Wildfire: Rise of the Phoenix


When Hailie woke up she found herself on a white couch and people staring at her. She didn't remember what had happened except for the fact that these people who were staring at her were her foster family. She slumped back down against the couch pillows letting out a groan.

"Hailie are you alright," Carlisle's calm voice asked gently.

"No, I have a major headache," she groaned again.

Hailie held her head. She indeed had a headache, but she didn't understand why at first. As she lay there the reason for her headache finally came to her. She shot up off the couch and stared at her foster family.

"You saw didn't you," she questioned urgently.

"Saw what exactly," Emmett wondered curious.

"Please don't play dumb with me right now. Just tell me what you saw please, I'm begging you here," she said feeling tears well up in her eyes.

She hated when people saw her weakened by the power that coursed through her because it made her feel weak and she hated that the most.

"Hailie we didn't see anything," Esme said.

"Actually, Hailie, only Rose, Alice, and myself saw what happened in the ally," Edward spoke up after Esme.

"Damn It," she yelled.

"What happened exactly," Carlisle wondered.

"It's some weird genetic make-up that I have inherited or gained when I was five years old and it has only grown within my body. I don't know what it is exactly, but it weakens me every time that I do my best to control my emotions because my emotions is what triggers it. I don't want to be a freak, but nobody else knows about it because I do my best to keep everything hidden," Hailie mumbled lowering her head.

"There might be something that we can do to help you control your emotions better and make you stronger," Carlisle pondered aloud.

"What do you mean," Hailie asked whipping her head up.

"I mean that if we can train you to contain your power and keep yourself from getting overly emotional at everything that comes down your path than you might not pass out and gain headaches from it," Carlisle clarified.

"How are you going to train me when you don't even know what the hell I am," she asked skeptically.

"We'll have to play it by ear," he said with a small smile.

Hailie's face soon fell because when someone played it by ear they didn't always work out. She heaved a heavy sigh of frustration. All her life she's wanted to be able to control these powers that she has, but she's never been able to because the power seems to be too much for her to handle at once.

"Hailie, things will work out just fine," Carlisle said gently placing his rather cold hand on her arm.

Hailie merely nodded her head. She wanted to be alone again at the moment. As much as she was starting to warm up to the Cullens after what happened she felt like being alone.

"I'm tired, so I'm going to bed now," she announced suddenly.

The entire family just nodded their heads solemnly. They watched as she walked up the stairs hanging her head.

"Edward stay out of my head and Jasper quit messing with my emotions," she whirled around in the middle of the steps.

Edward looked shocked. He wasn't able to read her thoughts and Jasper wasn't able to sense her emotions. It couldn't have been them and they knew it.

"How did you know," Carlisle asked trying to keep the tension low.

"I'm not stupid for one thing and another I've been around vampires before," she answered.

"Hailie Jasper and I were not messing around with your thoughts and emotions," Edward said calmly.

"Yes you were I felt you in my head and I felt a shift in my emotions," she countered narrowing her eyes.

"But that's impossible. We have never been able to get a read on you since you first stepped into this house. Our gifts, including Alice's do not work on you at all," Edward answered.

Hailie was shocked. She knew the Cullens were vampires and she knew that a few of them had gifts. She didn't know until now that none of them worked on her, but she was certain that someone was inside her head and toying with her mind and emotions and she didn't like it one bit.

"Sorry I accused you then," she apologized.

"That's quite alright. Get some sleep. We have school in the morning," he reminded her.

"Do I have to go tomorrow, I don't mean to sound like a little child, but I don't like Forks High School," she said irritated.

"There is only five more months of school and then we graduate Hailie, I think that you can handle it," Edward answered.

Hailie didn't press the subject. She knew she had to go to school, but she didn't have to like it one bit. She turned and walked back up the stairs and into her room. Before getting into bed she grabbed her personal journal and opened to a clean page. She had always kept a journal ever since she learned that she had these powers and it actually helped keep her sane sometimes. She grabbed a pen and began to write.

Dear Diary,

It happened again. This hasn't happened in three years, but one encounter with three perverted assholes and my powers go haywire. I hate this. I cannot continue my life this way. My parents are supposed to come back and take me away like they always do and then just as we get comfortable somewhere they fake their deaths yet again. I can't wait until I turn eighteen because then I can live on my own, but I'm not sure I want to. After actually finally talking with the Cullens, I can see that they really care about me. Maybe I jumped to conclusions when I first came here three years ago.

I don't know what to do anymore. I'm lost, but most of all I'm confused as to why I was given these powers in the first place. I can't think anymore. Every time that I get lost in my thoughts I feel a new power or I feel my powers begin to take control of me and I don't want to be at school and lose all the control that I've worked so hard to keep. It would scare me, but most of all, it would scare the entire school because I would be considered different, but most of all a freak. I need help, but I don't know what kind of help or where to look for the help I need. I have to go now, but I will update again tomorrow like I always do.

Hailie ended her journal and placed it back in the nightstand next to her bed. She was very grateful for the Cullens' hospitality towards her, but she wasn't sure if they could help her at all. Her gifts were different from theirs. She was different from them and she knew that. She grabbed her laptop and logged into the Internet. She then typed in the address of the private school in Montana that she found. It was sort of like a training school, but the website didn't say for what kind of training.

She thought about applying so maybe she could finally figure out what the hell she was and why she had these powers. She wanted to make sure that her new family would be okay with it before she made that hasty decision, but she wasn't sure on how to bring it up. She shut off her computer and then climbed into bed because as Edward so kindly pointed out to her they had school tomorrow.


Over in Montana, the head of the school that Hailie had been looking at had gotten word of another creature with powers. She was really intrigued with this girl that she's heard so much about because of her tragic story.

"Headmistress Karana, should we accept her without an actual application from her," one of the teachers asked tentatively.

"I'm not sure exactly. If we do than we have to know how much potential she has for this kind of training. She needs to be able to handle the stress and pressure of this training if she's going to be able to handle protecting the royals of our race," Karana said with a stern look.

"How are we going to find out her potential," another asked.

"The only way we can find out is if we either visit her ourselves or if we send her an invitation to the campus. She's a senior in high school now, so when she graduates high school she will be able to come straight here if need be," Karana answered.

The teachers talked it over and it was decided that she come to the campus of the school so that they didn't reveal their true identities to the world. They had always been hidden and they wanted to keep it that way so in order to do so she would have travel to them. Karana agreed so she set to work on writing up an invitation of the school that she ran. It was such a prestigious school and only the richest people could attend here, well the richest people who had the gifts that they were looking for. Karana wanted to make sure that their race of people lasted and in order to continue their race they had to train guardians to protect the many royal families that existed.

She was really perturbed that Hailie was living amongst vampires because vampires were their enemies in more ways than one, but she couldn't make judgments on this vampire family until she met them. She was one of the many conservative people who believed that not all vampires were evil. Besides protecting their race the guardians that trained on this campus helped protect humans as well from the werewolves and vampires. It was a hefty job to do, but they had been blessed with the power in order to do so. Karana was positive that Hailie was one of them.

Her parents always seemed to come back again and again from the stories that she's heard. They hadn't been blessed with her kind of power, but obviously they had been blessed at birth with some because if they had died and were able to come back from the dead within a time frame of five years then they had some of their power. Karana finished up the invitation and then teleported it to Hailie's room where it sat on her desk.

Over in Forks, Hailie woke up the next morning. She felt a little more refreshed. Her headache was gone and she was happy about that. After she checked her e-mail she went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. After getting dressed she let her wet hair dry on its own. She never really enjoyed using a blow-dryer or a straightener because it damaged the hair too much. Her luscious deep auburn locks were all natural. She had a natural sort of wave to her hair that made it look full and voluminous every time and she knew that other girls envied her hair. She didn't care really because hair was hair to her. Her curvaceous body, which looked like a really firm natural dancer's figure made girls just as jealous as Rosalie, Alice, or Bella's figures did.

