Dark Water

Dark Water

Walking on the dark street of my childhood, memories flow through my head like a movie. It has been days since I have seen my family, friends, or even a complete stranger. The world has been a quite place without anyone. For the past few days I have been laying in shock, looking up at the red sky and orange moon. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach; I knew if I wanted to live I had to find food and water.
I continued walking. I shifted my eyes to see my old home...well what is left of it. It was all black and in ruins, as well as every other home I saw. it was hard for me to believe that this world was full of life and beauty. Even though it is harder to imagine all of it going away in a matter of seconds.
Everything seemed to be so grey. I slowed my pace; feeling like what is the point of going on. My mind is going in all directions asking me questions. "Why don't you just stop? What is the point? Where are you going?" But my body does not listen. As I keep walking I find myself wandering into a thick forrest of dead trees. I tilt my head down looking at the dark ashy like soil, or what was soil and grass. For the longest time, I could not tell if this red sky and orange moon was night or day.
The wind started blowing lightly, so lightly that it made the dead tree branches move. I closed my eyes as if I was in a trance. I think again to the events that lead to this dark world I am in. But I could not help but wonder. Am I dreaming. Is any of this for real? Or not?
I walked for what seemed to be hours and I stumble upon a dark round puddle in the middle of what used to be a field. I ran over to the puddle letting my human needs over power me. As I ran, the distance between the puddle and me just seemed to get farther and farther away, as if I was not getting any closer.
I eventually make it to my prize. I slowly look down into the puddle, But I don't see my own reflection. I did not care. I got onto my knees and cupped my hands and got some cold water in them. I slowly lifted my hands to my mouth. But before I even got to my own lips I felt a horrible pain in my chest...and everything went black.
I stabbed myself in the heart. And I watched myself fall into the puddle. I look at myself lieing there. The wind picks up a bit more. Sometimes when I look back on it, I think that I had wasted my own life doing that. But I know for sure that it was just to close the world, and open the next.
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