Wildfire: Rise of the Phoenix


Hailie, Carlisle, and Esme were getting excited for the prospective college tour that was coming up. They hadn't heard of the school, so they were both kind of sketchy on the whole thing, but they were happy to finally see Hailie show something other than anger and sadness. At the moment they were waiting for Hailie to come down from her room so that they could head out to the school when a letter appeared on the dining room table.

"Esme, come here and look at this," Alice called.

In an instant both Carlisle and Esme were standing next to Alice with worried expressions on their faces.

"Alice what is the matter," Carlisle asked.

"The school that gave Hailie a tour was just attacked by vampires and werewolves," she said.

"What? I mean I knew werewolves existed and were prowling, but how could they infiltrate a school," Esme wondered.

"They could have infiltrated the school as one unit," Carlisle said.

"They did," Alice confirmed.

"What do you mean," Esme asked.

"I mean I had a vision of vampires attacking the school, but they didn't look like any of us at all. They looked like the red eyed ones, but all wrinkly and disgusting looking. Something I've never even seen before," she answered.

"But how do you know werewolves were attacking also," Carlisle asked.

"This letter," she said simply.

Alice gave the letter to Carlisle and he read through it. When he was done he looked up
with worry.

"I don't think we should allow her to go," he said.

"Carlisle, she's so excited about this tour," Esme said.

"Not the tour, we'll go to that, but I don't think she should attend the school," he said.

No one answered. They just stared at each other and occasionally looked down at the letter. Carlisle was trying to figure out a way to handle this. He wanted Hailie to be happy, but he also wanted her to be safe.

Upstairs Hailie heard everything. She had enhanced hearing as if she was a vampire also, but she wasn't one. She didn't know what she was, but she could hear things as if she were in the same room. She took a few deep breaths. She knew about vampires, but werewolves were a totally different situation. She didn't know that they had existed as well, but then again why wouldn't they if vampires existed too. She finished pulling on a T-shirt and some shoes before heading out of her room. She had to listen to their reasoning before she got too upset.

She knew that they were going to the tour of the school, but it was the matter of actually attending the school. She had done some more research and some of the training they put the students through was so intense that it only excited her even more. As she was walking down the stairs she felt a tug at her mind again and she got a little angry. Edward had said that their gifts didn't work on her, but he could have been lying. Hailie shook her head and then continued to descend the stairs.

"Hailie, are you ready for the tour," Alice asked excited.

"Yeah, I can't wait," she faked her excitement.

After hearing what Carlisle was considering she was thinking about the same worries and had the same concerns as he did, which was rather strange.

"Awesome, Rose and I will be going with you," she said.

"What about school? I thought Carlisle and Esme were going with me," she said.

"I have to work at the hospital and Esme doing stuff around here," Carlisle answered.

"Don't worry Hailie, we will have so much fun," Alice beamed.

"Yeah, okay," Hailie answered.

She couldn't shake the worries that were going through her about the school. Something was up with it. She had researched the school only three days ago and then the letter asking her to come and tour it appeared not even a day later. It was weird and she wanted to know more about that, but for now she had to get going if they were going to catch the train that would take them all the way to Montana. The tour of the academy wasn't until Friday and it was only Wednesday, so it gave them a day to settle in and maybe go shopping and look around.

Hailie actually wanted to go by her old house while in Montana to see if there was anything left in the house where her parents looked dead. She knew it would bring back some unwanted sadness, but she needed the actual closure. She knew that her parents would come for her in another two years, but she wasn't sure if she would actually go with them. She would be nineteen then and wouldn't have to listen to them because she would be old enough to make her own decisions.

She was actually getting used to the Cullens' presence and concern and she liked it. Rosalie was one of her favorites so she was debating on becoming a Hale or Cullen. It was a hard decision. Emmett was becoming more bearable with all of his jokes and she was finally cracking smiles around him. Edward was still a little creepy and so was Jasper, but she knew if she lived with them long enough she would be able to stand them.

"Alright, so when are we leaving," Hailie asked.

"In a bit, since Rosalie isn't finished packing," Alice said raising her voice when she mentioned Rosalie's name.

"Hey, I'm sorry for taking so long. Normally we are waiting on you Alice, so quit your complaining," her voice floated down the stairs.

Hailie couldn't help but laugh a little. She remembered how she used to be just like Alice and Rosalie were, but with her mom. She missed her mom even though she knew how that they were going to come looking for her in just two short years.

"Hailie are you okay," Esme asked gently.

"Um, yeah, I was just thinking about my parents," she said sadly.

"We are here for you if you ever want to talk about it," Esme answered with a small smile.

"I know. Actually, I need to talk to Carlisle before we go in private," Hailie said all of a sudden.

"Oh, okay well we'll go upstairs," Alice said.

"No, actually if Carlisle doesn't mind taking a ride with me somewhere I'd rather talk outside," Hailie replied.

"Of course not," Carlisle answered.

"Alice stay out of Carlisle's future," Hailie warned.

"Why," she asked.

"Because, this is private and when I'm ready I will tell the rest of you," she said simply.

"Fine," Alice pouted and then in flash was in her room.

Carlisle followed Hailie to the garage and then headed for his car, but she shook her head and tossed him her second helmet from her bike. She straddled it after putting on her helmet and riding jacket. She didn't really need it because truthfully she could heal rather quickly and didn't know why that was. Carlisle was a doctor which was partly the reason she wanted to talk to him about this first.

Carlisle put the helmet on along with a riding jacket and then straddled the bike behind Hailie. She started the bike and then peeled out of the garage and down the driveway. Hailie drove down the highway and then about four miles down she turned onto a hidden dirt road. About half way down the dirt road she turned into the trees and then stopped about three quarters of the way in. She got off the bike and then led Carlisle towards her favorite spot. It was at the top of a cliff that looked over the entire small town of Forks. She sat down at the edge and Carlisle sat next to her waiting for her to start up the conversation.

"I don't know how to say this, but I know for a fact that I only have four more years to live," she finally said after about ten minutes of silence.

"What do you mean Hailie," he asked.

"Before my mom died she was telling me about my future. It was before the burglars entered the house. We were in my room and she felt like she needed to tell me this because she said that she didn't have much time left in her life, which I knew was a lie as well, but I'll get to that later, anyway, she told me that I was special with my many gifts as she called them and that one day someone was going to need my help."

Hailie took a small pause before continuing.

"After that she started telling me that I only had until the age of twenty-one to live. That was three years ago when I was fourteen. I've been thinking about it ever since because, well she kind of scared me by saying that. I don't understand what that means, but my only guess is that my life right now will end, but I won’t die. I'll be a human version of a vampire. I'll be immortal, but still have the heartbeat and colored skin tone," she said.

"That is quite the worry Hailie. Why didn't you come to me sooner," he asked gently.

"I didn't know how to or what to say exactly," she admitted lowering her head.

"It's quite alright. Now, you said that you don't believe your parents are really dead. Why do you say that," he asked.

"Well, mainly because every five years two 'long lost relatives' have showed up on my foster parents' doorstep saying that they were related to me and that they have custody of me. Well, being a minor I couldn't do anything but go with them. Once we got to their house they explained that they were actually my parents. I was confused at the age of five when it first happened and then later at the age of ten it happened again. I hardly know my parents. They don't normally 'live' for more than a few months. This latest attack three years ago was the longest I've ever been with them, which made it that much harder to accept their death," she explained.

"Well, that would be difficult to accept and very confusing at an age so young," he marveled.
Hailie just nodded.

"Why is it that you wanted to talk privately," he asked.

"Because I don’t want to frighten Rose since she's tried everything possible to get me to open up and talk to her and Alice just seems so friendly I don't want to sadden them either," she said.

"Well, you'll have to tell them sometime soon because they do have a right to know," he said.

"Yeah, I know, I just don't know when I will do it," she admitted.

"If you'd like I can be there when you decide to tell them so it's easier," he offered.

"That would be nice Carlisle thank you," she smiled at him.

Hailie wasn't sure when she would tell Rose and Alice and the rest of the family about her dark secret, but she did want to get it over with and put it behind her. She finally knew which last name she would take. It was going to be Rosalie's last name because she really enjoyed her.

