Status: Active

Under a Willow Tree

The French Connection


The past few days have been a bit dull for Willow, nevertheless it was unfortunate to say that Tom was out-rightly attached to Jade, whether he liked it or not. Willow was stuck with her studies, trying to finish up her first term in university with the Christmas holidays quickly coming up.

"Willow, darling." Aunt Ariana appeared in the den where both Willow and her great uncle were reading. "I don't know if your Uncle Peter told you or not, but as you know the holidays is just around the corner."

"I am aware, yes, but Uncle Peter never told me anything that has to do with the holidays." Willow replied, looking over at her great uncle, who sat in his big leather chair at the loneliest corner of the den, reading.

"Yes, well, we bought tickets to go to France for our holiday." Aunt Ariana said.

Willow grinned. "That's great. I hope you all have a pleasant holiday."

"Willow," Uncle Peter spoke, placing his newspaper down on the table next to him. "You're coming along."

"Really?" Willow sat up quickly, nearly dropping her textbook that was on her lap. "To France, you mean?"

"Of course," Aunt Ariana said, smiling genuinely as she took a seat next to Willow on the den's couch. "Would this be your first time out of the country?"

"No, I've been to Spain with my grandmother, but that was such a long time ago." Willow answered.

"Since it's going to be your first trip out of Britain in such a long time, we thought we would show you the best holiday you've ever had in your whole eighteen years," Uncle Peter said.

"That's going to be quite impossible, because I've already had the best holiday in my whole eighteen years. With my mum." Willow smiled.

Aunt Ariana threw an arm around Willow. "You look and act just like her. Did you know that? My nephew is so blessed to have met her."

"But he isn't so blessed now, with that wretched girl he's now married to." Uncle Peter retorted.

Willow laughed, while Aunt Ariana shot him a look.

"Anyway," Aunt Ariana said, getting up, "we're leaving this Saturday, so you ought to start packing. We're going to be gone for a few days, but we'll come back so you can spend Christmas with your father."

"Brilliant," Willow nodded.

This is what I needed. Time away from... England. Willow thought to herself. No more drama. No more anticipating if... England's going to win the World Cup. Yeah, that's right. I just need to relax and not think of anybody - no, I mean anything. Like, England. This is just for a few days. No more... England. No more... drama. No more - oh, fuck it - no more Tom. For a few days, at least.

Willow and her great uncle and aunt arrived on France around two in the afternoon. The flight was pleasant for her, especially since it was her first time boarding in first class.

"Will we be staying in Paris?" Willow asked her great aunt, when they got into the black car her Uncle Peter hired.

"Not exactly. We'll be staying in a lovely cottage outside of Paris." Aunt Ariana replied.

"It's really pleasant," Uncle Peter added. "We've even renovated one of the rooms for you. It's also got a nice little garden in the back if you're into reading outdoors."

"Wait a minute, is this a rented cottage, or is it another one of your summer homes that are scattered across Europe?" Willow inquired.

"It's our French summerhouse, of course, even if it's the Christmas holidays right now. You can't possibly expect us to hire one of those filthy hotel rooms or bungalows. Those housecleaning staff don't seem to be doing a rather adequate job."

Willow shook her head, astonished at how nonchalant they are about their wealth.

The cottage was situated a couple of miles north of the capital of France, where the houses grew more and more beautiful for every mile they traveled. After nearly half an hour driving to the destination, they finally stopped in front of a gorgeous two story stone cottage.

Snow covered most of it, but its beauty was still apparent. The cottage was beautiful; it looked as if it came straight from those "Winter Wonderland" types of movies or plays. Breathless with the elegance of such a cottage, Willow couldn't take her eyes off it.

"Delightful, isn't it?" Aunt Ariana asked.

"We bought it on our second year of marriage. It felt like just yesterday, that we were both young and crazy in love." Uncle Peter added.

"And what about now?" Willow said.

"Still young and crazy in love." Uncle Peter replied, pulling Aunt Ariana closer.

"Well, shall we continue on inside?" Willow asked, impatiently heading towards the front door. Snow flecked and frosted the windows.

"That's your room right there," Aunt Ariana pointed out to a room with blue curtains on the second floor.

"I hope you enjoy it as much as you liked your own quarters back at the manor. We hired the same designer to renovate the room for your satisfaction." Uncle Peter mentioned, unlocking the front door.

"Oh, that wasn't necessary." Willow declined, looking around the tiny foyer of the cottage. It had warm, comfortable atmosphere; one that was unlikely for you to find back at the Beckworth's manor in England.

"Yes it was," Aunt Ariana replied. "Anyway, let's take our possessions inside and then head back. It's nearly time for dinner and your Uncle Peter gets rather irritable when he doesn't eat for awhile."

"Now, I daresay that that is myth." Uncle Peter retorted.

"Really?" Challenged Aunt Ariana. "Very well then. We can just stay here for the rest of the day. I'm sure we're all pretty exhausted."

"Fine, fine. It's true. Let's get these luggage in so we can finally eat." Uncle Peter resigned, heading towards the car to carry some of their possessions in.

"You are going to absolutely adore Paris." Aunt Ariana said to Willow.


"What about this one?"



"I hate it."

"Okay... And what about this?"

"Piece of shit." Tom spat.

"Come on," Jade whined. "We have to choose the right pram for our baby."

