Wildfire: Rise of the Phoenix

Two and a Half Years Later

It has been two and a half years since Hailie was taken. Rosalie had finally come back to the house exhausted on every place she knew to look. Rosalie had slowly started going into a depression that not even Emmett, the large goofball, could bring her out of. Everyone was shocked that someone as self-centered as Rosalie could be so depressed about one person.

Hailie's birthday was in six months and no one was certain what would happen. Alice tried to pinpoint the exact day of when the huge battle would begin, but she couldn't. Someone was blocking that. Over the span of the two and a half years the Cullens, Roza, Dimitri, Aaron, and Krystian had been attacked numerous times to try and weaken them. The other side always lost though because they weren't as organized even though each attack had been sudden and quick.

Anie and Derrick had stopped by and asked about Hailie because she hadn't responded since after the tour. No one bothered to answer their questions. Everyone knew by now what that school was really up to and they wanted to take it down. Headmistress Kirova of St. Vladimir's Academy had offered her services along with the as many guardians as she could offer. Carlisle was grateful for the support. His friends from Alaska came to help as well. He was waiting for the Volturi to call back and give him an answer.

Everyone's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Rosalie ignored it, but Bella got up and answered it. When she opened the door she saw two females adorned in black SWAT clothes holding up a male in between them. They looked hurt.

"We were told to come here if we needed help," one female said.

"Come in, let's get you some help," Bella offered politely.

Bella helped them by taking the male and letting him lean on her. One female looked like she had a broken ankle, while the other seemed to be cradling her left arm.

"Carlisle, we need your help," Bella said evenly.

Carlisle immediately came into the foyer of the house and helped the one female get off of her ankle. Edward also helped get the people to sit down on the couch.

"Who are you," Alice asked.

"My name is Lili, and this is my sister K-," she was interrupted by a shriek of surprise.

"LILI, KAILA," Liv shrieked her eyes going wide.

"Liv," they both muttered out weakly.

"You know each other," Emmett asked.

"Yes, Liv is our baby sister. We have been looking for her while we searched out the Strigoi creatures to destroy," Kaila answered.

"Who is your male friend," Jasper asked.

"That is Damon. He's our leader of the group that we joined the night Hailie's parents were murdered," Lili said.

"You know Hailie," Rosalie asked perking up a little bit.

"Yes, she came to us when she was fourteen asking for our help. We told her that we would help her as long as she helped us seek out the Strigoi. We knew that it would be dangerous, but she knew about them and wanted to help as much as she could," Damon answered.

Rosalie curled up in her little ball not exactly pleased with the answer she had received.

"What happened to you," little Renesmee asked curiously.

"We were attacked recently and just barely got away," Kaila said.

"You can stay here as long as you need to rest up, but if you are willing to battle Strigoi and kill them then we might need you for an upcoming battle," Carlisle explained.

"We'll help anyway we can. Oh, and this was sent to us, but it has a different name on it," Damon said taking out an envelope.

"Which name," Edward asked.

"Rosalie Hale," Damon answered.

Rosalie sat up instantly. She snatched it out of his hand and then dashed up to her room to read it. She hadn't been doing much except moping around the house. She wouldn't feed unless forced to by Emmett and Edward. Rosalie sat down on the unused bed and tore open the envelope. She found a two page letter inside and began to read.


Please don't be sad that I'm gone. I miss you just as much as you miss me and I wrote this to tell you that I'm okay at the moment. No harm has come to me. I have been training really hard and managed to transport solid objects to places I want them to go. I'm trying to escape from where I'm at because I don't trust the people who took me. There is a female leader named Katiya, and she says that I can trust her, but there is something deep down that is just unsettling to me.

Her three minions, who I like to call Dipshit, Horseshit, and Short Shit, are hilarious at times, but I get the feeling that they are stupid and don't know anything at all. Their real names are James, Nate, and Damon. I know another Damon and he travels with two females named Lili and Kaila. Lili and Kaila are Liv's two sisters and they seem really trustworthy. I remember reading that Phoenixes can transport themselves at will and I've been practicing that at night, under the cover of darkness. I think I'll actually manage to get the hang of it as my twenty-first birthday comes closer, but we shall see.