"One last thing, I want to change my last name from Marsinelli," she said.

"Well which last name would you like to take," he smiled.

"Cale. I think that would be suitable. Cecelia Hailie Italia Cale," she smiled.

"That is a wonderful name. You don't want to keep your original last name though," he asked.

"No, that's just too long of a name for my liking," she admitted.

"Is there anything else you would like to talk about," he asked sensing that there was something else on her mind.

"Just this college academy school thing," she admitted.

"What about it," he asked.

"Well, I'm worried that everyone won't like me if I decide to attend. Then there is also the fact that I can't help but wonder how dangerous the school really is prone too. I heard your conversation earlier, and I apologize for eavesdropping, but I couldn't help it," she admitted sheepishly.

"How did you hear it when you were in your room with the door closed," he wondered curiously.

"It's part of the gifts I have. Not only do my emotions give me special talents, but I have enhanced hearing, enhanced vision, and even enhanced speed. When I first realized that I was super fast I was running a mile for a PE test at one of my old schools. I didn't know that I was done within five minutes of even starting the test until my teacher asked me if I could run it again. I didn't mind because I figured she didn't see me run all four laps because it baffled me as well. I was out there for almost five and a half minutes again. My teacher was amazed that she said I should try out for track. I didn't because I didn't want to be accused of cheating," she explained.

"I see. So you really are the human version of vampires. I wonder what in the world they call that kind of species," Carlisle wondered aloud to himself.

Hailie didn't mind being referred to as a species because technically she was different then everybody else she knew.

"I hope that you don't mind, but I am going to do some research on you and your parents. This just really fascinates me to no end and I would rather be the first to figure it out. Also, we have to keep you a secret from the Volturi because if they catch word of you then they will want to see if you are even more powerful as a vampire," he told her.

"May I help you in the research," she asked.

"Certainly, I mean this is about you after all," he chuckled.

Hailie gave him a hug and felt so much better already. She knew that the time would come when she would have to inform the others, but at the moment she took a peak at her watch and literally jumped a mile in the air.

"Oh my goodness, we'll be late for our train," she said running back to her bike.

Carlisle was there about five seconds after her. They put their helmets on and she peeled out of the forest and onto the dirt road and then the highway. She was going so fast that they managed to make it to the house within twenty seconds. Edward was home and he had brought Bella with him.

"He--," he couldn't even get out as Hailie ran past him and up the stairs to her room where she grabbed her bag and then made back down the stairs and was sitting on the couch in three seconds flat and not even breathing hard.

"Hailie how are you able to run so fast," Edward finally asked as he walked into the house with Bella at his side.

"I'll tell you when I get back from Montana," she said simply.

He merely nodded his head. He was actually really happy that she was finally opening up to the entire family after three years of solitude in her room. Hailie was tapping her foot impatiently.

"Hailie what's wrong," he asked concerned.

"Well, we are going to be late for the train if Rose and Alice don't hurry up," she said with an angry glint in her eye.

Just then Alice and Rose were standing next to her with huge smiles on their faces. Hailie bid everyone else good bye as she followed Carlisle to the garage. He agreed to drop them off at the station and pick them up when they came home. The one thing Hailie wasn't going to hide was her new last name, but as she thought about it, Hale didn't seem to flow well with such a long name as she had, so she changed her mind to Cullen.

Her new name would be written as Cecelia Hailie Italia Cullen on her new birth certificate, but she would always be best friends with Rosalie the most. She was now a Cullen and she enjoyed it very much. During the car ride over to the train station Hailie felt a tug at the back of her mind again. She didn't like these feelings, but always brushed them off because she didn't know what they were. The tug turned into a massive headache and she ended up clutching her head in pain.

"Hailie what's wrong," Rose asked with concern.

"Major headache," she cried out.

"Have you taken aspirin for it," Carlisle asked.

"No, it starts out as this little tug, but then it grew to this huge headache and now it's gone," she said letting go of her head.

"We'll figure it out when you get back," he said looking at her in the rearview mirror.

