Status: Active

Under a Willow Tree

The Treaty of Friends


"Avez-vous besoin d'aide?"" A young French sales clerk asked Tom, as he was scanning a display of scented candles and ornaments.

"'Non, merci." Tom replied politely.

"D'accord. Je vais ĂȘtre d'environ si vous avez besoin d'aide."

The sales girl walked away, making sure to send Tom a toothy grin, with all efforts to impress him. Tom turned back to the pretty display of candles and decors, trying to choose one to present as a gift. He picked up a peach coloured candle which gave off the alluring aroma of sandalwood.

"Nice to see you around." A familiar voice spoke behind him.

Tom turned around, surprised to see Dan. "Couldn't get enough of me, so you followed me here?" Tom joked.

"Yes, I think that's the idea." Dan chuckled. "Anyway, I see your buying... candles? Is there an occasion I shouldn't want to know about?"

"Oh," Tom flushed slightly, realizing what scented candles were usually used for, and then placing it back down. "I... No, just gift buying. I admit I'm not very good at this stuff."

"Neither am I." Dan replied, holding up a silver necklace with a charming little diamond heart pendant. "But I thought this little trinket would suffice."

Tom looked at it with all desire to buy one as a gift also. "Hey, Dan, you don't mind if I buy one exactly like that. It's for... Jade."

"Er... Yeah. I got it from Tiffany and Co. a few paces down the street." Dan said. "I'll follow you there."

The two guys exited the store (without one last flirtatious attempt by the young sales girl to dazzle them) and made their way down the street towards the jewelry store.

"So, I heard about you and Jade." Dan said conversationally.

"Yeah..." Tom sighed.

"This is something... big, you know? It's not just a new dog or cat that you can send away - I mean, it is possible to give a baby away, but that's too emotional for anyone to take. So much responsibilities. So much to look after. So much to eventually give up. I don't know if you can - "

"Alright, Dan, I understand the point you're trying to make." Tom retorted, irritably.

"How are you gonna cope?"

Tom shrugged, never having to face or even think about that question. "We'll survive, eventually."

"Who are you getting that necklace for?" Tom asked, when the two had just left Tiffany & Co.

"Just a friend of mine. She deserves it, really. I mean, with all that she's been through, I thought that I'd make myself useful and get her something nice."

"I see..." Tom nodded. "Do I know that friend of yours?"

"My friend? Oh, er... I doubt it."

"So you flew all the way to France to buy your friend a necklace?"

"Not exactly. We were doing some promotional work for the film, and I happened to slip away for a few minutes to shop and came around to buying this. It was totally spur of the moment." Dan answered. "Still, I hope she likes it."

Tom looked over at Dan, his eyes sparkling as he - Dan - looked down at the necklace he bought.

"Oh, this is totally off topic, but I bumped into Willow the other day." Tom said nonchalantly.

Dan looked up quickly. "Willow? Where?"

"She was in Paris, too. I bumped into her at one of the dress shops a few streets away. I don't know where's she's staying at, though."

"What was she doing?" Dan asked, trying to hold in all his interest the best he could.

"Probably shopping. She was with her great aunt, so that must be the case."

"Did you talk to her?"

"Oh, no, I wasn't able to. She didn't see me, I guess." Tom lied.

"Right... So, erm, have you been able to talk to her since - ?"

"No, I think she's pretty busy, with her schoolwork and all."

Dan hesistated for a moment. Tom was one of his best mates and he obviously shouldn't hide that the fact, that he fancied Willow, from Tom. Especially now that Tom could no longer romantically associate himself with her. Thinking twice about disclosing his little secret, he decided against it.


It takes only one glance from inside the car window to make the factual compromise that Paris was more than a beautiful city. All those pictures in her brochures and schoolbooks could not possibly make up for the true essence of such a city. And, like all curious first-time tourists, Willow took the whole day to herself to experience the picturesque vista of Paris.

Strolling casually along a partly crowded open-air market, Willow couldn't help but overhear a little argument going on at one vendor's shop. While the other French and foreign shoppers ignored the small row, Willow got in a little closer since one of the arguers were speaking English and it was apparent enough that she had some trouble understanding the French vendor.

"Please, monsieur, 18 Euros is good. It's good for this." A young, British woman argued, holding up a shiny little souvenir.

"Non, non," The old, French vendor replied, shaking his head. "25 Euros."

The British tourist, though hidden behind huge sunglasses (during such cold weather), was certainly unhappy and the French vendor was creating such a commotion as he raised his voice and spoke in French, which the woman could not understand. Hoping to ease the intention, Willow intervened.