I need you to help get the others ready for the battle because I'm not there to direct the plans. I need you to have Alice keep a look out for any blurry figures in the future because that will help you know when I'm coming back. Edward needs to keep his mind open for thoughts that seem blocked and hard to hear because Katiya is like Dimitri and Roza. She says she is a guardian for the Phoenix race, but I find that hard to believe because Phoenixes seem to be able to protect themselves pretty well. If you can do some research on that subject then that would be nice. Although I don't know exactly where I am, so I can't have you send me anything, I will try to get you some more information on any plans for the battle as soon as I can.

Just remember that I love you and everyone else. I hope to see you in the near future.

Love always,


Rosalie would be in tears at the moment if she could cry. She placed the letter back in the envelope and then placed it in the top desk drawer for safe keeping. She left the room and then headed back downstairs. When she entered the living room everyone looked up.

"What was in the envelope Rose," Emmett asked.

"A letter from Hailie," she answered solemnly.

"What did it say," Alice asked urgently.

"She's fine and she seems safe. She doesn't know where she's at, but she does know that the people who took her can't be trusted. She wants Alice to keep checking the future for blurry figures and Edward to keep a look out for hard to read minds," Rosalie said.

Everyone nodded.

"She also wants everyone to focus on the upcoming battle. She said it's important to keep our focus on it so nothing can surprise us," Rosalie added.

"Did she say anything else," Carlisle asked.

"She said something about training and learning how to send material objects at will, which is how the letter was sent. She also mentioned something about trying to escape and practicing to transport herself places at will also," Rosalie replied.

"I think I remember reading something about that when we were doing research together," Carlisle said.

Before anyone could reply to his statement there was a loud crash in the front room. Everyone stopped what they were doing and sprung into action. Jacob, who was sitting with Nessie in his lap, grabbed her and ran up the stairs and into one of the nearest rooms. Rosalie ran after them, but went for the bathroom and Alice was right behind her.

"Rose, what are we doing in the bathroom," Alice asked.

"Get the hairspray cans now," Rose growled angrily.

She was getting fed up with the constant attacks that these people were doing. Alice and Rose sprang into action and then headed back down the stairs. Once down the stairs they handed the hairspray cans to Esme, Bella, and the other girls in the room. The guys were already fighting the nasty Strigoi creatures. Just as Rosalie was beginning to explain what to do with the hairspray cans the ground rumbled and then some of the Strigoi started bursting into fire. Roza and Dimitri looked at each other confused, but then went back into the battle.

This attack only lasted about two hours considering that there weren't many Strigoi that attacked this time. When every last one of the Strigoi was destroyed everyone started picking up the room. It didn't take long since everyone was used to it after each attack.

"Rosalie, why did you hand us hairspray cans," Esme asked once everything was picked up.

"Aerosol cans create flames when set on fire. Since Hailie isn't here to help destroy them at the moment I thought of this as a temporary way until Hailie returns," Rosalie answered.

"Great, now I'm wondering where that rumbling came from," Carlisle said.

"Aaron did it," Krystian said suddenly.

"Excuse me," Aaron asked confused.

"Aaron is also a Phoenix, but I've been training him until his true guardian can take over," Krystian answered.

"I don't understand," Aaron said.

"When I came across you, you were scared and helpless. Your parents had just been killed and I took it upon myself to take you in and teach you everything that I could," Krystian said.

"How did you know what I was," Aaron asked.

"Guardians of Phoenixes have a sixth sense when it comes to identifying Phoenixes, so when I crossed paths with you I made the decision to take you in so that you wouldn't have to fend for yourself," Krystian answered.

"Why didn't you tell me this before? I thought I was training with you to be a guardian," Aaron yelled.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want to freak you out," Krystian admitted.

"So, when I came to you telling you that I was feeling strange and ill, you passed it off as a simple flu, when it was really my powers surfacing," Aaron asked sounding angry.

"Aaron, your anger is getting out of control, calm down," Krystian said sternly.

Aaron closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He's seen how Hailie got when she got angry and he didn't want that to happen to him. His anger was subsiding and he was feeling better.