Again, Hailie didn't care what people thought or how people acted around her as long as they didn't spread nasty rumors about her. After Hailie was finished getting ready for school she grabbed her back pack and walked down the stairs. She didn't feel like eating anything so she pulled on her riding jacket and helmet and then took off to school on her bike. It was one of the belongings that she had been able to keep after her parents' deaths. She was happy about that because her life revolved around that bike. Her father had bought it for her after she obtained her driver's license for it.

Arriving at school she parked her bike on the sidewalk because she didn't feel like taking up a perfectly good parking spot for an actual car. She would probably get in trouble for it, but at the moment she didn't really give a damn. She went to her first class and waited for the bell to ring. It was common for her to arrive earlier than everyone else and sit in the far back, but today she was actually going to sit in the very front row of the class because she was trying to get over her grief and actually look like she was participating. When the teacher of her Creative Writing class walked in she did a double take when she saw Hailie sitting front and center because it was out of the ordinary for her, she then proceeded to her desk with a small smile on her face.

"Hailie, it is good to see you are feeling a bit better," the teacher said.

"Thank you Miss Renfield. I like this new feeling that's going through me," Hailie responded.

Before Miss Renfield could reply to Hailie's comment the first bell rang and the students began filing in. Hailie pulled out her notebook and poised a pen above it ready to take notes as usual. Once the bell rang for the start of class Miss Renfield began her lecture. She continued to explain the thought process it took sometimes to write something with as much passion as possible and still make it sound interesting. After she was done she had the students begin writing their short stories for their finals in the class.

The minimum page count was ten pages and the maximum page count was twenty. Hailie was excited about this final project because she knew she was good at writing. It made her feel comfortable with herself especially after a loss in control with her powers or gifts. For the rest of the class period Hailie sat in the front row writing feverishly in her notebook. Before she could even go to the next page her notebook was snatched from her all of a sudden. She looked up to find the school's biggest slut staring down at her.

"What do you want Trisha," Hailie asked sounding bored.

"Just wondering at what you're writing," she asked haughtily.

"It's private. Please do not read it," Hailie said clenching her left hand into a fist under the table.

"Oh, but you see private writing is the best writing to spread around," Trisha gushed stupidly.

"Please give it back," Hailie said getting a little scared, but most of all trying to hold back her anger.

She didn't want to lose control in front of the school. That would be too embarrassing to deal with.

"Nah, I don't think so. I think I'll read it aloud," Trisha bragged loudly gaining the entire classes' attention.

She cleared her throat and began to read. Hailie was shaking in rage and she looked down at her left hand to see it flicker with sparks. She was starting to lose control of her anger, which was what happened last night. She couldn't afford to do it again. She fought the rage that was coursing through her, but as Trisha continued to read her personal writing to the class she couldn't hold it in anymore. She stood up bumped into Trisha in the process which made her drop the notebook. Stuffing her hand in her pocket she grabbed her helmet and her notebook and back pack and tore out of the classroom. Miss Renfield had stepped out to the bathroom so she wouldn't have been able to stop what had happened. Hailie decided that she would file a report for personal humiliation in the morning. She just had to leave before something horrible happened to the school.

She put her helmet on after stuffing her notebook back in her back pack and then mounted her bike and took off. She would definitely be in trouble with the school tomorrow, but at the current moment she needed to calm down and the only way she could was to ride her bike to the one spot that no one but her knew about. She parked her bike amongst the trees of the forest and began walking through the trees until she found her spot. She sat down on the damp ground and then brought her knees up to her chest and rested her head on them.

