Wildfire: Rise of the Phoenix


Hailie woke up the next morning feeling rather odd. It was the day of the tour of the damn academy that she originally thought would do her good, but now that she had slept on it, she realized that it might not be such a good idea after all. She knew that she had to follow through though because she felt that tug of importance of trying to stop something evil. Hailie got out of bed and went through her usual morning rituals and then headed downstairs. She couldn't shake the feeling that someone important was here last night, but she just couldn't place it. She felt the anger start to rile up inside of her and she knew that it was bad so she tamped it down with the feeling of finally being loved by the Cullens.

"Hailie is everything alright," a little girl's voice asked sweetly.

Hailie turned around to see a little girl she's never seen before.

"Who are you," she asked confused.

"Hailie this is my daughter Renesmee, you haven't met her yet because she and my wife Bella were at a friend's house when you first came to live with us. I asked them to stay there until we were certain of a few things," Edward said from behind.

Hailie couldn't believe what she was hearing. They were vampires for crying out loud and he was afraid of her stability. Hailie began backing up and felt the tears spring to her eyes. She turned and ran towards the stairs. She crashed down them rather loudly and then bolted from the house. She ran towards the woods until she found a cliff overlooking a lake of water. Hailie felt the tears spring to her eyes. She also felt them change from her normal grey to a blue because of her sadness and hurt. She thought that she was loved by them and not feared.

Her sadness immediately grew straight to hatred for them. Her eyes immediately turned blood red and she felt the flames gather. She turned around and headed back to the house. As she was running towards the house she felt a pain in her back, but the anger inside of her pushed the pain aside and she kept running. Her speed took her to the house where she burst through the door and into the living room. The faces of all the Cullens drove her insane and she was breathing rather hard.

"Hailie, control yourself," Rose said standing up and headed towards her, but Emmett grabbed her and held her back.

That set Hailie off and she roared in anger.

"Hailie you have wings," Carlisle said entering the room from the kitchen.

Hailie didn't listen though. Instead she opened the palms of her hands and let the fire consume her and then hurled it around the room. When the screams of agony were gone Hailie managed to finally control her breathing and calm down. When the flames finally dispersed completely Hailie took a look around the house to find ten piles of ashes. She realized what she had done and burst into tears. She couldn't believe she killed the only family that ever seemed to care for her. She dropped to her knees and began to cry harder than she ever did before.


Hailie shot up from her bed with sweat covering her entire body. Tears were streaming down her face and she felt like she was hyperventilating.

"Hailie, are you alright," Rose asked her sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Hailie continued to sob uncontrollably. She started to rock back and forth to try and calm down.

"Hailie is everything okay," Rose asked again.

"Leave me alone," Hailie mumbled.

"Please don't push me away," Rose begged.

"Just leave, before I kill you," Hailie sobbed hugging her body and scooting away from Rose.

Rose was beyond hurt at what Hailie said. She knew that Hailie wouldn't kill her, at least not on purpose that is. Rose left the room and let Alice in to see if maybe she would be able to break through this sudden depression stage.

"Alice, please talk to her," Rose said.

"I won't be able to pull her out of it. The only one I think that can is Renesmee," Alice sounded confused.

"Renesmee, but Edward wouldn't allow her anywhere near Hailie," Rose said.

"He just needs to buck up and trust her," Alice seethed.

"I heard that Alice," Edward called from downstairs.

"Family meeting now," Carlisle called.

Rose and Alice left Hailie's room and headed downstairs. Rose had no idea why Edward was being so stubborn all of a sudden.

"Rose, hear me out before you start judging me," Edward said with a small glare.

"Quit bickering," Esme scolded.

Everyone was silent and then Carlisle started to speak.

"Alright, so apparently with the new additions here we have to be careful and I mean extra careful. I have already secured a job at a hospital, but we must not start an inner family feud now. Hailie is vulnerable to sudden emotional changes and if she feels that she isn't trusted or loved by any of us, including Bella, Renesmee, and Jacob; then we don't know what might happen," Carlisle explained.

"I can't have my daughter be hurt by her," Edward hissed.

"Edward, stop arguing. I would like to meet Hailie and I want our daughter to get to know her as well. If we don't then like Carlisle said drastic things could happen. Hailie may not be stable in being able to control her many different gifts but we have to at least try and help her understand them," Bella said with a small glare at her husband.

"Bella, but you haven't seen what she can do when she gets angry," Edward pleaded.

"Look leech, for once I agree with you. I don't want Renesmee hurt, but Bella is also right on some points. We have to at least try and help her control her gifts," Jacob butted in.

"Shut up mutt, I don't need you to side with me," Edward seethed angrily.

"Daddy," Renesmee said and Edward looked at her.

Renesmee lifted her arms out and he picked her up. She placed her hand on Edward and he sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but the first sign of danger, all three of you are going back to Forks," Edward gave in.
Bella smiled at him and took Renesmee. She and Jacob took her upstairs and headed towards Hailie's room. Once at the door they could clearly hear the sobs coming from inside.

"I don't know why she's crying baby," Bella answered her daughter's silent question.

Bella knocked lightly on the door.

"Hailie, can we talk to you please," Bella asked through the closed door.


Hailie looked up from where she rested her head on her knees. Since Rose had left she had moved off the bed and sat in a corner with her knees drawn up to her chest. Her recent dream or vision scared the crap out of her. She didn't want it to come true so she was a little startled when she heard a voice that she didn't recognize knock on the door and ask to talk.

"Come in," she sniffled.

Hailie wiped at her eyes as the door opened and three people entered. She looked at them through red-puffy eyes, which happened to be blue at the moment.

"Your eyes are pretty," a little girl said sweetly.

Hailie looked up to see a little girl with Edward's hair color and brown eyes. She saw a rather tall, muscular Native American boy, who looked older than he should be, and a gorgeous average brunette with the same eye color as Edward. She was the vampire, he was a shape-shifter, and she happened to be the daughter of Edward and this brunette.

"Can we talk," the brunette asked gently.

"About what," Hailie asked thickly.

"My name is Renesmee, but I like to be called Nessie," Nessie said jumping out of the brunette's arms.

Hailie didn't fail to catch the sudden almost lunge towards Nessie from the Native boy.

"I'm not going to go berserk on you so you can stop acting scared of me," Hailie stated bluntly.

"I'm not afraid of you," Nessie spoke up.

Hailie looked at her confused.

"You're not," Hailie asked.

"No I'm not," Nessie smiled.

"You're half and half aren't you," Hailie asked even though she already knew.

"That's what my parents tell me," she smiled again.

"You're cute you know that," Hailie smiled lowering her knees.

"Your eyes aren't blue anymore," Nessie pointed out.

"They change colors with my emotions," Hailie answered.

"Really, so what color do they turn if you're scared or hurt," Nessie asked.

"Nessie quit being so nosy," the brunette said.

"It's fine. It actually helps to talk about it. I mean it helps to make myself understand my problems and gifts," Hailie told the brunette.

"My name is Bella and this is Jacob. You've met my daughter already," Bella introduced herself finally.

"Nice to meet you Bella," Hailie smiled at her.

"How old are you Hailie," Jacob asked her.

"Seventeen," she answered.

"You aren't a vampire though are you," he inquired.

"No, why do you ask," Hailie wondered.

"Well, your scent is something I've never smelled before and I don't mean to sound rude, but I'm trying to figure it out," he replied rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"It's alright. I'm actually sort of a legend really. Apparently, I'm what was known as a Phoenix. I've read a little bit more about them and it's quite interesting because Phoenixes used to walk the earth before vampires and wolves. That is until one Phoenix went rogue and started killing people, but apparently that Phoenix still had some compassion because he tried saving them by giving his victims some of his blood. Unfortunately, the blood was just a little too much for the victim and they started convulsing uncontrollably and screaming in agony. Well, that victim stopped after just two days of pain and he was completely different. I'm not sure, but he gained some new senses and enhanced the original five senses.

"The Phoenix was appalled at what he created and ended up killing himself. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to kill his creation. As far as I've read as of today, the creature that the Phoenix created lived and created more like him. These creatures started wrecking havoc on the humans and killing them. A battle ensued between the two races. Three races joined the battle against the pale creatures and the Phoenixes. Two of them split in half, but one pledged their full protection to the Phoenixes.

"The battle ensued for decades. Finally it ended. Both sides suffered tremendously, but not as bad as Phoenixes. There were only a few hundred left and they fled to keep themselves alive. The creatures, the ones that were created had hardly suffered. It seemed that their numbers had multiplied. The race that pledged their full protection grew bonds between the ones that they vowed to protect," Hailie paused in her story to take a deep breath.

"So, Phoenixes are born just like my heritage," Jacob wondered.

"That's what it seems like. Now, from what I've read the Phoenix protectors called themselves Guardians. They were magical beings who cast protective spells so that the Phoenixes could use their powers and gifts to fight and not get hurt. These Guardians initially fell in love with their respected charges as they called them.

"Before one Phoenix got pregnant it was forbidden for the Guardians to even think of their charges romantically. When one got pregnant though they found out that it was the only way to keep the race going so if I were to keep this race alive then I would have to find my Guardian and fall in love with him. I don't know where he might be, but I hope I find him soon," Hailie finished her story.

"You tell good stories," Nessie smiled at her.

"Thank you," Hailie smiled back.

