Wildfire: Rise of the Phoenix


Hailie didn't have the time to register that she and her family were being attacked when Emmett ran towards her and picked her up and ran her up the stairs. When Emmett thought that she was safe in a room upstairs he turned to go back towards the battle, but before he could leave two people crashed through the window of the room. Emmett let out a growl of anger and stood in front of Hailie.

"We're here to help, not hurt you," the male said.

"What's your name," Emmett growled.

"The name's Derrick and this is Anie," he said holding out a hand.

"Where the hell have you come from, and who the hell are those things downstairs," Hailie demanded coming back to reality.

"I'm a guardian from the academy that sent you tour information for Friday. Anie here is also a guardian and the headmistress has sent us here because she foresaw an attack on you," Derrick answered.

"Okay, but what the hell is attacking us, well besides wolves and vampires," Hailie asked again through clenched teeth.

"You need to calm down," Anie said stepping forward earning a growl from Emmett.

"I don't need to calm down, I need answers, and I need them now," Hailie said feeling rage build inside.

"Alright, just control your anger before you blow up the entire house," Anie said frantically.

Emmett was behind Hailie in an instant and the cool skin from his arms was clamped over her overheated skin. It didn't do much except really piss her off to the point where Emmett was thrown against the dresser. Hailie's eyes were crimson again and her hands were ablaze. Derrick and Anie couldn't do anything to stop the true power of a Phoenix except maybe lead her towards the Strigoi vampires downstairs.

"Hey, you if you want me come and get me," Anie yelled taunting Hailie, which was a horrible idea on her part.

Anie fled down the stairs and heard Hailie following her. She managed to reach the bottom of the stairs before Hailie was standing in front of her already.

"Hailie, come and get me. You know you want to," Derrick taunted from behind.

Hailie's head spun around and she was now staring at Derrick. He really laid it into her and that pissed her off even more. Her eyes were a bright crimson now and she went after
Derrick who managed to get all the way towards the living room.

"Hailie you're not supp--," Rose started, but saw her eyes and was lost for breath.

Carlisle, Rose, Alice, and Jasper all ducked out of the way as Hailie threw fireball after fireball towards Derrick who was dodging behind the vampires that were attacking. They instantly burst into flames. The wolves already had run off with their tails between their legs so it was just the vampires now. Derrick kept infuriating Hailie even more and Rose was about to tear him to pieces when Alice pulled her back with a shake of her head.

She continued to watch the battle and when the last of the attacking vampires were destroyed Hailie was breathing hard, but her energy was fading fast. The flames in her hand were down to a small flicker and her eyes were no longer bright red. Her chest was heaving up and down a little too fast. When her hands were no longer ablaze with fire Rose ran forward and caught her falling body before it hit the ground. She laid her out on the couch just as

Emmett walked down the stairs rubbing his head.

"What happened here," he asked taking in the scorch marks of the room.

"Hailie killed every single vampire that attacked us," Alice piped up sounding a bit scared.

"What about those two," he asked pointing towards Derrick and Anie in the corner.

Everyone looked at them with curiosity in their golden eyes.

"We will answer all of your questions when Hailie wakes up, but you have questions of your own to answer for us," Anie said.

Carlisle nodded.

"Let's clean this up first," he said after a small silence.

Rose and Alice had the place sparkling clean within minutes. Both Anie and Derrick were astonished at what they were seeing. They had only witnessed such speed from the Strigoi and nothing else. These people were something that neither Anie nor Derrick ever came across before.

"Can I offer you something to drink," Carlisle asked politely.

Both of them shook their heads no. Rose wasn't leaving Hailie's side and whoever got too close received a hiss or a growl from her. Carlisle had set a glass of water and two aspirin on the table by the couch for when Hailie woke up. The room was bathed in silence until it was completely shattered by Hailie's moan of slight pain. Hailie groaned again and started moving. Rose tensed slightly, but stayed close. When Hailie opened her eyes the first two people she saw were a beautiful blonde haired beauty and a small pixie like girl complete with a pixie hair cut. Both of them had looks of complete concern on their faces.
When Hailie sat up her head started pounding really hard.

"What happened," she groaned rubbing her head to try and relieve the pain.

"You lost control," Rose said.

"Lost control? What do you mean I lost control? Lost control of what," she asked.

"Your gifts," Alice offered and received a hard glare from Rose.

"What are you talking about? Who are you people," she wondered.

"Hailie are you okay," Carlisle asked gently.

Hailie whipped her head around too fast and clutched it again. She saw a man with blonde hair and he seemed to be the perfect kind of man she had ever seen before.

"H…h…how do you know my name? Where am I," she asked sounding completely scared.

Before anyone could answer her latest questions Hailie bolted from the couch towards the door where she saw a small black duffel bag sat. She snatched it up and headed out the door. She didn't know what compelled her to take the baby-blue bike and jam a sky-blue helmet on her head, but she did. When that was done she took off towards the road. Within in seconds she was on the highway. At once she recognized the familiar streets of the state of Montana, so she headed in the direction where her home and her parents were. She didn't know who those people were, but she did know that her parents would be waiting for her to come home.

Back at the house Rosalie was shocked at what happened with Hailie, but most of all completely confused.

"Why did she do that," she asked Carlisle.

"Her memory has temporarily shut down from the amount of power her anger made her rise to," a different female voice answered.

Rose whipped her head around and faced the silent guests.

"What do you mean," she hissed angrily.

"Anger is her strongest emotion, therefore fire is the beast inside her that always tries to break free; however, when it does succeed it temporarily shuts down her memory as a means of recovery," she answered.

Rose immediately jumped off the couch and was speeding down the road on the black bike in a matter of seconds. She knew that if Hailie reached her old house and didn't find her parents something horrible was going to happen. Alice confirmed it before she even managed to get out of the house. She had seen Rose in a small house talking to a really blurry figure. Nobody, not even Emmett could stop Rose because Hailie became her little sister that she protected very dearly. After Rose's sudden departure to try and bring back Hailie Carlisle looked at the male and female that had helped defeat the vampires that
attacked them.

"Alright, first things first, who are you exactly," Carlisle wondered calmly.

"My name is Annalissa Holloway and this is my partner and husband Derrick Demidov. We are what are known as guardians. We are half-vampire and half-human. We have been trained since we were kids to protect and serve the Moroi world from vampires that Hailie just defeated known as Strigoi. You, on the other hand, can call me Anie," Anie said.

"Okay, Anie, but how did you know that we would be under attack and might need help," Alice asked.

"I didn't, but the headmistress of the academy that wants to help Hailie did. She has visions and can control the element of air. Sometimes her visions don't work though, especially if things are too sudden and well planned out. She can only see things that would happen in days or weeks in advance," Anie answered.

"I see the future too," Alice said with a smile.

"Interesting, that is very interesting. Now, what exactly are you people? I mean you can't be human because no human has super speed like I saw before," Anie asked.

"We are vampires," Carlisle answered simply.

"Vampires, like Moroi," Derrick asked.

"What are Moroi," Emmett asked.

"Moroi are vampires that are born. They feed off of humans, but not to kill them. Their bite is like supposed to be something better than sex," Anie explained.

"Aw, well then no we are not like Moroi vampires. Our bite is venomous and actually turns people into vampires," Carlisle said.

"So you are more like Strigoi," Derrick said.

"If you're talking about those vampires that attacked us, then no we aren't," Jasper spoke up.

"Then what the hell are you," Anie asked again getting frustrated.

"We are vampires. When we were changed we did have crimson eyes, but we don't feed off of humans. We hunt animals, which is how we get our golden eye color. A few of our kind of vampire have extra gifts, which are just enhanced abilities of what we normally did when we were still human. We are faster, stronger, and have better eye sight and hearing then humans. As I said before our bite is venomous and tends to leave the human bitten turned into a vampire if the vampire who bit them decides to just leave, otherwise they mostly end up dead," Carlisle explained.

"I see. Well, then unless Hailie returns soon we may have to work together to find her," Anie said.

"Why is your headmistress so interested in Hailie," Carlisle inquired politely.

"She believes that Hailie is the one who will fulfill some godforsaken prophecy that was made over a hundred years ago because of her power," Derrick answered before Anie had a chance to open her mouth. He just grinned at her when she shot him a glare.

"Do you mean this prophecy," Alice asked holding up the book to the page that Hailie had turned to earlier.

"Yes, that's the same prophecy that our headmistress keeps pouring over every day for the last hour of her work day," Anie said.

"So she thinks that Hailie has the power to rid the world of all things Strigoi," Jasper asked.

"Yes, but honestly Strigoi will always exist, because Moroi might slip up at one point while feeding or they actually will want to choose to awaken," Derrick said.

"That's true," Anie said.

Carlisle sat down in the armchair with a furrowed brow. He knew that it was going to be up to Hailie to decide whether she wants to even try to fulfill this prophecy or not, and he just hoped that she would make the right decision. He wouldn't force her to do anything unless she wanted to do it and needed his support.

"Rosalie's coming home, but I don't think she's alone. I can't be sure," Alice suddenly said.

Carlisle just nodded his head and Anie and Derrick took seats in the corner. They didn't feel comfortable around vampires who had venomous bites, which was something that they were not used to at all.

Rose had finally caught Hailie's unusual scent and followed it to a little house in a very small neighborhood. She guessed that it was where Hailie used to live when her parents were still alive. She turned the bike off and then went towards the house. Rose wasn't sure what she would find when she entered, but she was utterly shocked to find Hailie standing in the middle of the living room with her hands out to her sides. She was worried that she had lost control again.

"Hailie, are you alright," Rose asked tentatively.

Hailie's head whipped up from staring at the carpet and a look of confusion flashed in her grey eyes.

"Do I know you," she asked with a furrowed brow.

"Hailie, my name is Rosalie Hale. I'm your sister," Rose said.

"I don't have any sisters. I'm an only child," Hailie answered.

"Hailie this isn't who you are anymore. This house belongs to a different family now. We have to leave before they come home," Rose said.

"No, I live here. I know I do. You better leave before my parents come home. I'm not allowed to have guests," Hailie said.

Rose finally figured out why Hailie was acting so weird. It wasn't that her memory was gone; it was the fact that someone or something was controlling her. Rose didn't see it at first, but now she did. Hailie's eyes were grey, but they were also slightly glassy or glazed over as if she was in some kind of trance like state.

"Hailie, you have to fight whatever is controlling you," Rose said sternly.

"I asked you to leave," Hailie said.

"I'm not leaving until my sister is back, so whoever you are you better leave her alone," Rose threatened.

"Or what, are you going to bite me and turn me into a vampire," Hailie sneered.

Rose took a small step back. Hailie had never sneered before and it didn't look good on her either, but she had never used such a cold tone of voice to any of them. Hailie was clearly not herself and she had to find a way to get her sister back.

"You, know Hailie was so much easier to control when she was depressed and sad. I was almost able to get her to commit suicide. Almost, but then you had to come and ruin it," Hailie's cold voice answered.

"Who the hell are you," Rose demanded.

"I'm Hailie of course," Hailie answered.

"You are not Hailie. Hailie is never this cold and deceitful," Rose replied angrily.

Before Hailie, or whoever was trying to claim they were Hailie could respond a flicker of recognition flashed through her eyes and Rose caught it. Hailie was trying to fight whoever was controlling her, but she wasn't being very successful.

"Hailie come on I know you're in there. I'm not giving up on you. Fight this and we'll help you find a way to beat this thing inside of you," Rose exclaimed trying to be helpful.

"Shut up you stupid bitch," Hailie's wrathful side echoed.

Rose was about to slap Hailie out of her reverie when she suddenly clutched her head and screamed in pain. Rose rushed forward and pulled her into a hug and rocked her back and forth.

"Stay out of my head. Get out and stay out of my head," Hailie repeated over and over again.

When she had control of herself she looked up to Rose.

"Did I hurt you," she asked tears starting to glisten in her eyes.

"No, but I'm sure your counterpart wanted to. Apparently she's annoyed and angry with me," Rose chuckled.

"Do you think I'll ever be able to get rid of her, or will she take over completely," Hailie asked.

"I don't know, but you be damned sure that I'll do anything I can to keep her out of your head for as long as possible," Rose smirked.

"If I decide to go to this academy place, will you enroll with me, to make sure that I don't lose control," she asked.

"Of course I will. I'm also sure Alice would enroll as well so that she might be able to keep an eye on you too," Rose smiled.

Hailie hugged Rose. She was beginning to like being a Cullen. When she first saw Rose she had to admit that she was wary that she wouldn't like her because she was human, but
Rose had surprised Hailie when she tried to talk. True, it took them three years, but Hailie knew that she was upsetting them by not talking. Apparently this thing inside of her, whatever it was must have been controlling her to keep her distance. She now understood the major headaches, the tugs on her brain, and the tugs her emotions liked to play.

"I think anger is the emotion that sets this thing free because that seems to be the trigger of my fire abilities," Hailie said.

"Let's go home and figure it out with the rest of the family," Rose suggested.

Hailie nodded her head and they headed back to the Cullen family home of Montana. They reached the house within a matter of minutes and when they got off of the bikes the door was flung wide open and a little pixie girl, or rather pixie vampire came rushing down the steps and Hailie found herself being embraced rather tightly by the girl.

"Alice, let go, you're crushing my arms," Hailie grunted.

"Oh, sorry, but don't leave like that again," Alice reprimanded.

"I promise I won't," Hailie smiled.

The three of them entered the house and Hailie was yet again enveloped in hugs by first Carlisle, then Jasper, and finally Emmett, who was really crushing her.

"Emmett, don't break me," Hailie huffed out.

He chuckled, but let her go all the same. Once all the hugs were given out Hailie finally noticed the two oddballs.

"What in the hell are Dhampirs doing here," Hailie asked, which surprised Anie and Derrick.

"H…h…how did you know what we were," Anie stuttered.

"I'm what you call someone who reads a lot of mythology," Hailie said sarcastically.

"Really," Derrick asked.

"No stupid. My parents told me about you and what you do. They also told me about Strigoi, Moroi, and of course these wonderful vampires standing behind me," Hailie drawled out.

"Hey, I'm not stupid," Derrick said narrowing his eyes.

"Whatever now tell me what the hell do you want with me," she asked.

"Headmistress Karana wanted us to make sure you weren't harmed from the previous attack. Obviously your memory is back," Anie said getting down to business.

"Look guardian, I don't need your protection. You are just going to piss me off like you did before, which I didn't like very much and for your information my memory was never gone. I was being controlled by something that I haven't figured out yet, which I intend to. Now I presume you need to get back to the academy and you may do so. I'll see you tomorrow during the tour since I presume you will be taking us around the campus," Hailie haughtily replied.

Anie was completely shocked. She thought that Hailie was going to be easy to deal with, but obviously she was wrong. Hailie was far from easy and this wouldn't help with the future plans that Karana had for her. She had to get Hailie interested in the academy again because if she didn't then their plans would be shot.

"Fine, we'll see you tomorrow then," Anie said dismissively and she grabbed Derrick by the arm and dragged him out of the house.

"Damn Hailie, I have never seen you like this before," Emmett cheered.

"I don't trust them that's all," Hailie said.

"What don't you trust about them," Carlisle asked gently.

"I don't know and I can't place it right now, but Anie, Derrick and the sound of this Karana woman do not seem very nice in any kind of way. They may try to come off as nice, but they are hiding something and I think I want to attend the academy just so that I can find out what it is and expose them for the frauds they really are," Hailie answered looking at her dad.

"If that's what you want then I'm behind you in your decision," Carlisle said.

"Carlisle, I see that Rose, Jasper, Emmett, Bella, Edward and myself all attending the same academy," Alice said.

Carlisle turned towards Alice.

"Really, why," he asked.

"Rose is doing it for Hailie, I'm doing it to help, Emmett doesn't want to miss any action, Jasper is doing it to protect me, but I don't understand Edward and Bella's reasoning or decision," Alice answered.

"Well, let's go to the tour first and then make the final decision," Carlisle said.

"I'm going to bed. I'm tired," Hailie announced.

"Alright, make sure you get some good sleep so that you are on your guard tomorrow," Carlisle said.

"Will do dad," Hailie smiled at him and he smiled back touched that she would call him dad.

Hailie walked upstairs to her bedroom. She didn't understand this sudden urge to not trust those Dhampirs, but something about them just didn't seem right. They seemed off as if they were planning some dark secret plan or something. Hailie didn't know what it was, but she wanted to find out in case she had to put a stop to them. She would put a stop to them if the situation asked for it to. She wrote an entry in her diary and then turned the light out and went to bed completely unaware of the eyes that were watching her through the window from a tree.