Wildfire: Rise of the Phoenix

Three Days Later

Hailie stood on the doorstep hoping that they would listen to her. It had been awhile since she'd seen all of them and she hoped that they didn't hold a grudge against her. The door finally opened to reveal a young girl standing there.

"Can I help you," she asked timidly.

"I'm looking for Professor Xavier," Hailie answered.

The girl opened the door wider and allowed Hailie to enter the house. The girl led Hailie down the hall towards the Professor's study. Hailie wasn't even the house five minutes when she heard the voice in her head again.

Hailie, it's about time you came home the voice said.

Hailie tried to block it out, but it kept intruding on her thoughts. She sighed heavily as she continued to follow the young girl down the hall. They stopped in front of a closed door and then the young girl left. Hailie took a deep breath before knocking on the door of the office.

"Come in," a deep voice answered.

Hailie took yet another deep breath before twisting the doorknob and opening the door. She walked in and then gently closed the door behind her.

"Well, Miss Cale, it's so good to see you home again," Professor Xavier smiled at me from behind his desk.

"Does everyone hate me," Hailie asked lowering her gaze to the floor.

"No, they understand that you had to leave and find yourself again. That is why we never sent anyone after you, but when you started having dreams of your past lives we got a little worried. Scott's been worried sick about you when he found out about that past lives dreams," Xavier said.

"Really," Hailie asked.

"Yes, of course. They know what's like; well at least Logan knows what it's like to feel lost and confused. The family that you've been staying with, do you like them," Xavier asked.

"I do. I made great friends with Rosalie Hale and her boyfriend Emmett is just a huge crack up. When my powers finally started coming in I did get scared. The family that I lived with before the Cullens were killed and then I thought that it was my fault and shut down completely, but Rosalie helped me see that I wasn't alone," Hailie answered quickly.

"I do know that they miss you, but what is this about a huge battle occurring," Xavier asked sounding worried.

"That's why I came back. I'm a Phoenix as you very well know and apparently I'm one of the last of my kind, but the strongest since apparently one of my past lives was one of the very first Phoenixes to ever exist," Hailie said.

"I don't understand," Xavier said with a furrowed eyebrow.

"I'm the reincarnation of one of the first ever Phoenixes to ever exist in this world. Jean Grey was the reincarnation of a very powerful one as well, but because she never learned to control her powers they interfered with her mutant ones and made her lose complete control of her mind, body, and soul. Since I'm one of the first ever original Phoenixes I'm very powerful myself. I've learned to control my powers to an extent. I have still have three months until I have complete control of my powers. My new family is a family of vampires and we've made friends with others, but there is a rather large group of vampires that wants me dead. In a way my kind is their creator. A Phoenix created what is now called Strigoi vampires and we need to destroy them before they destroy us," Hailie tried to explain.

"How in the world do you destroy something like that," Xavier asked with wide eyes.

"Strigoi can be killed in three ways. You can behead them, stake them through the heart, or burn them alive," Hailie answered.

"You'd need Pyro for that then," Xavier answered simply.

"The last I heard, Pyro was a rogue mutant and working with Magneto. How the hell am I
supposed to find him in time for the huge battle," Hailie exclaimed angrily.

"If we band together for this then we just might be able to finish these things off, but you have to give me more information," Xavier answered calmly.

"Then take if from my head. Don't think I didn't know you tried contacting me in the past," Hailie snarled rudely.

Xavier closed his eyes and probed into Hailie's mind. The images flashed before Hailie and when he got to the memory that she thought she closed off for good about her parents she felt her heart clench in pain. The memory past and Hailie was able to see the memories of her years with the Cullens after they adopted her, the kidnappings again and the first Strigoi attack as well. When Xavier opened his eyes he looked Hailie in the eyes.

"We can easily defeat these creatures. I noticed that if they stay together too long they start turning on each other. You probably didn't see it because you had gotten out control with your anger, but it happened twice during the first Strigoi attack," Xavier said.

"That's all fine and dandy, but we aren't just dealing with Strigoi. That's only part of the battle. The other big part is the werewolves and witches that might possibly be there to fight and try to bring me down," Hailie said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"You didn't mention this before," Xavier said.

"That's because you never let me finish why I came here in the first place," Hailie said.

"Alright, here's what I can do for you. I'm not sending any of the children to fight this battle, but I’m positive that Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, Beast, Kitty, Ice Man, and the other members of the X-Men team will be willing to help you out," Xavier said.

"When can I hold a briefing for them," Hailie asked.

"In two weeks. They are currently on a mission to yet again stop Magneto from hurting the human race," Xavier said.

"You do realize that Magneto's never going to quit," Hailie drawled bored.

"Yes, I do realize that, but I have to at least try to get him to understand," Xavier said.

"Is Jean Grey still alive after the battle on Alcatraz," Hailie wondered.

"Yes, she's with Magneto and because she isn't in control of her mind, it's easy for him to manipulate her," Xavier answered lowering his head.

"Do you know where they are at now," Hailie wondered.

"Not exactly, but Scott and the others do," Xavier replied.

"You know I really did think that you died when Jean blew up her childhood home. You never cease to amaze me old man," Hailie grinned.

"There will be a room upstairs for you if would like to sleep," Xavier smiled warmly at her.

