Wildfire: Rise of the Phoenix


Hailie stirred in her sleep. She felt her strength slowly return to her as her body rested. She had hoped that when she grew into her powers fully that she wouldn't always pass out afterwards. It was getting old and tiring. She felt her eyes start flutter and her eyes opened and she saw her family. She didn't believe it was true because she felt like she was in a dream of some sort.

"I'm dreaming," she mumbled to herself.

"You're not dreaming Hailie," Rose's voice answered happiness dripping off of every word.

Hailie snapped her eyes open and looked at her family. She smiled widely and jumped off the couch, but felt a sudden dizziness that she almost stumbled, but Rose caught her arm before she fell.

"Careful Hailie, you don't want to break anything," Rosalie laughed a little.

Hailie engulfed Rose into a huge hug and then looked around and her eyes landed on Liv Karenin. Anger flashed through her eyes, but she made it disappear quickly.

"We need to talk now," Hailie growled out a little harshly.

Liv merrily nodded her head and then followed Hailie up the stairs with her head bowed. Hailie led her into her room and wished that no one would hear what she had to say to Liv. Unfortunately, there was no way to keep them from hearing their conversation. Hailie closed and locked the door with a sigh. She finally turned towards Liv and stared at her.

"Why did you lie," Hailie asked.

"I lied because I was scared and I didn't want my family to get hurt," Liv answered sadly.

"Look, I'm a little pissed off at you for lying, not only to me, but to my family, but seeing as though you were going through some difficult circumstances at the time, I can understand where you were coming from," Hailie said after about a three minute silence.

Liv looked at Hailie as if she were sprouting three different heads at the same time.

"You understand," she asked incredulous.

"I do, because if it were me trying to protect my family I would have lied as well," Hailie admitted.

"Really," Liv asked incredulous.

"Of course, now drop the damn subject and tell me who the hell wants me dead," Hailie glared.

"The school," she answered letting her gaze travel to the floor.

"Wait, the school that I was kidnapped from a few days ago," Hailie asked eyes wide.

"Yes. They want to nurture your powers for about two and a half years and just before you're twenty-first birthday they were planning on killing you," Liv replied.

"Dammit, I should have known there was a hidden agenda," Hailie muttered under her breath.

Before Liv could reply Hailie bolted from the room. She ran down the stairs and stopped in front of her family who were all sitting in the living room. They all looked up with confused expressions on their faces.

"Hailie what's wrong," Rosalie asked first.

"Alice do you see anything in the future regarding that school that we were touring a few days ago," Hailie directed her question to the little pixie.

Alice let herself stare off into space and when she returned she looked at Hailie with her eyes wide.

"The only thing I see is a rather large battle at the school. I see a couple of blurs, but nothing too distinct with those blurs," she told everyone.

"One of those blurs is me and we are going to take down this school before they have a chance to get rid of me," Hailie announced.

"What are you talking about," Edward asked.

"The school only wanted me to attend so that they can pretend that they care about my powers, but in reality they wanted to kill me just before I turn twenty-one. My eighteenth birthday is in two days and after that we have three years to devise a plan to take down this school," Hailie explained.

"We will help with anything that we can," Dimitri said standing up with Rose next to him.

"Thank you," Hailie smiled.

"I can help to, well and my brother of course," Aaron piped up.

"You have a brother," Hailie asked.

"Uh, yeah but he's too shy to come to these meetings. I'm sort of like the messenger between you and him," he replied a little nervously.

"Alright, whatever, but right now we need to start planning," Hailie said.

Everyone was silent trying to figure out a plan of attack against the school when there was a loud rumbling. Hailie blushed a deep scarlet.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten in awhile. Roza, Dimitri, would you like anything to eat," Hailie offered standing up and heading into the kitchen.

"Sure, let us help," Roza offered.

Hailie led the way into the kitchen and then started whipping up some food. She baked some chicken, made some rice, and sautéed some broccoli. After she took the chicken out of the oven she started whipping up some dessert for later. She made some dessert for the others, but it was a special dessert as well. Once the special dessert was made she made some dessert for herself, Roza, Dimitri, Liv, and Aaron.

They all sat down and devoured the food and Aaron completed her on her cooking skills. When everyone was sitting in the dining room eating their dessert they all started trying to come up with a good plan of attack. They all knew that they had three years before the huge battle that Alice saw, but they wanted to be prepared.

"Carlisle, should we call in for help from the Volturi and any other friends," Jasper asked.

"That might work. They would have to understand that they couldn't attack any humans in the vicinity of where we live though," Carlisle said.

"The Volturi won't care about that shit," Hailie growled, "but they owe me big time," she added.

"That's right, if they knew that there was a big battle concerning your safety then they would jump on the opportunity to help us," Esme said her eyes sparkling.

"Don't forget the shape-shifters. They owe me as well," Hailie said.

"I'll ask Jacob and Sam if they could come by and start talking strategy concerning them and their two packs," Bella said.

"Well, let's wait until morning to do that because I'm tired and I need sleep," Hailie said before yawning heavily.

The next couple of days passed and then it was Hailie's birthday. Everyone wanted to put attack plans on hold for the day so that they could celebrate. Hailie woke up extra early and decided to go for a run. She told Rosalie when she came down the stairs and said that she would be back later. Hailie headed outside and then started her run through the forests. She ran for about six miles straight before getting tired. She rested and stretched and then began the long trek back to the house in a slow, but peaceful walk.

Hailie didn't know how long she had been walking for, but before she could even react she was grabbed from behind and blindfolded. She fought and struggled, but then she felt her limbs go heavy from something.

"Is she out," one person asked.

"Yep, she's out cold," the other said with a smirk.

"Good, we need her to be able to trust us when she wakes up, so be careful with her," the third one said.

One of them picked up her body and they carefully placed her in the back of the van that they had come in. Once she was in the van they took off down the highway.

Back at the mansion everyone was decorating the mansion for Hailie's eighteenth birthday party. They would surprise her when she got back, but all plans of the party stopped when Alice dropped a glass bowl on the floor. Jasper rushed to her side and helped her sit down. Everyone else crowded around her, but not too close so that she wouldn't be overwhelmed.

"She's gone," Alice finally said.

"Gone, who's gone," Rosalie asked concerned.

"Hailie I think. I can't be sure because I didn't see anything, but a blur and three people in a van driving down the highway," she said.

"Did you see where," Edward asked.

"No, I couldn't all the signs were too blurry for me to make out," Alice said sadly.

"We'll find her, we have three years before this battle takes place, and I don't know about the rest of you, but I have a feeling that we won't win this battle unless we have Hailie fighting with us," Roza said.

"I agree," Dimitri chimed in.

Everyone started taking down the decorations for the party that wasn't going to happen. Once they were all taken down Aaron came over with his brother. They didn't know when they would get Hailie back, but they weren't going to stop looking until they found her and brought her back. She was still unstable with her powers and wouldn't have full control of them until she was twenty-one. Rosalie wasn't going to stop looking until she found her best friend and sister. She was determined to find her and determined to bring her back safe and sound.
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I apologize for the long wait. I finally just got some inspiration for this story so I hope that I will be able to finish it soon.