Wildfire: Rise of the Phoenix

Visions of the Past

Hailie watched as her sister climbed the stairs. She had a smile on her face until her sister disappeared. She turned to Roza and expressed her concerns. Roza couldn't offer much insight on them, so Hailie went over to Rose who had been glaring at Liv all night long.

"Is there a reason you were glaring at Liv all night long," Hailie asked with a sly grin.

"Yes, and it's because I don't trust her," Rosalie about bit her head off.

"Sheesh, no need to bite my head off," Hailie joked.

"Sorry, but I can't help that she's here on other business and that business is to hurt you,"

Rose apologized and looked down on Hailie.

"Trust me Rose, I have my doubts about her too," Hailie said.

"Really," Rose asked.

"Yeah, I do, but I can't justify them yet. I'm tired though so I'm going to go to bed," Hailie said.

"Alright then, sweet dreams and have a good night sleep," Rose hugged her sister goodnight.

Hailie made her way around the room and said her goodnights to everyone with a cheerful smile on her lips. She decided that she wouldn't let her doubts about Liv get her down. Hailie had managed to make it to the third floor when another vision hit her and made her tumble backwards down the stairs.


Hailie wasn't seeing this through another's eyes like her last one. Instead, she was walking alongside one of her past lives. It wasn't Cailie though. This one had black hair and dark grey eyes. Hailie was beginning to think that the eye color was going to be the same in all of her past lives, just a different shade of grey. She followed her down the streets of a small town with a bunch of trees surrounding everything. She stopped when her past life stopped
at the sound of howling in the distance.

"Cassia, what are you doing," a male voice asked angrily.

Cassia turned around and came face to face with a young man close to her age. He had dark brown hair coupled with a stunning color of green that she had never seen before.

"I'm trying to fulfill my destiny so you can leave now," Cassia replied haughtily.

"You're in over your head about this and you're making things worse by crossing the treaty line smelling like vampire," he said.

"Don't tell me what I can and cannot do Damian," Cassia answered angrily.

Hailie noticed that Cassia was dressed rather odd in a long flowing gown that looked like she had just walked out of the nineteenth century. Hailie looked closer at Damian and concluded that he was wearing similar apparel that made him look quite handsome. His outline though was a bit blurry and Hailie didn't know why, but she went with it.

"You know that I can't leave you," Damian said.

"Then help me like you're supposed to do otherwise you can watch me do this on my own," Cassia replied with a huff.

Cassia adjusted her bodice and then continued walking. Damian was just about to say something to her when three gigantic wolves came out of nowhere and tackled Damian to the ground. Cassia had some sort of protective shield that had gone up around her which had made the other two wolves fly back into trees making them shake.

Hailie watched in astonishment as Cassia closed her eyes as if she was trying to communicate with them. Damian had thrown the wolf off and regained his balance by Cassia's side. All three wolves sauntered behind bushes and trees and then Hailie saw three rather large men walking out from behind the bushes half-naked.

"You've violated the treaty Vampire," the one in the center growled.

"I haven't violated any treaty. I haven't killed anyone and I haven't hurt anyone," Cassia said.

"You crossed the treaty line and that's a violation," the one to the left grunted out.

"Ephraim Black is that any way to treat a guest," Cassia smiled innocently at them.

"You are no guest of ours leech so leave before we attack," Ephraim Black growled out menacingly.

"For your information my friend and I are not leeches so you can just back the hell off,"

Cassia told them with narrowed eyes.

"Ephraim she's right. She doesn't smell like leech," the third one said.

"She smells like leech to me," Ephraim said.

"That's probably because I just came from visiting a bunch of leeches," Cassia growled angrily.

"Why were you visiting leeches," Ephraim asked.

"I need their help, just like I need yours," Cassia clarified.

"What are you," the third man asked.

"What are you talking about Quil," Cassia asked sweetly.

"Well the leech smell is wearing off and this other smell is poking its head through and I can't seem to place it anywhere," Quil answered.