Hailie nodded her head in response and then curled up against Rosalie's shoulder and closed her eyes. Little cat naps always helped her handle the many gifts that she had and she was grateful that Rosalie didn't mind her laying all over her. They made it to the train station with fifteen minutes to spare. Hailie was relieved. They would be on the train most of the day and get to Montana by seven at night. Tomorrow was going to be their day of fun and then Friday they would tour the school all day and Saturday was the day that they would return to Forks. Hailie was excited. She had never been on a train before in her life and if she was going to live for only four more years then she wanted to be sure that she could travel by train at least once before her life ended. They all hugged Carlisle goodbye and boarded the train.

Rosalie led the way to a private car that was all decked out as if they were having a train sleep over. Carlisle had bought the train car awhile back and it was always traveling with the train. He made sure that it was the best one ever. It was like a moving hotel room to be exact, which was kind of nice. Alice sat down on the couch and began reading a large book. Rosalie went and sat down on the smaller couch that was in front of a TV, and Hailie went and slept on the twin sized bed that was in the corner. Everyone was preoccupied for the moment and it was fine by them.

About halfway through the train ride Hailie woke up feeling so much more relaxed and calm. She looked out the window to see a beautiful sunset and scenery flashing by the window. She closed the heavy curtains and sat down in between Alice and Rosalie on the couch.

"Movie time," she smiled.

"Alright, you pick while I make you some popcorn," Alice grinned.

Hailie went through the large collection of DVDs on the shelf under the TV until she found the one that she was looking for. It was about gymnastics and horses and how this girl had a horrible car accident and ended up becoming a world class horse jockey instead. She had heard of it, but never saw it and she really wanted to. It was titled Gymnast Jockey.


Back in Forks, Carlisle had begun the research about Hailie's past and her parents. He wanted to be able to give her something to look forward to when she got back from her campus tour with Rose and Alice. He just hoped that she liked the present that was awaiting her at the train station. Hailie had told him of her plans to visit her old house while
in Montana and even though he had tried to persuade her not to hurt herself like that, she had convinced him that it would bring closure to her already severed soul, so he didn't say anything to anyone. When he wasn't at the hospital, Carlisle was always in his study trying to figure out what Hailie really was. So far, he hadn't found anything at all. There was a knock on his door, but he ignored it until it came again rather insistent.

"Come in," he answered.

The door opened to reveal Bella. He smiled at her, but then furrowed an eyebrow.

"Bella, what's wrong," he asked gently.

"Um, I was reading this book earlier when I came across something that didn't make any sense to me. I asked Edward, but he didn't know what to make of it either," she said rather timidly.

"Let me see," he said and she handed him the book.

Carlisle opened it up and began to read from the beginning. He didn't have to look far before he found something that didn't sound right to him at all. He looked up at Bella with questioning eyes.

"Where did you find this," he asked.

"I got it from a folklore bookstore when I was in Port Angeles before I even knew what you were," she admitted sheepishly.

He chuckled lightly and continued to read silently. He was aware of Bella standing in the room still when he found an explanation that matched Hailie's description of herself. He looked up at Bella, who looked back with worry.

"I need to go to Montana now," he said suddenly.

"Why," she asked.

"It's about Hailie," he answered vaguely.

She just nodded and watched as he raced out of the room at lightning speed. She wasn't aware of how long she had been standing there when Edward appeared in front of her.

"Bella, love, are you okay," he asked sincerely.

She looked at him with wide eyes, wishing that she could convey her worry for her friend Hailie.

"I know you're worried about Hailie," he said as if he really could read her mind.

"How did you know," she asked astonished.

"Carlisle was practically yelling it in his head. He took Emmett and Jasper with him, but Esme is still here, and worried about her new daughter," he replied carefully.

"Do you know what has Carlisle so worried about Hailie," she asked.

"No I don't. He was rather careful in keeping that from me, but if it involves Emmett and Jasper then it's not good," he answered.

Bella rested her head on his chest and breathed heavily. It has been ten years since she was fully human. She enjoyed being back in Forks where she met her husband. Now, she was worried about the newest addition as well. She wanted to be there for her as much as her husband did, but the three of them were hardly in the house in the first place.

