Wildfire: Rise of the Phoenix

Search Parties and Explanations

Rosalie wouldn't stop looking when she found out that Hailie went missing. She looked everywhere that she could. When they first started looking for Hailie they all agreed to meet back at the Cullen's mansion, but Rosalie never returned. All she left was a note saying that she wouldn't return until Hailie was found or until the battle was to begin. Everyone understood how Rosalie was feeling at the moment because she had connected to Hailie the most.

Everyone was saddened by her being taken, but they couldn't seem to find out where she was taken. They called up their friends in other places and they all reported back saying that she wasn't there, but that they would keep their eyes out for any sign of her. Edward, Dimitri, Roza, Krystian, Aaron, Bella, Jasper, and Emmett were all discussing battle plans. Alice even put in a few suggestions when she wasn't watching the future so diligently.

Meanwhile, Hailie was still out cold, but she was tied to a chair. Her feet were tied to the legs of the chair, she was still blindfolded, her hands were tied behind the chair, and there was a rope around her torso so that she would sit up straight. The three people that kidnapped her were in another room talking to their boss.

"Is she still out cold Damon," the female asked.

"Yes Miss Katiya," Damon responded.

"Good, she has to be able to trust us before we can start working with her," she said.

"Why did you want her, if you don't mind me asking," another 'minion' asked tentatively.

"She is special. She's the only one who can turn the tides on the Strigoi and in order for her to do so she needs to learn control and discipline now even though she won't get her full powers until the age of twenty-one," Katiya explained.

"How is she special," the third one asked.

"Alright, look James she's special because she is one of the last living phoenixes to be alive. She has had one mission since she's been born and that is to stop the Strigoi from ever being created again," Katiya explained to James.

"How many phoenixes are there out in the world besides her," the second one asked.

"Nate," she addressed him, " there are about three or four still alive, but they are in hiding and they will stay that way until someone takes a stand for them to come out of hiding," she said trying to keep her calm.

Before either one of them could say anything to that there was a loud piercing scream of pain coming from the room that Hailie was in. Katiya looked at the three men and they immediately went into action. Katiya followed behind them when she heard that Hailie was under control. She walked in just as Hailie was making a rather rude comment to her hired help.

"Oh, well let's see there's three of you and since you won't tell me your names I'll give some to you," she said sarcastically, "you, you're dipshit," she said looking to Damon, "and you are horseshit," she said looking at James, " and don't think I forgot about you either, because you are short shit," she smirked at Nate.

Katiya couldn't help but smile at her sarcasm and spunk. She had anger issues and part of that was what consisted of most of her power.

"Ouch, will you get these fucking metal bindings off my fucking arms," she screamed angrily.

"If you would calm down, and listen to what I have to say then maybe I'll think about it," Katiya spoke up before anyone could answer her.

Hailie whipped her head around and faced a tall woman. When she had woken up due to some pain from her wrists because her powers were acting up, she had come face to face with three men once her blind fold was taken off. She had opted to giving them names since they wouldn't tell her their real names. Now, she was looking at this tall woman who had piercing blue eyes standing in the doorway.

"Who the fuck are you," Hailie spat angrily.

"My name is Katiya Livingston. I didn't have you kidnapped to hurt you," she answered simply.

"Then what the fuck do you want with me and why am I bound like an animal," Hailie growled angrily.

"My apologies for that, but you need to understand self-control on your emotions especially anger. I had you brought here because I want to help you. Your family and friends may think that they can help you with your powers, but they can't. The only person who can is the person that you can't see until you're twenty-one," Katiya said.

"What the fuck are you talking about," Hailie asked her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Are you not of the phoenix race," Katiya asked.

"How the hell do you know about the phoenix race," Hailie asked her eyes growing wide.

"I know a lot about the race of phoenixes because I'm alive to protect and train them," she answered simply.

"What exactly does that mean," Hailie asked still confused.

"Do you remember any conversations with your friends Roza and Dimitri," Katiya asked.

"Of course I do," Hailie said.

"Did Roza talk about her past to you in any of those," she asked again.

"Yes I think she did. Those conversations were awhile ago," Hailie said starting to calm down only because of interest in the topic of conversation.

"Alright, well I am similar to those two. I have been trained to protect the race of the phoenixes, just like Roza and Dimitri have been trained to protect the Moroi race against the Strigoi," Katiya said.

"Why should I believe you," Hailie asked snottily.

"I'm telling you the truth whether you believe it or not. I can't protect my own phoenix until he turns twenty-one and as far as I know that is in two years. My new mission until I can meet up with him is to help train you. Your guardian is the same way. He cannot see you or protect you until you are twenty-one either so it's my job to help you become and advanced phoenix for when you do finally meet up with your guardian," Katiya explained.

Hailie still wasn't sure if she could trust any of these people. It took months and years before she could even begin to trust any of the Cullens, so she was still unsure and skeptical on the whole thing.

"Do I have a choice in this at all," Hailie asked with her eyes narrowed slightly.

"I would be lying if I told you that yes, you did have a choice, but no you don't," Katiya said solemnly.

"Then what do I have to do," Hailie asked sounding defeated.

Katiya went on to explain how much training that Hailie had to do and that by the time she was done with it, the battle would be around the corner. Hailie didn't like it, but she obviously couldn't do anything else but agree with whatever Katiya said. Hailie wasn't stupid though. She had her own plans cooking up in her brain and she was only biding her time before using them. She was hoping that they didn't find the tiny cell phone that she kept hidden in her bra. It had actually been the cell phone vibrating that woke her up in the first place.

"Will I at least be untied and have some freedom," Hailie asked with a sarcastic smile plastered on her face.

"Of course," Katiya said with a smile.

Hailie was untied and she flexed her wrists and ankles because they were sore. She stretched her arms and legs since they were pretty stiff. Hailie had noticed where they kept the sedatives and she had to be stealthy about getting some so that she could somehow escape from where she was at. In the meantime, though, she would be good and listen to anything that they would tell her until her entire plan was complete. She had to bide her time to make sure that she didn't mess up her plan. Hailie planned to work extra hard in order to prove that she really trusted Katiya and her men.

Katiya led Hailie towards the room that she would be staying in for the duration of her training. When Katiya left her there Hailie took out her phone after double checking and making sure that she was alone. She didn't feel as if she had as much privacy as she wanted so she quickly hid the phone again without looking at it. Hailie promised herself that she would check the phone when everyone was asleep to ensure full privacy from her captors. Hailie couldn't help but have the feeling that they were lying and that they had a hidden agenda with her, but she also knew that she had to keep her cool and play it off as if she did trust them in order for her plan to work completely.