Wildfire: Rise of the Phoenix

Attacked and Rescued

"So, the facts still don't add up," Krystian said angrily pacing the living room floor for the fifth time that night.

"I know, but that's what happened today," Rosalie hissed at him.

It had been three days since the alleged kidnapping. The school kept calling and asking about Hailie's whereabouts, but Carlisle ignored them because for all he cared they were the ones were responsible for her disappearance in the first place for not being more secured. Carlisle had nightly meetings with every single person who was willing to help find Hailie and bring her home safe. It helped a lot that they didn’t have to sleep, or rather the Cullen's didn't have to sleep. Nessie showed a little sadness that Hailie was gone and to make his daughter happy again Edward was doing everything he could to find her.

"Maybe I can help," a voice said from the stairs.

Everyone turned their heads towards the voice and saw Liv standing on the stairs looking rather distraught and sad.

"What in the hell do you think you can do that we haven't tried already for the past three days," Rosalie hissed angrily.

"Well, I actually thought that I could help locate her, but you have to hear me out first," Live said nervously.

"You set us all up," Alice suddenly said.

"What, no I didn't," Liv said frantically.

"Yes you did. You came here looking for your sister, but the truth is you don't have a sister do you Liv," Alice demanded angrily.

"Alice calm down," Edward said.

"NO, I will not calm down," Alice said defensively, "it was her fault to begin with," she added angrily.

Every one turned their eyes towards Liv as if asking the question with their eyes. Liv looked down at her shoes and quietly descended the rest of the stairs. She walked towards the couch and then sat down.

"If I tell you all the truth, will you listen and not judge me for what I've done," she asked.

"We're listening," Carlisle stated derisively and coldly, which was a new tone that everyone never heard from him.

Liv nodded her head and then took a deep breath before she began her story.

"It started six years ago. My family was being hunted by something and I didn't know how to make it stop. This group of people came to me one day and said that they would make it stop for a price. I was really worried about my family that I agreed without listening to the price first. It turned out that the price for my family's protection was for me to work for them. I didn't mind it because it kept a steady living for my family and it made everyone happy and together longer. Three years of this went by and I noticed something happening within this group of people. They started becoming more secretive and shadier for my liking. Many times I tried to back out of the deal, but they kept threatening me and I got scared so I stopped raising questions.

"That only lasted two years. Now, they've threatened to kill my entire family if I didn't help them track down Hailie. I tried asking them why they wanted her, but they wouldn't tell me anything. I spent an entire year looking for her for them, and when I finally found her I felt horrible that I was lying to everyone, but I wanted to keep my family alive so I told them her location. I didn't tell them anything about the school tour that she was going on three days ago, so I don't know how they knew about that, but I tried to ask them questions about why Hailie was so important to them. They have yet to tell me that I'm done with them," Liv explained.

"So you're saying you sacrificed Hailie's safety to keep your family alive for you," Alice asked incredulous.

"Yes, but I see how much my mistakes have hurt you all, and I'm truly sorry," Liv said.

Everyone was silent after her apology because they weren't sure what to do with her now that she confessed the truth to everyone. Rosalie didn't want anything to do with her so she had gone upstairs to fume without hurting anyone. Rosalie may be ruthless and mean most of the time, but she wasn't heartless. If she was heartless then she wouldn't have cared about Hailie and where she was, but because she wasn't heartless she wanted to find Hailie and she knew what she had to do. Rosalie opened her window and jumped the four stories to the ground. She had a backpack of clothes and stuff she would need for her journey. She grabbed the nearest bike helmet and put it on her head and then took off on her bike. She couldn't wait any longer for the family to make a move. She had to make sure that Hailie was safe and back with the family.


Hailie woke up to the sound of a gun being cocked back. Fear was starting to rumble through her stomach and she was beginning to wonder why she even asked for these people's help seven years ago. She was lying on the old bed and trying to figure out why she went to these people for help in the first place when her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she saw black.


Hailie was watching from the sidelines again. She was following a beautiful young girl who looked almost like her, but with white blonde hair instead of her normal red locks. Hailie was confused as to why she was experiencing these past lives, but she might know on some account. Hailie thought that maybe seeing these past lives could help her correct any mistakes that she might make in the future. It was only a theory that was going through her head at the moment and that theory was all she had going for her.

Hailie followed her carbon copy look-alike that was blonde instead of auburn red down a side street. The next thing she knew the blonde one disappeared and left Hailie wondering where she had gone until Hailie fell down a man-hole because she wasn't looking. When she landed she saw the ends of the blonde disappear behind a door. Hailie ran after her and followed her through the door. She hid in the shadows when she realized that after she went through the door the blonde was talking to Jane of the Volturi.

"She's dead," the blonde said.

"Are you sure," Jane asked.

That's when Hailie realized that the blonde was nothing like herself. The voice was different
and the blonde's actions were different also.

"How did she die," Jane asked.

"Well, you asked me to tail her so that she wouldn't try anything stupid, but by the time I found her she was already dead," the blonde said.

"Aro isn't going to be happy about this. We promised her top notch protection while she kept her race alive, and now she's dead," Jane said sounding like she was fuming within.

"Jane she was running too fast for me to keep up with her. There was nothing I could do, but I did manage to see what had killed her," the blonde said.
Hailie was listening to their conversation and realized that they were talking about Hailie's past life that had died so many years ago. Hailie was watching the conversation that took place after her past life's death.

"What was it," Jane asked.

"I have to tell Aro, that was my instruction if anything went wrong with her," the blonde said.

"Fine Aurora follow me," Jane said leading the way back to Aro.

Hailie followed the two girls down more hallways and finally came to a large room where three people were sitting on throne like chairs.

"Ah, Aurora why are you back so early," Aro asked rather too perky.

"I'm sorry master, but Cailie is dead," Aurora said lowering her head.

"What happened," Aro asked sounding like he was getting angry.

"I tailed her like you told me to master, but by the time I managed to find her again she was dead in the back of an alleyway. There was a young man bending over her and crying, but before he showed up I noticed what had killed her. They were creatures like us, but different. They smelled horrible and disgusting. They looked disgusting as well. Their faces were all distorted and ugly, but they had red eyes just like us," Aurora said.

"Well, we must find these fiends and dispose of them before they ruin our secret," Aro said.
Everyone nodded.

"Aurora you did well even if our protection wasn't the best for her, but you need to lead the war against these creatures and if it takes centuries then it will take centuries to find them all. I want all of these fiends to parish in memory of the Phoenix who made them known to us in the first place," Aro said.

Aurora nodded her head and then left to go make an army of vampires to start the war against the nasty fiends. Hailie followed Aurora, but lost her the minute she left the large room. Hailie started turning in circles until she felt her eyes roll back in her head again.


Hailie woke up to three people staring down at her. Two were female and one was Damon.

"What the hell was that about," Damon asked.

"What the hell was what about," Hailie asked dryly.

"You were yelling and thrashing around on the bed, so we all came in here to see what the hell the matter was and then you woke up," Damon said sarcastically.

"Well, I guess I must have been having a nightmare or something," Hailie replied just as sarcastically.

"A nightmare," one of the female's asked.

"Yes, a nightmare. Everyone gets nightmares from time to time," Hailie said doing her best to hide an eye roll.

"Well, keep the screaming and thrashing to a minimum," the other female said.

"Why, when I'm asleep I don't know what the hell I'm doing with my body," Hailie said.

The two females rolled their eyes and turned to leave.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me," Hailie yelled at their retreating backs.

They both turned and looked at Hailie and the looks that both of them gave her made angrier.

"Excuse us," they both said.

"You heard me, don't you ever roll your eyes at me again," Hailie growled.

"For your information Miss Marsinelli, but you owe us and it's not the other way around," the one in the black leather said.

"Really, and what the hell do I owe you," Hailie demanded.

"We helped you with your problem seven years ago and now it's time to pay up," the female in black SWAT clothes said.

"As far as I remember, you didn't take care of it. You just stopped it for two years. They still came back for me and they managed to eliminate my parents," Hailie hissed.

"We did everything we could at the time you came to us. We didn't anticipate them multiplying so fast and coming after you again," black SWAT female answered.

"Well they did and for your information my name isn't Marsinelli anymore, it's Cale," Hailie said making sure the tears weren't spilling over.

"I'm sorry that your parents perished, but there was nothing that we could do. We tried to be there, but your parents thought that we were burglars or at least two of our men were burglars. We had to pull out, but our men didn't get too far from the house before they were killed," Damon said.

