigh." He whispered as he turned his head to face me.

I turned my head and kissed his lips. "I love you too, Josh." I whispered against his lips. We laid like that for about ten - fifteen minutes, just staring into each others eyes, boring into each others souls. Josh was the only person who had ever made me get butterflies with just one look, just one kiss on the forehead, the only guy I want to spend forever with.

"Harleigh?" Josh asked after we looked back at the TV.

"Huh?" I replied as I laid my ear against his chest to hear his heartbeat.

"If I told you that you're the only girl who’s ever made me think twice about anything, and the only girl who ever made me want to take her out in the rain and kiss... would you believe me?" Josh asked, tilting his head to the side slightly while searching my face for an answer.

I smiled and replied with a 'yes' and a small kiss. Josh grinned like a six year old who find another piece of candy in his Halloween bag.

"If I told you, you were the only guy who ever gave me butterflies with just a kiss on the forehead, and the only guy who ever made me feel like I was on cloud-nine from being in his arms... would you believe me?" I asked giggling. Josh nodded and pecked my forehead.

"Wouldn't think any differently." I smiled as the butterflies whelp up in my stomach.

"I love you, Josh."

"I love you, too, Harleigh. More than life itself."
♠ ♠ ♠
:) This is for Sara's one shot contest.
hope you like it!
Please comment this, I need to know people's opinions. :D
You're reading and comments are very much apperciated!

Harleigh clothes & pjs

Josh clothes & pjs.