Status: finito!

If It Keeps You Around Then I'm Down

Old Friends.

I woke up in a panic, like when you feel like you have something to do, but you don't. Then my panic was enhanced by waking up next to a boy, Jack, I took a deep breathe. I was little bit hung over, but it wasn't bad since I had thrown up, I saw that we were both fully clothed and I was completely relieved laying back down and sighing. Jack let out a tiny snore and I couldn't help but laugh, he rolled over from on his back and his arm came flying towards me, straight on my boob.

I would've let it slide, if he had been sleeping, but I saw a smile creep across his face, eyes still shut and I smacked him on the head as hard as a I could, he yelped out loudly and rubbed his head.

"There's an echo in my brain cavity, shit dude! That hurt so bad, I felt it in my penis!" He called out rolling around still holding his head. I chuckled lightly.

"I had a feeling the two were connected," I laughed standing up, Jack smiled guiltily and I gave him a hand and helped him stand up, "how're you feeling?" I asked noticing his wincing from the sun peering behind the trees.

"Hung over as shit!" He said he bumped his hip to mine, only it didn't work because my hip is a little lower than his, "I suppose you're not, Pukey McGee," me smiled and I stuck my tongue out.

"Worth it," I shrugged, we walked into the house and it looked like a tornado of sex, rock and roll and alcohol and swept the entire place. It did actually so, I guess that would be an accurate metaphor.

"Let's get the fuck out of here," Jack said pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialing Alex, we heard blink-182 somewhere upstairs, Jack motioned for me to go up and I nodded. I followed the sounds of Dammit to a guest bedroom I had to guess to reveal a half naked Alex and a full naked, and passed out Maria.

"Gross!" I said shielding my eyes, and Alex faked a laugh while pulling on his clothes. He punched me lightly in the arm before we made our way downstairs, "don't you think you should leave her a note or something?" I asked looking back up to where Maria was passed out.

"What for?" Alex laughed and I was a bit taken back, I never knew the boys were like this, I was surprised.

"I'm assuming you did the nasty?" I said chasing after him, realizing I had stopped moving contemplating his answer. This time Jack started laughing as well.

"The nasty?" Alex asked and I nodded, "We had sex, it's not like I nicked her bumper so I should leave my name and number on a card? Ava, grow up."

I probably shouldn't have taken that personally, but I did. I sat in the back in silence, until Alex pulled up to my house. I got out and shut the door on Jack who started to say something, they both called out my name, but I made it inside without turning around. I was exhausted and pissed off, I made it up to my room before closing the doors and drifting off to sleep.


I knew Ava was pissed, mostly because I wasn't retarded, what I couldn't figure out was why. I'm pretty sure they had one night stands in California, so why was she so pissed. Ava wasn't a virgin either, call it a sixth sense, but I know. I sighed asking myself why I was doing this as I climbed up the tree between our houses. I saw a couple of elementary school kids on their bikes who I flicked off. I heard one of them call me an asshole, but I didn't really care. I needed to see Ava.

I made it to the top of the tree before realizing she was asleep, I cursed to myself and then started looking for something to throw. I had my phone, but I wasn't about to chuck that at her window. I sighed looking down before I pulled off my new red, yellow and black dunks. If only Ava knew what I was going through for her. I tossed the show at the window and all Ava did was stir a little, I sighed pulling the other one off and throwing it as hard as I could at the window, she jumped up and placed her hand on her heart, before seeing me.

"What do you want Alex?" She asked opening the window and sticking her head out. I shrugged and looked around and then down, not realizing how high it was.

"You know just wanted to hang out, get my balls squished by a tree so that I could ask my wife what was wrong, the usual?" I shrugged, she laughed and shook her head. I started to make my way toward the skinnier branch that led to her room.

"You know you'll get your balls squished in here too, right?" She asked holding out her hand and helping me in, I fell in, lucky she didn't have a desk or something right there, she laughed at my feet, "why aren't you wearing shoes?"

"I had to throw something at your window to get your attention!" I said standing up and bouncing on her bed.

"Next time, try knocking. Or you could just use the front door like a normal person?" She said sarcastically plopping down next to me.

"Ava Camille Brody, in all the time you've known me have I ever been a normal person?" I asked and she opened one of her tired eyes to give me a look before smiling and nodding.

"I guess not," She mumbled.

"So why are you pissed at me?" I asked and she propped herself up on her elbows to look me in the eyes. A small break from her exhaustion.

"Alex, I didn't know that you were the type of guy who fucks a girl and then leaves. I thought you knew better than that," she said sympathetically, with no scorn or disapproval, just sadness.

"Ava, you've never had a one night stand?" I asked trying to flip this on her.

"Of course, Alex, but I stuck around and explained I didn't want anything serious, and I definitely didn't tease him before and use his emotions towards me to manipulate the situation for my gain," she said. I had no idea she was this smart, I don't think I could win this argument, if that's what this even was.

"Alright, I'm sorry Ava," I said hoping we could go get some coffee or something and go on an adventure, her first weekend here, I wanted it to be memorable.

"Don't say sorry to me Alex, you didn't do anything to me," She turned to face me, her eyes were shut and she mumbled slowly. Something about being with your childhood best friend makes you wish you had grown up to be a different man. How was she so good? She wasn't a prude, she swore, she drank, she wasn't over-bearingly religious, but she was good, like one of those people Ghandi would want to hang out with. "It feels like we never left doesn't it?" she said shifting to get more comfortable. I pulled a hair that had fallen into her perfect face and moved it away.

"Yeah, its weird." I said turning on my back and resting my eyes for a while. When I woke up the second time, Ava had already showered and changed, she smiled at me as if I was freaking Jesus.

"Ready to go?" She asked, I smiled slightly confused. She waved my cell phone in her hand and gave me a toothy grin.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"Jack is picking us up," she shrugged as we made our way down the staircase, she was checking around the corner to make sure her father wouldn't see me with her in a seemingly empty house. When we were finally outside, I saw Jack leaning against the hood of his car, taken back at the sight of me, Ava went around the house to search for my shoes.

"Dude, why are you hear?! This is supposed to be a date!" Jack hissed at me and I shrugged as just as Ava came back from around her house with my shoes in her hands, she ran over and handed them to me.

"Thank you, my dear," I said slipping them on my feet.

"Your feet smell like ass," She smiled sweetly before snaking me out of shotgun, I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but laugh. I could see why Jack and Zack liked her.

"Major cock-block!" Jack said flailing his arms and getting into the car where Ava was laughing to herself and fixing makeup that had fallen under her eyes.

"Please, like you'd get into my pants after one date anyways," She smiled, causing me to bust out in laughing and Jack's jaw to drop to the floor, she shrugged, "people need to remember that cars aren't sound proof."

I definitely understand it now.