Wildfire: Rise of the Phoenix


The battle had begun. Hailie was about to send the second team to go and ambush the enemy when Edward interrupted her.

"What Edward," Hailie asked through gritted teeth.

"Hailie, it's all a set up. They are just waiting for them at the edge of the forest where the house is located. They didn't really blow up the house," he said.

"What," Hailie asked surprised.

"Bring the first team back so we can regroup," he urged.

Hailie nodded and then touched her earpiece.

"Jake, pull back now. Pull back and get your ass back to the clearing," Hailie commanded.

There was a loud howl in the distance, but it wasn't one of Jacob's pack members. It was an actual werewolf and not a shape-shifter. Another howl and then Edward had a pained look on his face.

"What is it Edward," Hailie asked.

"The enemy has already attacked," he announced.

"Dammit," Hailie hissed under her breath.

Hailie turned to the other teams of troops that were under her beck and call. They all huddled around her to listen to her instructions. Before Hailie could get a single word out to change their attack plan though, a piercing scream pierced the air.

"SCATTER," Hailie roared loudly.

Everyone scattered and found a new place to stand and they all crouched ready to attack. Loud snarling came through the trees and a huge line of warriors came through the line.

"GET READY TO FIGHT," Hailie yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. She even repeated it in her ear piece so that everyone else who wasn't in the clearing could also hear.

Meanwhile, Jake and his pack were near the house when they were ambushed from the side. They immediately went into action, but nothing they were doing was helping them win. These vampires were the Strigoi and they couldn't exactly tear them apart to destroy them. They had to use fire, beheading, or a silver stake to kill them. A Strigoi pounced on Jake's back and Jake fought with him to try and get him off. He wasn't haven't much luck with it though.

Finally, a snow white wolf pounced on the Strigoi and knocked him off Jake's back. Together they started beheading the Strigoi and soon all the Strigoi that had ambushed them were completely destroyed. Jake looked to Leah, the snow white wolf, with a look of gratitude. Leah acknowledged it and then they both led the pack back to the main part of the battle. The others wouldn't know if that they had won their section, but they would need help.


Over in the clearing, Hailie had disbanded the second and third teams of warriors that were standing behind them. This battle was the tell all of what could possibly be the end of the world as everyone knew it. Hailie was focused on the task at hand, but she knew that she would need her secret weapon soon.

"Edward, take command, you to Jasper," Hailie said into her mike.

"Of course," they both responded.

Hailie took off running and headed towards where her first family was hiding. Hailie changed mikes so that the others wouldn't hear what she had to say. None of them knew that they were there to help, well help win the battle. Hailie had told everyone as much as she needed to, but this was her secret weapon. A secret weapon she hoped would work and if not then she had only one last option that no one else knew about.

She had been practicing this option for some time in secret and she hoped that it wouldn't come to it, but if pushed came to shove, then she wouldn't hesitate. She already had Bella in the background protecting everyone she could with her shield along with Renata's shield abilities as well. Hailie had her own kind of shield power to place on everyone still and before she got to the jet she stopped and concentrated hard. She thought of everyone she ever loved would be protected with magic.

"You shouldn't be here alone," a voice said from the shadows.

Hailie snapped her eyes open and looked around. Cameron was leaning against a tree
with a smug look on his face.

"What's it to you ass face," Hailie growled.

"I'm your guardian and I'm supposed to protect you, but if you keep running off trying to be hero to everything, then at least let me know so that I can keep an eye on you," he stated.

"Fuck off. If you really want to help, then go lend a hand to everyone else. I have a mission to complete," Hailie stated with a glare.

Hailie continued to where she was headed and she felt the presence of Cameron behind her.

"I told you to leave me the fuck alone," she growled.

"I can't do that," he stated simply.

"Why not," Hailie asked impatiently.

"I was born to protect you and I'm going to do what I was born to do," he stated.

Hailie scoffed and continued to walk towards where her first family was located at.

"Scott, get them ready," Hailie said into her earpiece.

"Roger that, Phoenix," Scott said.

Hailie continued to walk, but then slowly came into a light jog. Just before she could reach the hidden jet she was hit from the side and tackled to the ground. Hailie looked up just in time to see a Strigoi bare his fangs and lean towards her neck. Hailie struggled and her anger was getting to a high point. Her hands were pinned to her sides, but she was slowly able to get them to move.

The Strigoi continued to push his head down, but the next thing she knew the Strigoi was no longer on top of her. Hailie was breathing hard. She sat up to see the Strigoi in battle with Cameron. Cameron had knocked him off of her and engaged him in a battle. The Strigoi couldn't seem to touch him though because Cameron had some sort of protective shield around him. Hailie took her chance and raised her left hand. She channeled her anger into that hand shot a stream of fire towards the Strigoi.

The Strigoi screamed in agony as it incinerated into ashes. Hailie stopped the flow of fire and then lowered her hand.
She was breathing a bit hard still and then Cameron came running back to her. He was about to say something, but she held up a hand to stop him. He stayed silent and then Hailie started running towards the jet. She stopped about three feet away.

"Scott, I'm outside let's go," Hailie said into her earpiece.

"On our way," Scott's voice replied.

Hailie waited as patiently as she could. Soon she was joined by the X-Men and some of the rogues who were helping Magneto try and take over the human race.

"Jean, you need to focus your energy on destroying the minds of the Strigoi when they are around. Make them think that their brains are on fire," Hailie instructed.
Jean nodded her head in response.

"Pyro, go as crazy as you want on burning the Strigoi. Make sure that there aren't any left,"
Hailie said.

He just grinned maliciously.

"Scott, Logan, Rogue, you three make sure that no one gets killed. Rogue if you have to use your gift then use it wisely," Hailie said.
They all nodded.

"Storm, control the weather, if you have to make it sunny as hell, then do it, especially if there
are too many Strigoi to kill individually," Hailie said.

"Everyone else here fight as if it was your last fight, but protect each other from any kind of harm. There will be werewolves and witches as well," Hailie said.

They all nodded their heads in understanding.

"Let's move out," Hailie instructed.

Storm and Jean sprang into the air and floated above them. Everyone else was running at a good pace to keep up with Hailie's fast pace. While running Hailie changed her earpiece so that she could hear Edward's group again.

"Edward how is the battle coming along," Hailie asked.

"From what I can see we are winning. The shape-shifters are fighting the werewolves and the werewolves are losing badly. Witches have arrived though and they are using their magic to try and turn the tides," he informed her.

"Dammit, alright, I'm on my way back so keep fighting and I have some back up too," Hailie said.

"Sounds good," Edward replied and then the connection was lost.

Hailie continued to run towards the battle. She sent Storm and Jean ahead to get a good look at things. She then sent Scott, Logan, and Rogue in a different direction. Things were going to turn again and they were going to turn in Hailie's favor.

"Hailie, please talk to me before you go back to battle," Cameron said before she could rejoin.

"What do you want now," Hailie asked irritated.

"Let me protect you the way you need to be protected. Witches are a Phoenix's worst enemy and without Guardians like me you'll end up dead. I can't let you die, so please let me protect you," he said.

"Fine, but you better do as I say and when I say it. I'm now about to lose my friends and family," Hailie said with a glare.

Cameron nodded his head and then followed Hailie back into battle. Hailie and Cameron worked back to back so that it was easier. They turned in circles making sure that their backs always touched. Hailie briefly looked around and noticed that Witches had arrived and joined the battle. Jake and his pack of shape-shifters were taking care of all of the werewolves. Hailie's family or the Cullens were taking care of most of the Strigoi vampires that were lurking around. Hailie looked up and noticed that Jean and Storm were working together from the sky.

The battle was going well. Hailie continued to breathe really hard when she finally started attacking again. The werewolves had all been destroyed finally and there weren't many Strigoi vampires left. Hailie's side of the battle was looking good. There weren't any casualties on her side and she liked that. There might be injuries at the most, but nothing too serious. At least she hoped not.

Hailie looked back and to Cameron.

"Are you ready to take on the Witches," Hailie asked heavily.

"Yep, just be careful," Cameron advised.

"We need to get to Aaron. He's unprotected right now. I don't know where his Guardian could be, but he or she should have been here already," Hailie said.

Cameron nodded and they looked around for Aaron. They both spotted him surrounded by Strigoi, but Rosalie, Alice, and Jasper were also with him and they were helping him and keeping him safe for the moment.

Before Cameron and Hailie could start in his direction they were stopped by three Witches. There were a total of ten to deal with and three of them decided to attack now. Hailie braced herself for the attack, but before she could do anything, someone stepped in her line of fire. She stepped back hastily and almost knocked Cameron off of his feet. When she regained her balance she stared at the figure in front of her.

"Katiya what the hell are you doing here," Hailie asked a little angry.

"I'm here to protect my Phoenix. I don't know where he's at, but I can sense that he's really close," she said.

"Why did your little minion say you wanted to kill me," Hailie asked after dodging an attack.

"It was a test to see if you had learned enough to escape," she smiled lightly at her.

Hailie merely nodded her head in understanding and then turned her attention back to the battle at hand. She glanced around for Aaron and saw him running across the large field with Rosalie, Alice, and Jasper not too far behind him. Katiya turned her head in the direction of the running footsteps and noticed Aaron being chased by three more Witches. She jumped into action sensing that he was a Phoenix who needed her protection.

Hailie turned to Cameron and together they finished off of the three that stopped them before. The minute the last one was defeated two more descended on them. They took them out without hesitation. Hailie and Cameron then went after the other two that were still alive and attacking Aaron and Katiya. The minute they joined that fight it was over within five minutes.

Hailie stopped and took a deep breath to try and control herself. The beast inside her liked all the destruction and killing that was going around. There was only one Witch left. Everything else had been destroyed but that one Witch. This was no ordinary Witch though; this Witch was the head honcho one. The one who controlled everything and everyone that served under her no matter the consequences. Everyone else stopped their battles and the shape-shifters had shifted back into their human forms. They had already pulled on some torn shorts and T-shirts to.

The Witch floated in from above them and then landed on the ground about thirty feet from where everyone stood. Hailie's team stood behind Aaron, Katiya, Cameron, and Hailie herself. They all faced off against the Witch ready to defeat the last of the enemy.

"I see you've defeated all of my warriors that I sent out," she sneered maliciously.

"Damn straight and we will finish you off as well," Hailie answered back confidently.

"Don't think so. I'm too powerful to kill and besides, you haven't exactly defeated everyone yet," she replied with a nasty smirk on her face.

Three people stepped out from the shadows of the trees. Hailie braced herself for another attack when she noticed the three people. One was Anie, one was Derrick, and the last one was Headmistress Karana. Hailie was ready to attack them and finish them off, but she noticed something different about them. They didn't have looks of malice on their faces.

Instead their expressions were blank and nonexistent.

"Whatever you do, do not kill them," Hailie said.

"Why, they want to kill you," Rosalie said.

"No, actually, they don't. They've been controlled this entire time by that nasty bitch over there. They still have a chance at redemption if we kill the witch. Just restrain them long enough," Hailie answered.

"Are you sure," Cameron asked.

"Positive. I can sense that they are trying to fight the spell against them. The whole time the
Witch has been controlling them and making sure that I don't escape, but I did, so now they are completely under her control as punishment," Hailie replied.

"I see," Katiya said.

"Rose, Jasper, Emmett, I need you all to make sure that you keep them restrained. If you need others help ask for it. The X-Men will be glad to help, but if it gets to be too much to handle, then just kill them, but only if you have too," Hailie instructed.

The three nodded their heads and took off into the trees behind them. They would sneak up on them from behind to make it easier. Hailie turned back to the Witch.

"So, why do you want to kill me, what did I ever do to you to make you want to kill me," Hailie asked.

"You existed that's all that matters. Before Phoenixes came along Witches ruled the world, then you snobby little brats showed up and started taking over. I have to put a stop to it once and for all. You and that brat next to you are the only two left and will be the last ones I ever kill," she answered simply.

Hailie crouched down ready to attack. The Witch just sneered and brought her hands together. She rubbed them three times and then slowly started to bring them apart. In between her hands she held a growing ball of energy. Hailie could feel that this energy could land a kill if it kept growing. The Witch stopped when it was about three inches thick.

She then threw it straight at Hailie who had just stood up to see what she was waiting for. Hailie was frozen in shock and not ready for the sudden attack, but someone jumped in her way before she could even think to move out of the way. The ball of energy hit the figure in front of her in the middle of the chest and the figure crumpled to the ground.

That's when Hailie's eyes opened wider and she recognized who had stepped in her way. It was Cameron that got hit.

"CAM," Hailie shouted frantically.

The Witch just cackled in delight.
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I apologize for the delay in this update. I am currently not at my home where I have Internet access every day. I'm busy learning my military job and have no control of when I will be able to update next. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I hope to have Chapter 20, the final chapter, posted as soon as I possibly can. Thank you all so much for being so patient with me and sticking with this story. I'm glad you liked it and I hope you continue to read until the end.