Status: finito!

If It Keeps You Around Then I'm Down


When I woke up the next day, I stretched out pleasurably letting my rib cage protrude slightly. I smiled as I relaxed my body, I was really peaceful, but then I saw my phone and realized that I was running late. I ran to the bathroom and peed quickly, then I washed my hands and face, I grabbed a ponytail holder and slid it onto my wrist. I ran back into my room and threw on some jeans shorts and pulled them up my long legs and then grabbed some random v-neck and threw it on. I grabbed my gray cardigan and my plaid jacket. I did some quickie make up and sprayed myself with perfume, I looked pretty good for waking up with no time to spare.

I ran outside and saw Alex already in his car waiting, then I realized I didn't have my book bag so I ran back inside and snatched it from the dining room table and ran back out where Alex was laughing slightly.

"Smooth," He said handing me a coffee, I looked up gratefully and took a sip from it. I got in the car and we pulled up to the same parking spot as before. I got out and Jack raised his hands over his head and yelled,

"AVA!" He said hugging me tightly so that breathing was becoming a problem. I laughed as hard as his embrace would allow me.

"Hi," I said exhaling a tiny bit, I waved at Rian who looked thoroughly entertained. Jack finally put me down and I took a large gasp. Alex was busting out laughing.

"Come on I'll walk you to the office," I made my way into the school, it was pretty bland inside as well. The pale walls were littered with random high school clubs. It was just really cliche. Alex and Jack were debating about tonight and how we should all ride together, Jack wanted to ride separate.

"Dude, stop killing the world!" I said smacking him lightly and Alex grabbed my hand and led me into a really expensive looking office, which really confused me since the school looked so shitty.

"Hey Mrs. Willis, how's my favorite girl today?" Alex leaned over towards the thirties looking woman with perfect chocolate skin, minus a few wrinkles and a few freckles.

"Alexander, boy, please do not tell me you are in trouble already?" She laughed checking her watch and noting our presence behind him. I couldn't help but smile.

"This is my beautiful neighbor, Ava Brody, and this is her first day in this shit hole," Alex smiled pulling me up to the desk. I gave her a small hi.

"Alexander, language. Hello dear, don't be scared we have a relatively small senior class, so chances are you'll have some classes with these upstanding gentlemen," She said sweetly before she switched to a sarcasm to describe Alex and Jack, who high-fived.

"Alright, let me get everything printed, your parents have already registered you, let me get your school policy handbook, locker number and schedule, hold on sweetie," She said getting up and piling a bunch of papers.

"Thank you," I said sweetly taking the papers from her.

"Well, you're welcome sweetie, you two take care of her. I know a good girl when I see one," She said ordering Jack and Alex, who saluted her before stealing my schedule as we walked into the hallway.

"Sweet, you have all of your classes with us!" Jack called out excitedly, just then a cluster of girls walked past us and glared at Jack and Alex. I looked confused between the two of them.

"Ex-dates?" Alex offered and I rolled my eyes. School was like a continued party. Jack and Alex must've gotten in trouble a million times. Everytime we walked into a classroom Alex introduced me as his "hot neighbor", which I think made me the most hated girl in all of Lutherville High, usually I was the most unknown girl in my high school.

I met a lot of guys and a few girls who weren't bitter towards Jack and Alex, I struggled to memorize their names. One girl named Maria invited me to play soccer with her and some girls, who had a league outside of school. Apparently her and Alex were an item, she seemed to like me when I told her that I could never like Alex like that.

"Oh my God!" I was exhausted, I called out as I plopped down into the car next to Alex, he chuckled. We had to get ready for the party and I had no idea what to expect, so Jack and Alex were coming over to help me get ready.

"I don't want to look like a slut!" I shot down Jack's suggestion of booty shorts and a tank top. I stepped out of my walk-in closet in short jean shorts and a button down striped shirt, rolled up at the elbows and converse.

"I like it, its like sexy nerd," Alex said judging me. He added a flamboyant accent and turned to Jack, "Oh girl, that color looks so good on you!"