"Aw, so you finally figured out that I'm telling you the truth when I said I wasn't a leech," Cassia said.

"Cassia, don’t provoke them," Damian whispered.

"Cassia, is that your name now. It sounds like a leech name," the second one said.

"Shut up Uley," Cassia glared at him.

Cassia waited patiently by looking at her nails. She was getting rather bored with these shape-shifters but she had to know that she could count on them if she needed to.

"Are you all done bickering over there," Cassia asked airily.

All three of the wolves turned to her and scowled darkly in her direction. They circled up and started having an actual civil conversation. Cassia huffed in annoyance loudly and Hailie instantly saw that she did the same thing when she was annoyed. Hailie continued to watch and was shocked to see Cassia ripped to shreds before her eyes before the wolves could hear her plea for help.

Damian was knocked unconscious and the wolves had changed the minute the attack happened, but they were too late. Ephraim had changed back to see if he could do any collateral damage but he was too late. Cassia was dead and before his eyes Damian had disappeared before he could assess his wounds and injuries. Hailie was shocked beyond belief and then she opened her mouth and screamed bloody murder as she felt the death hit her square in the chest.


Rosalie had heard a tumble from the stairs and saw Hailie in a heap at the bottom of the second landing. Rose had her in her arms and down the stairs just as she started thrashing and screaming bloody murder. Rosalie managed to set her down on the couch. Everyone was still there from the little get together and they circled around her to see what was going on. Rosalie was about to shake her when Alice stopped her.

"She's having a vision of a past life," Alice said.

"How do you know that," Rosalie hissed.

"I can just feel it," Alice said.

Rosalie nodded and waited for Hailie to wake up. It didn't take long for her to wake up and when she did her entire body was covered with red scratches.

"Hailie your arms," Rose gasped.

Hailie looked at her arms and realized what had happened. It was a small after effect of the vision she just had. She felt this one as if it had just happened. She had been so confused, but if she got more of these visions then she just might be able to piece them together to come up with the truth. Her first one ended in her death and so did her second one.

"Hailie are you okay," Alice asked.

"Yeah I should be fine," Hailie answered weakly.

"Does anything hurt," Carlisle asked.

"My soul," Hailie told him seriously.

"What do you mean," Carlisle wondered.

"It was another vision. Instead of my past self talking to the Volturi she was talking to some Native Americans," Hailie said.

She felt Jacob stiffen and she turned to him.

"Do you know anything about it," she asked.

"Hailie do you remember the names," Jacob asked.

"Only the last names of two and the first name of one," Hailie told him.

"What were they," he asked.

"One was Black, one was Uley, and the other one, the one who almost figured out who my past self was, was named Quil," Hailie said.

Jacob sucked in a breath of air.

"Jake you alright," Bella asked.

"Your past self met my grandfather, Sam's father, and Old Quil Ateara," Jake said.

"Really," Hailie asked.

"Yeah and I remember my dad talking about the legends and histories of our tribes. He specifically told me about that incident because it scarred my grandfather immensely because he felt responsible that she died," Jake said.

"It wasn't their fault," Hailie whispered.

"It wasn't," Jake asked astonished.

"No, I saw a dark shadow attack her from behind. This guy Damian didn't see anything coming so he was knocked out cold. Your grandfather and his small pack didn't phase fast enough to stop the attack from happening. It's not their fault. From what I gathered this Damian guy should have been protecting her more closely," Hailie told everyone.

"What do you mean by that," a young boy asked.

"Who the hell are you," Hailie asked since she never saw him before.

"Name's Jason Hunter, I'm new in town and Rosalie here decided to give me a tour of the place," Jason said.

"I did not," Rosalie scoffed haughtily.

"Yeah you did and it was mighty nice of you to let me come over and hang with you and your family," Jason teased her.

"Watch your mouth Human," Emmett growled dangerously.