"Now, could you enlighten us with why you pushed Rose away earlier," Bella asked gently.

"That, that was based on some dream or vision I had," Hailie answered after a small hesitation.

"What do you mean," Nessie prompted sweetly.

"I see things that happen almost instantly or sometimes in the future," Hailie clarified.

"What did you see in your dream," Alice's voice asked from the doorway.

Hailie whipped her head towards the door and saw everyone standing there. They had looks of concern on their faces. She guessed that they might have heard her legend story as well as mention her dream/vision. She wasn't sure if it was a vision yet.

"I saw myself awake and walking down the hallway to head downstairs. When I was almost down the stairs though I saw Nessie standing in front of me and she asked if I was alright. I was confused because I never remembered seeing a little girl running around the house in Forks before. Edward came up from behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder and explained that he had sent them to another place because there were things that all of you weren't sure about me yet. I felt hurt and betrayed so I took off out of the house towards a cliff.

"I cried for awhile and felt rain start to fall that is until it suddenly stopped due to the sudden anger I felt towards everyone for your betrayal and how you all thought I was too dangerous. I had raced back to the house and apparently I had wings coming out of my back from what Carlisle said. I didn't listen to Rose when she told me to control it," Hailie paused as she remembered the horrible nightmare that she now decided to call it.

"Hailie, what happened after you reached the house," Carlisle prompted gently.

"I…I….I incinerated everyone out of rage, a….a…..and w….w….w….when I…I…I….I w…w…was f….f….finally a…a….able t…t…t….to c…c…c…control m…m…m…my a…a…a…anger y…y…y…you w….w…..w….were a….a….all d…d…d….dead," Hailie sobbed out.

"Hailie it's okay, we know that you wouldn't hurt us," Rose said dropping to her knees and embracing Hailie into a hug.

Hailie latched on and sobbed into her shoulder. Everyone left the room and Rosalie scooped her up and took her to the bed. She continued to cry and Rose continued to rub her back. Hailie finally managed to calm down and she pulled away from Rose.

"Do you hate me," Hailie asked.

"I could never hate you," Rose smiled.

"Tell me the truth please," Hailie asked.

"Of course," Rose said.

"When I first got here did you hate me," she asked, "please be honest," she added.

"Yes I did hate you. I couldn't understand why Carlisle would bring in another human to the house after Bella and the trouble we went through with her. Now, hear me out before you speak. I was turned after being raped and left to die by my fiancé during the Great Depression era. I go through my existence watching these humans take their lives for granted and it has always disgusted me, but when you first arrived I thought that you were the same kind of person until your scent washed around everyone," Rose answered truthfully.

"My scent," Hailie asked.

"Yes. See, your scent is rather unique. It has the smell of a vampire mixed with a shape-shifter mixed with something else and that particular smell was just so unique I made it my personal mission to try and figure it out. Then you stopped coming out of your room and hanging with the family. I actually felt bad that I had been rude to you the first week you were here, which you might not remember because you were so withdrawn from everyone, but anyway I was wondering why you were so depressed and withdrawn. That is about the time that I found out about why you were even with us to begin with and that made my rude behavior towards you even more disrespectful and I had to make it up to you somehow," she explained fully.

"Thank you for your honesty," Hailie smiled and let her eyes drift close.

She was so tired from everything that went down today that she had to sleep. Well, that is until she remembered that she had a tour to attend of the academy and she sat straight up.

"Hailie, what's wrong," Rose asked worried.

"The tour is today," Hailie said jumping out of bed and rushing towards the bathroom to get ready.

Rose began to chuckle lightly.

"What," Hailie asked frantic to change into clothes that were comfortable, but still looked presentable for a school tour.

"The tour was moved to Friday. The school called while you were asleep," Rose smiled.

"Why did they move it," Hailie asked.

"Something about the school being attacked again and they needed the day to clean up," Rose answered.

"That school sounds a bit iffy to me," Hailie said coming out of the attached bathroom.

"What do you mean," Rose asked.

"I mean, don't you find it odd that the school keeps getting attacked," Hailie wondered.

"I do, but in order to figure that out, didn't you say that you would attend," Rose inquired.

"I did indeed, which is why I have to go through with the tour first. If I can walk around the school I can maybe figure out why it such a huge target for the things that are attacking the school," Hailie said.

"Girls can you come down here please, we have visitors," Carlisle's voice called up the stairs.

Rose and Hailie exchanged a look and headed downstairs. When they reached the bottom they saw the family sitting with two people; a male and a young female who were holding hands as if their lives depended on each other.

"Girls, this is Rosemarie and Dimitri Belikov. They have come to warn us about something," Carlisle stated seriously.

Rose and Hailie sat down on the couch and gave the two visitors their full and undivided attention.