"Mhmm," Jack responded in the same accent, I laughed and took a curtsy. I got a hair tie and threw my hair up, we all walked down the stairs and were stopped by my mother taking pictures obnoxiously.

"Guys, get together and smile!" She directed us before taking a million pictures.

"Mom, its not prom, it's just a party!" I said pulling both guys out with me, my mom called out for us to be safe and have fun. My father was looking rather perturbed with his arms crossed over his chest, staring a hole into Alex's head. He put up his two fingers and pointed them to his eyes and then to Alex.

"Your dad thinks I'm your date doesn't he?" Alex asked while I was buckling my seatbelt.

"I don't know why?" I asked looking up at Alex before he pointed and I saw my dad's gesture. I felt my cheeks heat up as Jack cackled from the backseat. "Please drive."

When we got to the house, with a myriad of cars lined up around the house. I saw Rian outside with a very pretty brunette and I excitedly ran up to them. Alex met up with Maria and planted a very non-platonic kiss for a very long, very non-platonic time.

"Hey Ava!" They both called out, Rian introduced me to his girlfriend Kara, and I shook her hand. She was really nice and I found out she played soccer with Maria and invited me as well. Jack came over and was whimpering.

"All I did was say get a room or let me in there!" He called out over his shoulder. He cuddled up to me and I laughed, he was really straining and still couldn't reach my shoulder, "Damn you're so short!"

"I'm not short, you're just freakishly tall," I laughed pushing his head back up. He pretend to stretch and pop his neck. I looked at the party nervously, we hadn't even gotten into the party yet.

"Jack!" A couple of guys called out in a deep voices and Jack flicked them off cooly, apparently Jack was a little more cool than I first thought. He smiled and held up his elbow, I laced my arm and we walked into the room, the place was shaking with the bass line. Jack disappeared from my side and a couple of people I had met today greeted me with hugs, which I thought was a little strange.

"Rum and coke right?" Jack asked handing me a cup, I smiled surprised. This boy was full of surprises.

"Thank you," I yelled over the music, we stood awkwardly for a while before Jack pulled my hand and led me outside.

"So I think you should know that I like you," he said bluntly, this was a little bit stronger than I had previously experience with rum and coke, maybe it was because I hadn't eaten anything today.

"But you don't know me," I said really confused, I downed my drink under the pressure.

"I'd like to, so I was thinking tomorrow, when we're both fucking hung over we wished that Chuck Norris would just put us out of our misery, we get coffee and scones or some shit," he said, a couple of people laughed, I looked up to see a couple making out on the balcony.

"Why not?" I smiled and a smile spread across his face as well. He led me back into the party and poured me another drink. He began dancing along with Vanilla Ice, and I was literally crying from laughing so hard. A pain seared my stomach, I tried to object when he pulled me to dance with him after the next song was over. It was just us moving ridiculously close to each other. I never do this.

"This party is like a big fat juicy steak in the Playboy Mansion," Jack yelled, I nearly spit out my drink. The song changed to a slower song and Jack snaked his arms around me.

"This party is like Elmo on drugs," Jack whispered in my ear, I shot him a confused look, "I love drugged out fire-crotches like Lindsay Lohan." He explained. I laughed so hard I had to think about keeping the alcohol in my stomach. Then there was silence, and it felt like everyone had left the room. It was my head against Jack's chest.

After the song was over, I felt like I was going to puke so I ran outside again and vomited. Lovely, I know. Jack came out looking for me and got me a glass of water. I thanked him and he laid down next to me. We stared up at the stars, and Jack broke the comfortable silence

"I really hope no one spits on us," He whispered. I laughed loudly and turned to face him.

"I really hope no one pees on us," I whispered with a smile on my face. He laughed and then grabbed my hand.I stumbled up and he pulled us out away from the balcony.

'Yeah let's move," he said laughing. We chose a spot on the lawn and he wrapped his arms around me as I fell asleep.
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comments? suggestions? random shit?