"Thank you, I think I need to get some. I've been all over the place trying to recruit people to help me. You were my last hope and I'm thankful that you will allow your team members to help me with this," Hailie smiled at him.

Xavier wheeled out from behind his desk and towards the door. Hailie opened it for him and then closed it after leaving the office. Xavier led her upstairs via an elevator and then down a hall towards a room with a single bed and a connected bathroom. Hailie thanked him and then went inside. She went into the bathroom and looked at her reflection. She sighed knowing that a good hot shower would help her relax and take off some stress.

She undressed and then stepped in. She stood under the hot spray and let the water wash away all the dirt and grime that had managed to cake onto her body. She couldn't keep her mind off of Jean Grey. She thought that if she came face to face with her that maybe she could get her back and in control of her powers. The mutant powers and the Phoenix powers combined though were something that she wasn't sure she would be able to figure out how to separate.

Hailie did know that for years Xavier had kept a hold on the Phoenix powers since they were pretty dormant, but they must have sensed something otherwise they would have stayed dormant. Hailie just didn't know what those powers sensed to activate so heavily, but she wanted to find out. Even if Jean Grey wouldn't listen to anyone at all, then hopefully Hailie could get Magneto to help out and bring her with. Hailie slept a little restless that night because thoughts of the coming battle were plaguing her mind.


Meanwhile, Rosalie, Edward, Dimitri, Roza, Aaron, Krystian, Carlisle, and a few others were still talking battle plans. They kept getting interrupted though by the doorbell and people knocking on their door. Esme had joked that they would have to build a new house just to host all of these people. They all mentioned the same thing though and that was the fact that they were sent by a young girl that pleaded for their help. They wouldn't say who the girl was though, but Rosalie had a hunch that it was Hailie. She loved everyone so much that she wanted to have the biggest army possible in order to defeat the enemy and still survive.
As Rosalie was about to make another attack strategy known there was another knock on the door. Rosalie got up and answered it. Standing outside was a young vampire who looked a little somber.

"Can I help you," Rosalie asked kindly.

When she first started showing kindness to people, she was surprised at herself. She loved her family so much that any risk towards the family made her put up her defenses rather thick and tight that nothing could break them. Ever since Hailie had come to live with them though Rosalie's demeanor has changed drastically. She's still pretty rash on her decisions, but she's a lot nicer to people in general and that is including Jacob Black to some extent though.

"Yes, I was sent here by Hailie. She told me to give you this and to come here to lend my hand," the girl said.

"What's your name," Rosalie asked.

"Aurora," Aurora answered.

"Alright, well come in and make yourself comfortable," Rosalie said opening the door wider.

Aurora nodded and then walked in. She found the rest of the Volturi Guard and managed to explain why she was here before Jane could make any accusations against her. Rosalie on the other hand had torn open the envelope that Aurora had given her and started reading.


I am sending you Aurora because my last two tasks I have to complete alone. When we do reunite again I will explain to you everything about me. The years that I have spent with you and your family were wonderful and amazing. I appreciate that you guys took me in and tried helping me understand my powers. The truth though, was that I had already known about my powers before I met you and your family. I had been living with some people who tried to help, but I ended up running away. My parents, the ones who died before I came to live with you had taken me in just like you did. I can't explain everything in a letter, but I hope that you don't hold a grudge against me for keeping information from you. I love you like a sister and I hope that we can still be sisters after this battle is over. Stay strong and keep planning. I will be sending a lot more people your way if I manage to succeed with my two tasks. I will be coming back to the mansion after my last mission that I must complete. Please don't worry about me too much.

Love always your sister,


Rosalie was surprised that she was starting to find out new things about Hailie. She was sure that Edward already heard her reading the letter to herself in her head, so there was no keeping it from him, but she knew that she had to keep this from everyone else until Hailie had the chance to tell everyone. When Rosalie walked back into the designated 'war room' Edward gave her a look and she nodded. He nodded back and then they began to talk about the upcoming battle some more.

Rosalie was still a little distracted though because of the latest letter from Hailie. She now wanted to know the full truth behind Hailie's past and whether or not she could still be trusted. Rosalie didn't doubt that Hailie was a loyal person to the people she loved, but she couldn't help but think that something bad was going to happen soon and Hailie was going to be the cause of it. She didn't want to think like that, but she couldn't help it. Especially, not after reading the last letter that she gave her. Rosalie concentrated as hard she could on the battle though and it helped keep thoughts of Hailie out of her mind for a little while. She just didn't know how she would do it once the planning stopped for the night. Some people still needed their rest and couldn't stay up all through the night to keep planning and that was alright. It gave all the planners a break and a chance to converse with the other vampires and the other people that were around for this battle.

Things were coming together nicely. Jacob's pack and Sam's pack were in this until the end and helped with the training of others. When Rosalie went up to her room that night she couldn't keep the thoughts of the sister that she thought she knew out of her head. She knew that Hailie wasn't bad, or evil for that matter, but she didn't expect her to be a liar to the whole family. Rosalie just hoped that she didn't show mercy too soon on Hailie because she didn't know what would happen if she found out that Hailie betrayed them all in the end.
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So, the X-Men is where I got my original idea for this story, so that's why I added them in here.