Wildfire: Rise of the Phoenix

Three Months Later

Hailie drove all throughout the night. She knew that she had six months until the real battle was too begin. Even though she was free from Katiya and the other two minions she still had tons of work to do. She sped through state line after state line. When she crossed the state line for New York she drove through until she found the nearest harbor. She snuck onto the ship that was headed to Europe. She stayed hidden so that no one would find her. It took most of the day and all night before the ship docked into a port in England. She got off the ship and then found a small ferry that was leaving for France. When the ferry docked in France Hailie got back on the motorcycle once it was off the ferry. She took off through the streets and cities of France and kept on going until she made it to Italy.

When she crossed the border into Italy she stopped for a break. She was beyond tired and needed to refuel the motorcycle again. Once the motorcycle was refueled she took off again. Even though she was tired she knew that she needed to finish this mission. She had to get all the help she could in order to win this battle. Hailie paused when she made it just outside of Volterra. She wasn't sure if they would believe her, but she knew that she had to at least try. Hailie revved the motor and then sped into the gates of Volterra. The sun was just about to set for the night too. She went through the narrow streets carefully and then came to the center of the town where the huge clock tower was located.

Before she could go any further she was surrounded by five figures.

"Who are you and why are you here," the short female asked.

"Jane, it's nice to see you again," Hailie smirked recognizing her from one of her past lives visions.

"How do you know me," Jane asked.

"We've met before actually. Quite a long time ago actually," Hailie answered.

"What do you want," Jane asked.

"I want to see Aro," Hailie answered her eyes narrowing.

"Follow me," Jane said turning on her heel and leading the way.

Hailie followed while the other two walked behind her and one walked on either side of her. She was surrounded so, even if she wanted to she most likely wouldn't be able to escape. The walk to what was known as a throne room was rather boring and long. Hailie was growing impatient with the whole process. When they finally got there Aro was surprised to see a guest.

"Aw, and to what do I owe this pleasure," he asked with a smile that held so many different meanings.

"Cut the crap and pleasantries Aro," Hailie growled angrily.

"Have we met before," Aro asked confused by the tone of voice that Hailie displayed.

"We have. I came to you many years ago for help and I need your help yet again," Hailie said.

"Cailie, you're supposed to be dead," a young female voice said from the doorway.

Hailie turned around to see the female that had been told to follow her through the streets of
Volterra years ago.

"Aurora do you know this young woman," Aro asked calmly.

"You had me tail her, but I found her dead along with a male that was next to her," Aurora answered.

"You're half right on that account," Hailie said.

"What do you mean," Aro asked.

"I'm a Phoenix. I get resurrected every six years if I die before I come to full power. If I've been killed before that I get resurrected after only three," Hailie said.

"That is quite interesting," Aro said.

"Yes, it is, now for the real reason that I'm here," Hailie said.

"So, you're alright then Cailie," Aurora asked.

"My name isn't Cailie anymore. My name is Hailie Cale," Hailie said.

"My apologies," Aurora said.

"That's all fine and dandy, but like I said, I need your help and I have to work fast," Hailie said.

"I'm listening," Aro said sitting down in his chair.

Hailie explained the whole situation to him. When she was finished she waited as patiently as she possibly could.

"Where do you want me to send some of my guard to," Aro finally asked.

"Send them to the Cullen's residence in Forks. Tell them nothing about me sending them to you. I'm sure that Carlisle has been calling and asking for your help as well, and if they ask about that than just say that you're answering his call," Hailie said.

"Fine, we'll send them out right away. Would you like an escort for the rest of your journeys," Aro asked.

"I would like one as long as they can keep up. If it's possible as well, could you find as many nomad vampires and ask them for help," Hailie asked.

"My guard will recruit as many as possible on the way there," Aro said simply.

"Thank you," Hailie said and turned to leave.

"Who would you like to take as an escort," Aro asked suddenly.

"Aurora if she's up for it," Hailie said.

Aro turned his attention to Aurora and she nodded her head vigorously.

"Then go pack a single backpack full of clothes now," Hailie instructed leaving the 'throne room' of Volterra palace.

Aurora left immediately and Hailie was led back towards the entrance where the clock tower was by Jane and her brother Alec. They were met there by Aurora and Hailie handed her a helmet. She took it and put it on. Hailie put her helmet on and then straddled the bike. Aurora mounted after her and held on tight. Hailie took off just as the sun was starting to peak. Aurora was wearing long sleeves and gloves to prevent the sun from showing her true identity.

Hailie left Volterra and sped all through Europe tracking down nomads and sending them to the Cullens on the intent of killing rogue vampires. Some had to be persuaded and others went willingly. Hailie travelled to the Amazons next and recruited the Amazon vampires. They immediately said they would and took off towards the Cullen residence. Hailie's army was growing, but she wasn't done. Hailie still had tons of people to recruit and she was feeling as if she was running out of time to recruit them all.