"Wait, that was your men who broke in," Hailie asked incredulous.

"Yes, we offered you and your family protection for your help at tracking these things. You helped us and we helped you, but we need your help again," Damon said.

"Who the hell are you two," Hailie asked the females.

"I'm Lili and this is my sister Kaila," Lili said.

"When did you join the team," Hailie asked.

"We joined the night that your parents perished. We actually have another sister who you have met, but she's helping the other side because she was afraid that we would be hurt," Kaila said.

"What's her name," Hailie asked.

"Liv Karenin," Lili answered.

"She told me that she was looking for me because I was her sister," Hailie said feeling anger rush through her body.

"Yes, she's our sister but we haven't seen her for awhile now," Kaila said with furrowed brows.

"She's at the Cullen household and if you want her back then you better take me back there now," Hailie said trying to hold back the anger she was feeling.

"We actually can't do that," Damon said.

"Why the hell not," Hailie demanded.

"We kidnapped you because like we said earlier, we still need your help," Damon said with a sigh.

"Doing what," Hailie asked incredulous.

Before either of them could answer Hailie heard the roar of a car or a motorcycle in the distance. She didn't know where she was, but it sounded like it was gaining speed and momentum.

"Do you hear that," Hailie asked them.

Everyone stayed silent and listened carefully.

"What is that noise," Lili asked.

"It sounds like a motorcycle and is sounds like it's headed here," Damon said.

The motorcycle got louder and then there was a loud crashing sound in the other room.

"Stay here," Damon said to everyone.

"Well I have no choice," Hailie yelled after him.

There were sounds of hissing and low growls. Hailie was confused, but she also could feel the fear in her body start to rise because she knew those growls and hisses. They had found her, but it wasn't the people that she loved that had found her. Now that they had found her they were going to kill her.

"Let me out of this chain now," Hailie said getting serious.

"We can't do that," Kaila answered.

"Why not," Hailie asked.

"Damon's got the key," Lili said.

"Dammit," Hailie yelled getting angry.

"Hailie please calm down, I'm sure there's a spare key somewhere," Kaila said trying to keep Hailie's anger under control.

Hailie took a few deep breaths and felt her anger subside a little, but it wasn't enough especially when Damon's body came flying through the door and landed on the ground just in front of the bed.

"Damon give me the key now," Hailie hissed.

Damon groaned in pain, but handed Hailie the key to the chain that kept her to the bed. Lili and Kaila rushed to Damon's side and helped him up. Hailie was out of the chain and standing in front of the people that kidnapped her in the first place. She knew that her kidnappers wouldn't last long if she bolted now.

"Stay behind me," Hailie warned.

Lili and Kaila wouldn't have been able to fight anyway because they were still holding Damon up. Hailie let herself get angry for being the brunt of this whole fight between races. She knew it wouldn't stop until someone died forever and she was going to make damn sure that it wasn't her family and friends. Hailie felt her hands get really hot and she looked down and saw that they were flaming. She was ready to take down these nasty creatures again. She began walking towards the other room that Damon had just come sailing from and when she stepped inside she saw a horde of the nasty creatures that almost destroyed her new family.

That thought alone made her a little angrier. She glared at the creatures with hateful eyes and they sneered at her. She started throwing fireballs and they started bursting into flames before her eyes. The thought of them burning fueled her excitement and she continued to throw flames at the nasty creatures. Their screams of agony continued to fuel her anger and excitement so she was able to destroy them faster than normal. The power was coursing through her as she was destroying these things.

She heard the motorcycle again and another crash from behind her made her lose a little of her concentration. She finished off most of the creatures, but they seemed to be swarming the place.

"Lili, get Damon and Kaila out of here now," Hailie yelled.

She heard the motorcycle again. She began walking back towards the room where the three had kept her and found that they had gone already. She continued to throw fireballs, but she felt her power starting to drain from her. She felt dizzy, but she could hear the faint roar of a motorcycle. Why am I hearing a motorcycle she thought to herself as she felt the dizziness get heavier and her eyes started drooping from exhaustion?

Just before her eyes closed she felt the flames die from her hands and she thought that she saw a beautiful pale face leaning over her. Hailie's eyes closed from exhaustion and fatigue. All she saw was pitch blackness once the power seeped out of her body and the power was laid to rest until the next huge emotional crisis that she had to deal with.
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