She couldn't stop the tears from falling, but truthfully they helped her calm down. Her hands were no longer on fire from her anger, but it still hurt to know that Trisha could be such a bitch to her when she didn't even do a single thing to her in the first place. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do to keep Trisha from doing the things she did to her because it would be wrong to use her powers for revenge. Hailie took out her notebook that she had written in that day and tore out the thoughts that she already put down.

Her hands instantly lit the pages on fire to get rid of the evidence. It wasn't personal, well actually it was a little personal, but not to the extent where it would make people whisper about her and her freakiness. Until this morning she had been seriously happy and laid back, but the first sign of trouble she couldn't handle it, but then again her emotions were still pretty shot from last night's power struggle so it should have been understandable to feel vulnerable to them still.

After Hailie had a power struggle and relapse in emotional control it took days to gain that control back, and she knew that, which was why she was so reluctant to go to school for the next couple of days, but it was inevitable unless she went and saw Carlisle at the hospital and told him about it. Her head shot up at the idea. Maybe she could make him understand how vulnerable she was to losing control of her emotions after such a power struggle as she had last night.

She wasn't hoping for good results, but it was worth a shot. She grabbed her helmet and back pack and then headed back to her bike. Just as she was putting her helmet on her stomach started doing these weird flips as if she was sensing something. She put her helmet on the bike and looked around. Her eyesight was pretty strong, almost as strong as the vampires, actually maybe even stronger, just like her enhanced hearing as well. She scanned her surroundings and held back a gasp of surprise when three figures were walking towards her.

She didn't know what to do or who they were, but something was telling her that they needed to be stopped. The blood at the corner of their mouths intensified that feeling of uneasiness. She walked towards them and stared. They stared back.

"Who are you and what the hell do you want," she demanded uneasily.

"We are just passing through. There is no need to do anything rash," a blonde guy said.

"Really? Just passing through, I find that hard to believe seeing as though you have blood on the corner of your mouths," she glared gaining some confidence.

"That is none of your concern, but since you have somehow seen what we are, yet I don't understand how, but alas you will have to meet your end now because you are a liability to our race," the other guy said.

The female one looked ready to kill. She looked pretty damn lethal to Hailie, but Hailie could feel her own power coursing through her at the moment and it helped her feel more confident and a little lethal herself. Before she could react to them the female lunged at her. Hailie didn't understand where this newfound strength came from, but the female couldn't take her down. It amazed Hailie beyond belief, but it also scared her. She had never been this strong before and it was confusing her. The female let out a scream when Hailie's fiery hand set her on fire.

Hailie was unsure if she was supposed to put the fire out or not so she just watched the female burn to a crisp. The men attacked then because
Hailie looked as if she could handle two attackers at once. She didn't know what she was doing exactly, but she did know that the more she did it, the better she would get at it. The males went up in flames when she let some anger loose and her hands turned fiery red again. They screamed in agony as the flames bit into their abnormally pale skin. They were gone. Hailie sunk down to the floor after that. She blacked out again because she had done too much with her powers. She still wasn't in control of the powers so too much at one time would make her pass out.

Back at the school Edward was looking at Alice. She had just had a vision of three vampires similar to Laurent, James, and Victoria passing through Forks at this moment, but when she was seeing the family in a middle of a battle with them her vision suddenly went blank. Alice snapped out of her daze and looked at her family.

"What does that mean," she asked.

"I don't know, but Carlisle should know about it, and the fact that Hailie ran off again," Edward said.

"She what," Rosalie piped in.

"She ran off because Trisha read something personal from her notebook. She was beginning to lose control of her powers so she decided to leave school instead of face the humiliation from the other students," Edward explained.

"I'm going to kill that bitch," Rosalie hissed.

"Calm down Rose. Killing Trisha will not solve anything," Emmett tried to soothe his girlfriend.