Meanwhile at the Cullen mansion, everyone was sitting around doing absolutely nothing. They knew that the huge battle was coming and that they needed to start working on a game plan, but they all couldn't focus when Hailie wasn't safely with them. Edward and Bella were playing a game of chess and Rosalie was sitting on the couch staring off into space. Emmett was sitting next to her wishing that he could help with her pain in losing a sister.

"The Volturi guard is coming," Alice suddenly said.

"What," Carlisle asked.

"The Volturi are coming here," Alice repeated.

"When," Edward asked taking his gaze away from the chess board.

"Soon," Alice said staring off into space.

"How soon though," Edward repeated.

"Ten minutes," Alice concluded.

Everyone jumped into action. They were a little confused on why the Volturi would come now, but then they all remembered the upcoming battle. Just as everyone finished putting everything away the doorbell rang. Carlisle answered the door and smiled tightly at the group of Volturi that was now entering the house.

"Jane, Alec, what a pleasant surprise," Carlisle said.

"Aro has accepted the call of assistance for the battle concerning your adoptive daughter
Hailie," Jane said nonchalantly.

"How long are you here for," Carlisle asked.

"Until the battle is over," Alex answered.

Carlisle nodded his head and then led them into the living room. Before anyone could introductions the doorbell rang again. Carlisle furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but went to get the door nonetheless. When he opened the door he found himself looking at a large group of people, but the Amazon vampires were at the head of the group.

"Carlisle, it's been awhile since our last visit," Zafrina said pleasantly.

"Yes it is, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit," Carlisle asked.

"We were all asked to come and help fight for a necessary cause," Zafrina answered.

"Who asked you to come," Edward asked.

"We were told not to say, but to help with the plan of attack and make sure that none of us die in the process of the battle once it begins," Zafrina replied.

Everyone nodded in response and then joined the company already occupying the living room. The last time the house was this full the battle was against their own kind and about Renesmee being born. Now they were all banding together to make sure that their race does not become extinct. As the day wore on more people showed up and Carlisle was amazed at how many were coming to their aide. The Denali clan came as well. Carlisle and Esme were wondering how everyone was going to survive because Carlisle wasn't going to allow the red-eyed vampires to feed on the humans in town and neither was Jacob's pack for that matter.

As they were discussing this Roza's best friend Vasilisa Dragomir showed up with her husband Christian Ozera. Roza and Dimitri immediately stood up and introduced them to everybody. Introductions kept being swept around the entire room and Jacob was getting frustrated again with all the new faces and new names to try and remember. Edward, Dimitri, Roza, Carlisle, and Jane were starting to finally work on a successful battle plan. Jacob was also amongst the other five making sure that they used his pack efficiently.

Rosalie interrupted the meeting saying that she got another letter from Hailie. She read it out loud to everyone.

Dear Rosalie,

I'm doing just fine now that I'm away from my captors. I managed to escape and I'm sorry that I didn't come straight home. This battle that is approaching fast has taken my top priority because I want to live longer than the age of twenty-one. I have reason to believe that we are going up against more than just Strigoi vampires and werewolves. Headmistress Karana is a witch and she is a Phoenix's worst enemy. I've learned that that is why Phoenixes have guardians to protect them from their power. There are a few witches who make friends with Phoenixes and those are the ones that I am seeking out right now to try and send to you for when the battle starts. I will send word to you when I have sought everyone that I am looking for.

Your sister,


Rosalie looked up from the letter.

"So we are up against, werewolves, vampires, and witches. That's a new one," Edward said.

"It is, but we can handle this," Roza said.

"I agree," Carlisle said.

Everyone went back to planning the battle. It went on like that all night. Some went out to hunt in areas that were nowhere near Forks.


Hailie was speeding down the road with Aurora sitting behind her. She pulled over to the side of the road and stopped.

"Aurora now is where you head to the Cullens and start planning with them. This next place I'm headed to is important, but I must go alone. I assure you that I know how to fight so I will be headed back to the Cullen's mansion soon," she said.

"Are you sure," Aurora asked.

"I'm positive," Hailie confirmed.

Aurora got off of the motorcycle and then handed her the spare helmet. Hailie placed it in her backpack and then sped off. She had to visit the people she needed to visit alone. She was afraid that if she brought someone along then they wouldn't help her out at all. She crossed the border between Montreal, Canada and New York. She continued into the mountains of New York until she stopped outside of a pair of gates. She stared up at them until they opened for her. She sped through the gates and stopped just beyond the first garage door. She took off her helmet and let her now red hair cascade down her back. She walked towards the front door of the huge mansion and knocked on the door. She had three months left to figure everything else out about the battle. Three months until her future was decided.