"How's our daughter," Edward whispered.

"Playing down at Jacob's," Bella answered.

Edward almost growled, but the look that his beloved gave him made him stop. He hated the fact that his daughter was always around the mutt, but he couldn't help the fact that he had imprinted on her when she was first born.

"Edward, she'll be fine," she whispered.

"I know, but I don't have to like it," he said.

Bella only chuckled to herself.


Over in Montana the girls' train had just pulled into a stop at the station they needed to get off at. They were just about to get off the train when Alice had a vision.

"Rose, Carlisle is waiting for us at the house," she said when she returned to the present.

"What do you mean," she asked.

"It seems he has urgent news for you Hailie," she answered looking at Hailie.

"Then let's go," she said, "but wait how are we getting to your house," she added as an afterthought.

"With those," Rose said with a smile and Hailie looked towards where Rose was pointing to see two motorcycles gleaming in the overcast light.

"But there's only two," Hailie said a little sadly.

"Exactly, one for Rose and I, and one for you," Alice said.

Hailie's eyes lit up at that news. She has always loved motorcycles and when her dad would take her for a ride on his she was always happy. To think that she would be able to drive her own has been one of her dreams for a very long time. She pulled on the sky blue helmet and straddled the baby blue bike. Rosalie and Alice straddled the sleek black bike and put on black helmets.

Once they had their luggage strapped to the back of their bikes Hailie took off after Rose and Alice since she didn't know the way to the house. It didn't take them that long to find the house, but it was in a location similar to Forks, surrounded by trees and very difficult to find from the road. If Hailie hadn't heard Rose's bike slow down and turn a corner she would have missed the turn completely. At the house they unloaded their luggage and turned towards the house to see Carlisle on the front porch waiting patiently for them.

Hailie ran towards the house anxious to find out what kind of news Carlisle had about her. He didn't say anything when she reached him, just gave her a hug.

"Carlisle what did you find out," she asked.

"It's not what I found, but what Bella did," he said.

"Bella found stuff about me," she asked.

"Yes. Let's get inside and we'll talk there," he said glancing towards the woods that were growing dark.

Rose and Alice followed with curt nods. Once inside they saw Emmett and Jasper there and immediately Rose and Alice were next to their men in a heartbeat. Hailie sat on the couch across from Carlisle who was sitting in an armchair with a book in his hand. Hailie waited as patiently as she possibly could, but the anxiety of the wait was making her powers go a little haywire.

"Um, Hailie, your eyes are purple," Emmett said uneasily.

Hailie cursed under her breath and took a few deep breaths trying to calm her anxiety and

"Sorry," she mumbled.

"That's quite alright. Now let me explain something here," Carlisle said. Everyone nodded their heads.

"I started research on what you gave me so far Hailie and I wasn't getting anywhere. Just today, Bella told me that she was re-reading a book she had purchased before she even knew about vampires when she came across two things. One was a mythical being and the other was a prophecy made about this being. Now, I was confused at first, but then I started putting the pieces together from what you told me yesterday. I can reveal what you are in front of Rose, Alice, Emmett, and Jasper, or I can tell you privately and then you can decide if you want to tell them, and it will be the same for the prophecy as well," he said looking at Hailie.

All eyes were on Hailie waiting for her decision. She didn't know what to do, but she did know that she would have to tell them someday, so might as well just let them listen to the explanation and save her the trouble of explaining things herself.

"They can listen to both," she said.

Carlisle nodded.

"Alright, well Hailie you are one of the rarest beings to ever exist and if the wrong people know about your existence then you'll be in grave danger. You, my dear, are what people call a Phoenix," he said.

"A Phoenix," Hailie repeated confused.

"Yes. You have all abilities as a vampire does enhanced speed, hearing, sight and strength. Your emotions, however, are what trigger your other powerful gifts of controlling spirit, air, water, fire, and earth. You are basically designed to kill in more ways than one if given the choice to do so. You are coveted by all and my guess is that this academy is one of the few places that want you for their own reasons," Carlisle said.

Hailie was about to open her mouth to say something when the entire kitchen exploded and a dozen or so vampires stormed the room, followed closely by wolves.