Rose relaxed. When it came to Hailie she was really protective of her because of how different she was and the fact that she felt bad for her. Hailie finally started opening up to them, which made Rose happy about it. The rest of the day went by in a blur. When everyone else returned home Rose immediately went up to Hailie's room to see if she could help comfort her, but to Rose's dismay she couldn't find her.

"Esme, have you seen Hailie," Rose asked walking down the stairs again.

"No, I haven't. The school called because she was absent. I saw her leave for school this morning," Esme answered.

"Yeah, well during first period Trisha decided to be a bitch to her and read some personal writing out of a notebook. Hailie took off because she didn't want to lose control of her emotions and cause an even bigger scene," Rose answered darkly.

"Really, then I wonder why she didn't come home," Esme said.

The others decided to wait for her, but when Carlisle came home and there was still no sign of her they began to grow worried. Rose was never one to care about humans, but something about Hailie made her realize that not all humans are bad. She still felt a little guilty for being so rude to Bella when Bella was human, but that was the past. Edward, Jasper, Carlisle, and Emmett all went out into the woods looking for Hailie while the females stayed at the house to see if maybe she would come home on her own. When the guys made it to the trees they ran in four different directions and used their sense of smell to try and find her.

Over by her favorite spot in the woods, Hailie woke up from her latest blackout. She was confused at what had happened, but then she saw the piles of ashes and realized that she set three people on fire. She didn't mean to do it though. It was like her powers did it on their own to keep her safe or something. Her nauseating feeling was gone, which made her feel a little better. She stood up from the ground and put on her helmet and then climbed onto her bike. She took off back to the house because all she wanted to do was write in her journal and then go to bed. She was exhausted from two nights of loss in emotional control. The powers drained her of energy and she didn't like that at all. She was grateful however, for the backup that she was receiving from her foster family that she was living with right now.

Hailie made it back to the house and was bombarded by hugs from all of the females. Esme left the living room for about two seconds and when she returned she had a huge grin on her face.

"Hailie are you alright," her kind motherly voice asked.

"Yes. Three people attacked me in the forest. I lost control again and when I opened my eyes I saw the piles of ashes. I didn't mean to kill anyone," Hailie said sounding really hysterical.

It was the truth though. She didn't want these gifts anymore if they were going to make her kill other people. She didn't want to be a monster and if these powers or gifts were turning her into a monster than she didn't want them anymore.

"Hailie, no one will ever know except us. You will be alright," Rose said pulling her sister into another hug.

The guys returned a little later looking relieved that Hailie was alright. Esme informed them of what had happened and Carlisle said that Hailie would be homeschooled from now on. He agreed with her when it came to her powers. After the hugs were done Hailie headed up to her room and picked up her journal. She wrote the events that happened and then got up to get ready for bed.

As she was passing her desk she noticed a white envelope sitting on it. She picked it up and opened it. Pulling out a piece of paper she read the note that was inside.

Dear Miss Marsinelli,

I would like to invite you to our campus in Montana. I will guide you and your parents through a tour and if you enjoy the layout and the classes that are offered then we will be prepared to give you a full scholarship to our school. We would like to know your potential first, so if you decide to accept our invitation for the tour, then be prepared to take a small test when you arrive. This school is very prestigious and we only accept the best and I hope you understand that now. Please fill out the attached form with your answer to this request. I will send you more information after I get your response.

Yours sincerely,

Headmistress Karana

Hailie was positively excited about receiving this invitation to the school that she had been looking into. The sister school was her next choice after high school and that website gave just as little information as the one that just invited her to take a tour of their campus. It frustrated her because she wanted information. She flew down the stairs to see if Carlisle and Esme would take her to see the campus.

"Hailie what's wrong," Carlisle asked looking up from the book he was reading.

Hailie was breathing too hard to answer his question so she just handed him the invitation. He looked it over and then handed it to Esme who also read it. Hailie bent her head to try and catch her breath because she had never been this excited before.

"Are you trying to ask us if we would take you to the tour," Esme asked gently.