"Are you alright?" She asked her compatriot.

"Yeah, but this bitter wretch is asking for 25 Euros for this measly whatnot." The other replied, having an air and tone of voice that slightly reminded Willow of someone back in London. The other girl didn't look up at Willow, but was looking at the French seller. Though you couldn't see her eyes, it seemed as if she was glaring menacingly at him.

Willow pitied the Parisian vendor, and wished that her fellow countrywoman wouldn't be so rude. The little souvenir wasn't worth all that commotion, honestly. Still, Willow condoned the other girl. Speaking in fluent French, she asked the seller to reduce the price for the sake that the other girl was only a tourist and that 25 Euros were too much for a little knickknack. The seller refused for a moment, until Willow gave off a winning smile, which immediately warmed the French man. And with just Willow's charming grin, he gave in and allowed the other girl to pay only her offer.

"Blimey, how the hell did you manage that?" She asked, once the two girls walked away.

"Well, it helps to know some French... And to be a little polite." Willow added.

"Thanks, anyway. This was supposed to be for my boyfriend; we've separated for the day just to buy each other gifts." She said, taking off her sunglasses and looking up at Willow.

Willow raised her eyebrows, shocked to see Jade standing before her.

"Willow?" Jade spoke, clearly astonished as well.

"Funny how we bumped into each other today..." Willow said, shocked and feeling awkward at the moment. She looked at the souvenir that Jade claimed she bought for Tom. It was such a lame present, she thought.

"Yeah, I thought Tom would like it," Jade replied, noticing that Willow was looking at the souvenir she had just bought. "Gift buying isn't a skill I hold, as you can see."

Willow chuckled politely, then looked at her watch theatrically. "Well, I best be going. It's about time for lunch and - "

"I think we should have lunch together. Today." Jade said.

Willow looked at her, puzzled. "Lunch?"

Looking down at her hands and fidgeting with her sunglasses, Jade spoke. "I - I just want to talk, Willow. I know this is all new to us and there's been a lot going on, but I've always wanted to just cool things down between you and me. I've always thought you were a brilliant kid, and I've never hated you, to be honest. Let's just be friends this time. If that's alright, you know?"

Jade's little monologue came out of nowhere, and Willow stared incredulously at her. Never had she expected Jade to repent and ask her to be friends.

"There's this little bistro nearby, if you want to catch up..." Jade said, after a moment of silence.

"Erm... Yeah. Alright." Willow nodded, still not fully aware of what she was doing. Still, she found herself walking down the street with Jade to a dainty restaurant that seemed to be serving its world-renowned soup as a specialty that day.

"So, how are you?" Jade asked, conversationally, as the two girls took a sit at a table nearest the table.

"Good, good." Willow answered, taking the menu from the waitress who approached them.

"Mind you, but my French is non existent. I'm an idiot for not trying to learn some before coming here." Jade said, looking over the menu.

"It's alright," Willow smiled. "I guess we'll just get the special today, since it looks a bit inviting especially with the temperature outside."

Willow, in French, ordered two servings of the lunch special and their choicest wine. When their server had gone, she continued their conversation.

"How about you? How is everything?" Willow asked, trying to keep her eyes away from Jade's womb.

"It's all good. I guess you can say things can never be any better - I mean..." Jade's voice trailed off, suddenly realizing that she was talking to the girl who had once loved Tom.

"No, it's alright... I don't think we should feel any awkward about this, since there's really nothing we can do to change it. And besides, you're happy, I'm happy... There's no more tension." Willow smiled assuredly. That moment, her mind raced back weeks ago, immediately remembering the Chinese fortune she had had:

"And as for your love life, you'll be happy."

Georgia sat up. "You mean she'll be with Tom, after all?"

"No." Mei Lin shook her head. "It doesn't say she will be with the one she really loves. It just says that she'll be happy. Just... happy."

From outside, where the snowflakes had started falling gently on the streets, forming another scene of a serene, white painting, Tom and Dan walked by, talking about getting back to work.

Tom looked up, seeing Willow. Again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, I finally managed to get a chapter out!
Please give me your opinion so that I know what to do next with "Under a Willow Tree" once it's done, unfortunately. :(

Anyway, the English translation for the scene at th gift shop with Tom and the sales clerk is:
Sales girl: "Do you need any help?"
Tom: "No, thank you."
Sales girl: "Alright. I'll be around if you need any help."

Doesn't this story sort of remind you of the movie, What a Girl Wants? I mean, I just saw that movie again a few days ago and the storyline was almost, almost similar: a poor, simple girl moves in with her rich relative her life is suddenly turned around.

But I promise you, this story will be different. :D