Status: Active

Under a Willow Tree

The Strings are Cut Off


"...and then she comes in claiming that she's having Tom's baby!"


"Jade, of course! That witch really can't stop messing around with Tom. At first we didn't believe her, but she showed us her pee stick - "

"Her what?"

"Her pregnancy test that she took!"

"Oh, right. Sorry, go on."

"And it was positive! She is pregnant!" Georgia nearly shouted it out, filled with so much rage.

Georgia and Willow were both hanging out in Willow's bedroom. Willow was sitting on her bed, watching Georgia pace back and forth across the room. Right after the unfortunate event that occured at Tom's flat earlier, Georgia immediately rushed over to Willow's place to recount the whole tale.

"And then..." Georgia slowed down in her tracks, and chewed on her nails nervously. "Then..."

"What?" Willow urged, though she didn't seem any interested in what she was going to say.

"Jade went on about the child needing two parents in the picture."


"And Tom agreed. He said she was right."

Willow didn't reply, but her face still showed no emotion.

"Willow," Georgia's face contorted to a worried look. "Tom's going to father that child with Jade."

Again, Willow didn't speak, a look of apathy still etched on her face. Georgia, exasperated, dropped down on Willow's bed and waited for her to react. After a long pause, Willow finally spoke.

"I don't understand why you're going completely bonkers over this."

Georgia sat up, looking at Willow puzzedly. "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, do I really love him? Is he worth all this fussing and fighting and plotting to pry him away from Jade?"

"Of course you do, Willow! Quit talking nonsense!"

"That's the thing! This whole thing is nonsense. Maybe..." Willow's voice trailed off for a moment. "Maybe I don't really love him, you know? I think he's really great, but he's not really someone I'd picture as my boyfriend."

Georgia snapped her fingers in front of Willow. "Hello? Is this the same Willow I met a few months ago? The same Willow that told me she really liked Tom? The same Willow that told me she felt hurt seeing him with Jade, but it was alright because she still felt incredible to feel something everytime she saw him - "

"Georgia," Willow's voice was soft and gentle. "If it's going to take this long and so much effort to get Tom, then I'd rather not. Let him be with the mother of his child, and let me be. I came here to go to university, not to fall in love. This whole falling in love issue started at first as a sideline, and now it's become the headlining act."

"You're beginning to sound like your great aunt!"

"I've scoffed her off far too long. I think she's right. I think that now's not the time to get caught up with boys. I'm eighteen, but I've got a father and a stepmum who live under a dingy old bungalow to take care of. I'll just have to let this slide, for now."

"You're giving up, aren't you?" Georgia looked at Willow angrily.

"If you'll put it that way, then yes."

"But you haven't even tried!"

"Tried?" Willow choked out. "I can't try to fall in love. If this relationship was ever going to work, then it would come naturally. I shouldn't be jumping over ditches and swimming over currents to get to him."

"I thought you liked him?"

"I do!" Willow felt blood reach up to ears; she was starting to get angry. "I've told you already that I do like him. But I'm not going to be giving up everything I have for him."

Georgia's eyes narrowed. "No wonder why you've hardly had a boyfriend. You don't even go after the one you want."

"Why are you so caught up in this? Why do you keep pushing me to him?"

"I've told you already! You don't see the look in his eyes when he comes home after a fight with Jade! You don't see him the day after Jade's stood him up. You don't - "

"Then ask somebody else to pry him away from Jade!" Willow shot back. "Not me! I'm done! If you really want Tom to let go of Jade, then go find somebody else to do the job for you."

"Nobody else is as perfect as you!"

Willow sighed. "No matter who you ask to lure Tom away, they won't end up successfully. If nobody else is as perfect as me, as you say, then it's likely that nobody else will lure him away from Jade completely. Don't you see it? No matter how far any girl has gone with Tom, he's always going to be running back to Jade. Even now. He and I have gone on several dates together, and he and I seem to click instantly, but look... He's found himself back in the clutches of Jade. It's just not going to end up alright."

Georgia stared out Willow's bedroom window at a great birch tree outside. Willow made perfect sense.

"I'm sorry," Georgia spoke, after a few minutes of silence. "I was overreacting. I've let myself get into everyone's business and now its causing some unnecessary drama. You don't need Tom, and Tom's not going to die if he doesn't have you. We'll just leave it as it currently is."

Willow simply nodded; her throat dry with the shock of winning that battle.

And from then on, Willow was no longer pulled by the strings and Tom was no longer an issue.
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sorry for the delay! i was working on a new story. it's going to be a rob pattinson story, which is something really different, because im not into twilight. but i wanted to see where that story will go. :)