Status: Active

Under a Willow Tree

Dan's Secret


With tears obstructing her vision and sobs distracting her from the road, Jade was finally able to reach her destination without causing a catastrophic traffic accident. With the back of her hand, she wiped away her tears and applied some makeup before getting out of her car. She entered the building with all sense of excitement and gloom mixed within her. Her eyes were still red, which could be a bad factor had not the elevators of the building been empty. She ascended to the 13th floor and raced through the halls to find the exact apartment number. When she finally found the correct door, she knocked hastily before bursting in.

"Dan!" She called out when she entered the flat. It was similar to Tom's except it was pretty obvious that the cost of such a residence was much more valuable. The view of London was more beauteous than Tom's view and the furnishings and interior looked like it came from an issue of Home and Garden. "Dan, where are you?" Jade called out once again, placing her purse down on his kitchen nook, as if she had been there several times before.

"Jade?" Dan came out of his bedroom, his hair disheveled and wearing what looked to be pajamas. "What are you doing here?"

"Did you just get up?" Jade asked, puzzledly looking at his attire.

"Yeah. What are you doing here?" Dan asked again.

Jade's expression was suddenly filled with enthusiasm. "I did it!"

"Did what?" Dan brushed his hair lightly, looking rather perturbed.

"I ended it. Tom and I, we're over!" Jade's smile widened, anticipating a positive reaction from Dan.

Contrary to Jade's expectations, Dan scowled menacingly. "You did what?"

"I-I broke up with him." Jade replied nervously.

"Why the bloody hell did you do that? Are you mental?!"

"No.. I thought..."

"Thought of what, Jade? Yourself? Didn't you even consider Tom's feelings about all this?" Dan's tone hardened, and he was nearly shouting. "You bleeding witch."

"I didn't think of myself!" Jade screamed back, her emotions running high once again. "I thought of US! Me and you. I did it for us!"

Dan didn't respond. He was trying to comprehend what she was trying to say. Jade moved closer to him and grabbed his hand, placing it to her heart.

"I want you." She said softly, bearing her eyes into his. "I've always loved you. You don't understand how much it kills me. We're so close to each other, but I couldn't have you. So I had to get rid of the one thing that made it impossible."

Dan pulled his hand away from her abruptly, frowning even more. "What are you talking about? You're mad."

"Dan, I-I need you. I want you." Jade's eyes were filling up with tears; her lips were quivering. "I love you. I need you to love me back. You don't understand!"

"Jade! Get off me!" Jade was moving closer and closer to Dan, holding his arms firmly in a tight grip. "You're mental. You're just overwhelmed with this whole Tom situation."

"How can I be?" Jade's eyes were wild with tears and curiosity as she inched even more closer to Dan, who was now backed up against a wall. "How can I be overwhelmed if it's you I'm thinking about? Are you listening? I want you!"

As she said it, she immediately dove in and met Dan's lips with hers. Furiously, she kissed him, as if that would be her last kiss all her life.

"Jade... Bitch, get off..." Dan spoke, trying to escape from Jade's lips. She kissed him even harder, not letting go and venerating every second her lips touched his. Dan, who had a bit too much of her, pushed her off violently, causing her to stumble onto the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" He growled at her. "I don't love you. I won't love you. I will never love you."

"Wh-why not?" She started to tear up again. "Dan! Why not?"

"You want to know why? Bitch, do you really want to know why?" Dan's heart raced with anger as he glowered at Jade.

"Yes! Please tell me! What's wrong with me? Why won't you love me?"

"Because of Willow!" Dan shouted. "I want her. Not you. Willow."

Jade's tears stop flowing. Her mouth opened slightly to speak, but no words came out. Dan spoke again instead.

"All I need...." He paused, looking over Jade's head absentmindedly. "Willow is all I want."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay for more drama. :D

Just to keep everyone in track with the story, the Dan who appears a lot in this story is Daniel Radcliffe. I hope no one got confused about that bit. I just thought it would be reasonable to call him Dan in the story. I think they call him that in real life, since I sometimes hear it when Emma Watson or the other HP cast talk about him interviews. SO, yeah.