Jason gave him one glance and then shrugged his shoulders before turning back towards Hailie.

"Well nice to meet you Jason," Hailie said.

"Now tell me what you meant by this Damian person you said should have protected her more closely," Jason asked.

"Well, at the beginning it seemed like he was rather concerned for her, but she blew him off and continued through the woods. Before the attack he seemed to be just looking around as if suspecting the attack to happen and not doing a damn thing to help her," Hailie said rather truthfully.

Jason nodded his head in response to that and then he looked at Rose. She kept her eyes towards Emmett, so he just left. He had to get back to his house. Hailie was confused at this boy's behavior but when she went to sit up she had to immediately lie back down.

"Ow," Hailie said.

"What hurts," Carlisle asked stepping forward.

"Everything, I mean I can't seem to move anything," Hailie complained.

"You need rest. Someone needs to take you upstairs to your room that way you won't fall down and hurt yourself again," Carlisle said.

Hailie nodded and thanked Emmett as he gently picked her up and went up the stairs. When Emmett was in the room with her he laid her down and asked if she wanted to change her clothes.

"I'll do that," Bella's voice said from the door.

"Thanks Bella, and thank you Emmett for carrying me up here," Hailie smiled.

"No problem there sis," he grinned at her.

Hailie chuckled as she watched him leave in a small gust of air.

"Hailie are you sure you're okay," Bella asked worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think Carlisle's right and I just need rest. I read that Phoenixes are supposed to heal rather fast," Hailie smiled at her as she bustled around her room and getting everything she needed to help Hailie change.

"Alright well, we'll get your teeth brushed first that way we won't have to worry about that later. Then we will change you for bed," Bella said.

Hailie just nodded and let Bella lead her to the bathroom carefully. Hailie did her nightly rituals with the help of Bella. When Bella helped her back into bed and then left for her to sleep Hailie couldn't find the strength to sleep. The vision freaked her out and she just had to figure out why. It took about another two hours before Hailie succumbed to sleep and when she did all she dreamt about was the vision and how she could prevent it from happening again.

As she was sleeping a figure entered her room and watched her sleep. He was scared for her and what these visions were doing to her. The first one didn't do anything, but if any future past life visions occurred he was afraid that they would end up killing her. He could already see the red lines where Cassia had been ripped to pieces fade on Hailie's arms and legs. Her broken bones were already healed and all she would have to do is recover from the muscle pain that would follow her around for the next three or four days. He left the room when she stirred because he didn’t want to get caught in her room.

Rosalie saw the shadow leave and then moved away from the darkness by the bathroom. She had been crouched and ready to pounce on the shadowy figure if he had tried anything. She had taken it upon herself to watch Hailie while she slept that way she would always be protected. She actually liked Lissa Dragomir and Christian Ozera. They were wonderful people. Their friends Mia, Eddie, and Adrian were pretty funny.

Adrian seemed a little put out that Roza, since everyone thought it would be easier to decipher the two, was with Dimitri. Rosalie had noticed how he kept shooting her glances that she never returned. Something had happened between the two of them, but Rosalie didn't want to even know what it was. Her main focus and priority was Hailie and keeping her safe. She also had to come to terms with the fact that they might have to take a trip to Italy so that Hailie could talk to the Volturi. As much as Rosalie hated thinking that, it just might have to be true.


Hailie woke up a little sore still from her fall down the stairs last night. She was able to move around better, which was good seeing as though today was the tour of the Academy that she had told Anie and Derrick that she would be attending. Hailie did her morning rituals and then grabbed her diary. She found a working pen and began writing down everything that had happened in the last few days. When she was done she put her diary away and then headed downstairs for breakfast. She saw Liv eating some cereal and she smiled at her. Hailie grabbed some breakfast and then went in search of Rosalie and Alice. When she found them Hailie took a deep breath and then followed them out the door and headed for the motorcycles so that they could start the tour and get it over with and have it become a distant memory.