"I'm sorry, but this bit of news could have been beneficial a few years ago," Aaron finally said.

"I'm sorry, but I was just trying to protect you until you were ready for the news. I didn't want to scare you or let you think that you were a freak because you are not. I tried to give you as much of a normal life as possible," Krystian said.

"I'm not regretting living with you and I'm thankful for your help," Aaron said.

The room fell silent after the conversation between Aaron and Krystian. No one seemed to be able to say a single word.

"Daddy is it over," a little voice asked from the staircase.

Edward's head snapped in that direction to see Renesmee in Jacob's arms. He rushed to his side and took his little girl from him. He thanked Jacob for protecting her, but he said that it was no problem. Edward nodded his head and then took Renesmee towards Bella and sat down next to her. The room was in complete and utter silence because everyone was thinking about Hailie and the new information that was just revealed to them. Aaron was a Phoenix and they didn't know until now.

"Krystian, what are all of Aaron's powers," Carlisle asked finally breaking the long silence.

"All I know for sure is that when he gets frustrated the ground will rumble and then something will burst into flames. It's a different way from Hailie's powers," Krystian answered calmly.

"That would explain the sudden flames during the battle," Dimitri said from next to Roza.

Everyone fell silent again. There wasn't much to discuss. They had six months until Hailie finally turned twenty-one and around that time was the final battle was going to occur.


Meanwhile, Hailie was working hard on controlling her emotions so that she wouldn't over indulge on the anger all the time. Katiya had explained to her that if her anger got really out of control then she could end up dying. Hailie wanted to try it, but she didn't want to risk anything. She could call her fire power at will now. Her anger wasn't the only thing that could trigger it. She had worked really hard to manage to call on her powers at will and she was really proud of herself.

"Good job Hailie. I think you can go and take a rest now," Katiya said.

"When can I leave to see my family," Hailie asked as sweetly as possible.

"Soon, but you're not quite ready yet," she answered.

"Why not, I mean I spent two and a half freaking years here when I could have done this with my own family," Hailie countered.

"Hailie, I already told you that your family wouldn't have been able to help you because they don't have the smarts and techniques that I do about the Phoenix race," Katiya explained gently.

"Fine, you know what, I don't care anymore. Come and get me when you want me to train more," Hailie said storming off to the room that they gave her.

Hailie had been sitting in her room for quite some time now. She was meditating because the conversation with Katiya earlier. She had learned early on that meditating helped with her anger and she liked the feeling it gave her as well. Hailie was able to let her mind wander when she was meditating and she enjoyed how free her mind felt. She hated being interrupted though.

"Miss Cale, Miss Cale," one of the goons who took me whispered urgently.

"What," she snapped a little angrily.

"Pack your stuff now," he said.

"Why," she asked turning to face him.

"The other three plan on killing you, and I've grown to like you despite your snarky attitude
sometimes. You're too young to die, now hurry up," he said with a worried expression.

"They will come looking for us," she said.

"I know, but right now we have to hurry. Don't pack too much, just a small backpack," he told her.

Hailie didn't need to be told twice. She wanted out of here the first day that she was here. Now that she had the chance to go then she would take it. She stuffed a backpack full of clothes that she had. When she was done she turned around for more instruction. The one who was helping me looked as if he was going to get caught.

"Alright, now we'll leave tonight. There's a motorcycle parked outside in the woods. When everyone else is asleep, which is going to be in about two hours we'll head out," he said.

Hailie nodded her head and stuffed her backpack in the corner. Before the goon left he handed Hailie the keys to the motorcycle. She was curious as to why he did it, but she wasn't complaining. Hailie waited for the time to come for her escape. She was getting pumped up and excited. She was still wearing jeans and a long sleeved T-shirt when Katiya came in and said goodnight. She asked Hailie why she wasn't dressed for bed yet.
Hailie said that she wasn't ready for bed and was going to go for a walk in the woods before she went to bed. Katiya warned her to be careful and then bid her goodnight. Hailie waited for about a half an hour before she made her move.

The minion who helped her out was propped up against the outside wall. Hailie didn't stop to investigate. Instead she took off towards the woods. It took her about twenty minutes before she found the motorcycle. She started it immediately and took off through the woods.