Hailie merely nodded her head in response since she still hadn't caught her breath.

"That's perfectly fine. We would love to. Answer the invitation and we will wait for the rest of the information," Carlisle said with a smile.

Hailie was even more excited now. She took the invitation back up to her room and gave her reply. She would put it in the mail in the morning. She climbed into her bed and instantly fell asleep with a huge smile on her face. The invitation disappeared from her desk and reappeared on Headmistress Karana's desk. She picked it up and smiled at the response. This was all too easy. She quickly wrote up the tour schedule for Hailie and then sent it off. Karana was excited that Hailie was so accepting. If Hailie proved to be what the prophecy said, than Karana would get her, her own personal trainer because she deserved to have that attention.

The other students wouldn't be too thrilled with that decision, but then again Karana knew what was best for everyone that attended her school. It was originally supposed to be a high school, but her sister took care of that so this was one of the colleges that most students decided to attend. It was difficult to run the school sometimes especially when the school was attacked, but then again it gave the students good practice at fighting. Karana was really excited to meet Hailie and her parents. She was staring at the wall of her office and lost in her own thoughts when the knock on her door jerked her out.

"Come in," she said brusquely.

Two guardians of the school entered. One, a male, was about a little over six feet tall with dark hair that went past his shoulders, which he held back at the base of his neck in a low ponytail. The other was female. She was really short, but she didn't mind her height because she was really lethal when it came to attacking the enemy.

"Awe, Guardian Demidov and Guardian Holloway, what can I do for you," Karana asked.
"I hate to say this at a time like this, but the school is under attack. Three students have been killed. We have secured the area, but the wolves continue to pursue their attack on the outside gates. So far, we have killed three of the attackers, but they seemed to have teamed up with some vampires. We need your help," Demidov said sharply.

Karana nodded her head and her battle mask was in place. They ran towards the sounds of the battle and managed to get there just as two students went down. Karana rushed forward and started throwing her hands out in the air. A huge gust of wind sent the vampire that was poised above the fallen student flying in the air. He landed at the edge of the trees. Holloway and Demidov hurried forward and continued the fight. The battle took hours longer, but eventually the students and the guardians won.

The attackers scurried off because they knew that their element of surprise was ruined. They left the campus and the guardians replaced the fallen protection that surrounded the school. Karana was breathing hard because of the recent fight that she was engaged in. She had to tell Hailie and her family so that they knew if they accepted the full scholarship that she might end up in battle more at the school than in reality, but it was a way for them to learn.

Karana headed back to her office to draft up a quick letter to Hailie and her family. She sent it off with a wave of her hand and hoped that Hailie received it so that they could be on their guard when they arrived for the tour because Karana was positive that there could be another attack. In fact, she absolutely was going to be ready for it. She immediately made plans for the school to be absolutely guarded. Her two best guardians, Demidov and Holloway, may be dating, but they always put work first when need be. They had actually met when Miss Holloway was still in school. She was finishing up her training when she decided to run away for two years.

She fell way behind and Karana was seriously thinking about not letting her return, but then Demidov said that he would personally train her so that she could catch up with the other students. Holloway had thus been proving herself in order to continue with her studies. Karana was going to put both of them on duty as Hailie's personal guardians when she toured and if she accepted the scholarship. They would then help her control her gifts as best as they can while training her in the martial arts.

Karana put her head down on her desk. She was tired, but she knew her day didn't end until six in the morning and it was only five. She had another hour before she could call it a day and sleep peacefully while the students slept as well. It was more convenient for her students to study at night and sleep during the day because they were used to that if they attended the high school before. Some of the students had to adjust and they were given two weeks to do so before they had to start their classes. Karana was a reasonable headmistress; at least she thought she was. Karana did some more paperwork for another hour and when six in the morning rolled around she closed up her office and headed to bed. She would deal with the casualties of the recent attack when her day began again.