"Choose whatever you want. I don't understand why I have to tag along." Tom retorted crossly.

"Because," Jade purred, wrapping her arms around Tom. "You're the daddy and you have the credit card."

"Brilliant." Tom rolled his eyes. "I pay for all the crap you and this child will put me through."

"If you want to put it that way, then yes." Jade giggled.

Allured by Jade's laughter, Tom bent over and kissed her on the forehead.

"Come on, Jade, let's go some place else. I think my mind's starting to go mad with all these baby products."

"You're right. Can we go check out that boutique next door?" Jade asked enthusiastically.

"Alright, whatever you wish." Tom replied, escorting Jade outside. They then proceeded to the clothing store next door. Once inside, Jade hurried to the first dress that caught her eye.

"Ooh.. Won't this dress look gorgeous on me?" Jade clutched a green silk party dress, and looked at Tom with all desire.

"I'm sure it would." Tom said, secretly bothered by the ridiculous price on the dress. "Why don't you check out those other dress first? They look interesting."

Both Tom and Jade headed over to the other side of the store wear several outfits and dresses stood on display. Just at that moment, more customers entered the boutique.

"Bonjour, Madame Beckworth!" The store owner welcomed, just as Aunt Ariana and Willow entered the shop. "How was zee trip?"

"Tolerable. How are you Claudette? Is the shop running well?" Aunt Ariana replied, pecking Claudette on the cheek.

"Zee store iz very well. Nuzzing iz bad." Claudette answered, then her eyes fell on Willow. "And who iz zis beautiful girl?"

"Oh, Claudette, this is my great niece, Willow Coult. We brought her along for the holidays." Aunt Ariana said.

"Ah, welcome to France. You will love eet here." Claudette greeted.

Willow, a bit shy, simply smiled cordially.

"Well, Claudette, we'll be examining what gorgeous wardrobes you are offering this season." Aunt Ariana said, making her way to the clothes racks.

"Yes, yes. Enjoy zee new selection. Eet iz very rare to find certain types of dresses zis season, but we made sure to be fully stocked." Claudette commented.

"Brilliant. I'm sure Willow will be pleased." Aunt Ariana smiled.

"Jade, did you hear that?" Tom asked his on-and-off girlfriend, who was apparently engrossed in a rack of colorful articles of clothing.

"What?" She replied, absentmindedly.

Tom didn't reply right away, trying to hear that familiar voice again. "I thought I heard..."

He started moving towards the source of the voices. His heart was beating uncontrollably and that feeling was oddly familiar...

It's been long since he last saw her. The image of her was nearly dissipated from his memory, only to be brought back again by that digital picture that was posted on Georgia's Facebook album. Whenever he felt his heart twist in pain after seeing the smile he knew would be impossible to see again in person, he turned to Jade. But it obviously wasn't the same. Sure, Jade was gorgeous, but the rarity of Willow's genuine attitude wasn't there. Jade could smile prettily, but inside, she was as hollow and cold as a cave. Willow couldn't hide her true self, and it was an ideal virtue. Tom was in love with her, no doubt about that, but he lost his chance...

His eyes floated around the store, looking for euphoria. So close...

"Aunt Ariana, there's this brilliant bookstore that's across the street." Willow said to her great aunt, who was busy browsing through a rack of clothing. Eyeing a gorgeous cocktail dress, she did not respond, frustrating Willow.

Willow roamed aimlessly around, hoping that one of these dresses would be able to attract her. That's when, across racks and racks of dresses and clothes, she saw him.

"Hi," he breathed, his heart pulsing violently. Their eyes locked, and the rest of the room blurred.

"It's been awhile." She managed to say, though her voice was delicately soft and quavering with profound nervousness and perplexity.

But before Tom could reply, Jade had unfortunately appeared by his side. Seeing her, Willow quickly turned away.

"Tom," Jade spoke, looking at him oddly because of his dazed and confused expression. "Who are you talking to?"

Willow walked back to her Aunt Ariana, hoping that Jade didn't see her and secretly wishing that that little exchange with Tom didn't happen.

Watching her speedily move away from his aura, Tom hesitated. His body screamed to run after her, to not lose her again... But a force was pulling him back. Jade, at his side, ached his body. He stuck with her, like a magnet, and it was impossible to let go, whether he liked it or not.

"Aunt Ariana," Willow spoke, her voice faltering with emotions. "C-can we go?"

Aunt Ariana looked up, alert with Willow's present state. Her great niece's eyes were glimmering with tears, and automatically, she knew something was wrong. Without another word, she nodded and escorted Willow outside of the boutique. The two women went back inside their car, which was parked in front of the store.

Inside, Willow wept.
♠ ♠ ♠
Who wants to kill me for not updating on time? :| I'm so sorry!
Other than the fact that I was extremely busy, I also got struck with writer's block. Not a good thing. Anyway, Willow and Tom are in France for the holidays, though, unfortunately, not together. Tom's gone with a pregnant Jade, preparing for the newcomer. Ooohh...

And I know that there is a truckload of drama in the story, but I thought it would make it interesting. Anyhoot, I need you guys to answer these questions to help make "Under a Willow Tree" better:
Is the drama adequate enough, or should I tone it down?
Do you guys want to see more of Tom's HP co-stars in the story (i.e. Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Bonnie Wright, etc..)?
Should we change the layout of the story?

Commenting with the answers to these questions is a big help! (: