Status: finito!

If It Keeps You Around Then I'm Down

First Day

I inspected myself nervously, I pulled my grey cardigan over my semi-curvy torso covered with a black tank top and over my black skinny jeans. You could see the fear in my big brown eyes and my long mousy brown hair had been straightened simply for this occasion. It was my first day of school, just mine not everyone else's. I had just moved to Maryland from California, three months before graduation. My parents always moved around insanely, it was almost a compulsion. If they didn't leave it was like they would suffocate, hence I am here in a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland, friendless and clueless my senior year. Thanks Mom and Dad.

"AVA!" My mother called from downstairs, I had barely finished unpacking, I got my clothes out of suitcase. I fixed my black eyeliner before layering some necklaces and slipping on black converse.

"Coming!" I said running down the stairs, I pulled my school bag over my shoulder that sat at the bottom of the stairs. Right now it contained a spiral and an empty folder. I was pretty much taking filler classes, I had all my credits from my early high school career.

"Ava, this is Mrs. Gaskarth, she has a son your age, you two used to play together, do you remember Alex?" I saw a petite brunette who looked like a typical housewife with jeans and random t-shirt. I waved politely, shaking my head. I did remember, but I didn't want her to know that I remembered.

"Hi, I'm Ava," I shook her hand, I was still freaking out in my mind, I just didn't want everyone to see it. I held my breath looking around and smiling. I started getting lost in my thoughts, Mrs. Gaskarth told my mother how gorgeous I was, I always thought it was weird how your parents received compliments for you, like how we're accessories.

"Oh, thank you Sophie, she clearly didn't get her heigh from me!" My mother gushed rubbing my back. I was almost 5' 3" and my mother was a former model who could clear 5' 10". I felt like I was two years old again, rolling my eyes.

"Alex can give you a ride to school," Mrs. Gaskarth offered, I contemplated getting in car with a total stranger rather than getting dropped off by my mother, I jumped at the opportunity.

"That would be awesome!" Smiled shyly, Mrs. Gaskarth smiled sweetly before looking out the window. I saw a tall brunette boy with bleached streaks and I laughed. We had on the same black skinny jeans, I looked at them and then down at mine. This could be awkward.

"What's up Mom?" He asked curiously looking around at us. I smiled awkwardly shifting, I ran to the fridge quickly to avoid this situation, my father had already gone to work and took my younger brothers with him to middle school. I grabbed a diet coke and came back out to Mrs. Gaskarth explaining how he didn't have a choice and to be nice to me. I smiled sympathetically. I tucked some hair behind my ear.

"Well come on," He sighed walking out the front door, I realized we were leaving and kissed my mom on the cheek before following him out. He walked with a very male swagger, he had nice hair it was purposefully messy, but I would be willing to bet that he fixed every strand of it.

"Alexander! You be nice!" His mom scolded after, before returning to her coffee and gossiping with my mom. It was awkward, I saw a silver Acura and shrugged, it would be pretty awesome.

"So," I said awkwardly buckling my seatbelt as he turned on the car. He seemed really pissed off at me which made the situation really awkward.

"So, you're my new neighbor," Alex said and pulled out into the road, "I'm Alex." he introduced himself. He seemed preoccupied with driving, which I suppose I should be grateful he was paying attention. It seemed like I had dented his plans or was a big burden to him.

"Ava," I said looking at my cell phone which was buzzing, I saw a text message from my best friend Katie, who was still back in Phoenix, where I had attended elementary school. I saw Alex trying to read it and I snapped my phone shut and returned it to my phone.

We drove in silence until we pulled into a typical school that seemed to resemble a prison more than a high school. Sure enough we pulled up to Lutherville High School, I sighed anticipating my classes. Alex ignored this and pulled into a parking spot almost running over a very tall skinny kid and a shorter, built brunette. My face must have looked shocked because Alex just laughed,

"Don't worry." I nodded my jaw still dropped I looked up and saw that the tall skinny guy had jet black hair and a bleached stripe, the brunette had a simple shag haircut. Skinny guy was wearing girl jeans and a black t-shirt like Alex, but brunette was wearing the typical, khaki shorts and random t-shirt with sneakers. I smiled mousily.

"Thanks for the ride," I was going to venture around to find the office and get my schedule and everything before someone stopped me.

"Wait, Alex who's the hottay?" The skinny boy asked I turned around blushing, the brunette smiled sympathetically.

"My new next-door-neighbor," Alex said apathetically. I didn't know why I had ever done to Alex Gaskarth, but I was starting not to like him.

"I'm Ava," I said waving shortly, the skinny kid stuck out his hand, I laughed warily giving him mine to shake, before he pulled up to his lips and kissed it.

"Jack," He introduced, "and this fucking cool kid is Rian." He nodded over to the brunette who gave me a toothy grin, he looked really nice.

"Nice to meet you," I said pulling my hand back and flipping my hair over my shoulder standing awkwardly wondering if this was going to develop into a conversation or I should go.

"Well, Ava welcome to Lutherville, I assume you need to go to the office?" Jack asked crossing over Rian and leaving Alex with his mouth open like he had just been ditched.

"Yeah, classes and books, all that good stuff," I laughed and he nodded turning me towards the school and wrapping his arm around me, he must have been about a foot taller than me, because he was towering over me.

"Well, lucky for you, I know just where to find all of that," Jack lead me before lifting his other arm and flicking off his friends, "Later ladies."

"Jack I thought we were ditching today?" Alex called out I turned around and waved unenthusiastically , feeling incredibly awkward in a third-wheel kind of way.

"Oh yeah," Jack said stopping in his tracks, he looked down at me debating whether or not to take me in. "You down?" He smiled a big toothy grin and I felt my ears heat up in an embarrassment.

"Uh, sure," I shrugged, Alex's face lit up slightly and I felt a little less resented.

"Let's roll!" Jack said his arm still around me as we climbed back into Alex's Acura, I figured I'm already late in the school year, one more day wouldn't make that much of a difference, plus I'm incredibly intrigued with Jack. Maybe Maryland wouldn't be so bad.
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So I'm just getting started with this story, what do you think so far? :)