Status: Active

Under a Willow Tree

Love is Second Place


"Tom, are you alright?" Georgia asked Tom, who was staring, oddly, into space.

"What?" He woke up from his daze. "Sorry..."

"For Chrissake, pull yourself together. It's just a damn article." Georgia breathed, relieved. She leaned back on the couch next to Tom and threw her feet on his coffee table.

"It's not just an article. It's on the effing Daily Mail." Tom spat, hitting Georgia on the legs with the rolled up newspaper, indicating that she should get her feet off the table.

"Why are you so heat up about it?" Georgia replied, incredulous. "It's just Rupert and Willow. It's not like that's anything wrong."

Tom looked back at the heart-wrenching headline inside the celebrity section of the Daily Mail. It seemed to scream and mock him every time he glanced at it:

'Potter' star scores with brunette beau

"Did you even read the article? It's not even that bad. In my opinion, it sounds quite real." Georgia admitted.

"What do you mean? I just talked to Willow last night about her and Rupert. All she said was that they were just friends." Tom defended.

"Oh, really? You talked to her?"

"Yeah... Just to be nice, you know. It was my party, so I ought to talk to the guests."

"Right..." Georgia rolled her eyes. "Oh, go on, then. Read that goddamn article."

Tom looked over the article, trying hard not to flinch at the photo of Rupert and Willow hugging and apparently getting cozy as they walked through London. From the look of Willow's dress, Tom could tell that the photo was taken just last night, after his party. The caption read: Harry Potter star, Rupert Grint, gets comfortable with a brunette bombshell reported to be his possible girlfriend. Tom's heart tightened when he re-read that line and then looked up at Georgia, expecting her to say something. She just nodded at him, urging him to continue reading.

"Rupert Grint was seen last night strolling along North London with an unnamed brunette." Tom read the article out loud. "Not until late, did the Daily Mail finally find out, from an anonymous source, that the girl he was seen with is apparently the great-niece of Harry Potter executive producer and Britain's fourth richest man, Peter Beckworth IV. She is Willow Coult, an 18 year old Oxford student majoring in Medicine. According to the source, the two met while on the set of Harry Potter - wait a minute." Tom cut his reading and looked up at Georgia.

"Rupert and Willow told me they met on High Street. They couldn't have met on the set." Tom said.

"I know. Willow told me."

Tom looked back at the article and resumed reading. "Many witnesses have seen the two going out for coffee or lunch around High Street and many have seen them shopping together. Though the source is not 100% sure of their relationship, the fact is now made known that Rupert and Emma are not a couple."

After he finished reading the article, he handed over the newspaper back to Willow. "It's so odd seeing Rupert on the Daily Mail. I mean, it used always just be Dan or Emma, and seeing him on it - " Without completing his sentence, Tom immediately got up.

"Where are you going?" Georgia asked, but Tom did not answer, for he went inside his bedroom and hurriedly dove for his mobile phone on his bedside table and dialed a number without missing a beat. The other line rang for a few times, until someone finally picked up.

"Ah! Rupert." Tom greeted.

"Tom?" Rupert asked, on the other line.

"Yeah, me. Hey, have you happened to see today's Daily Mail?"

Rupert sighed. "If you're pertaining to the article about Willow and me, then yes, I've seen it."

"Well?" Tom urged.

"Well... I'm not impressed."

"But you don't sound angry."

"Yeah. I mean, it's not like I can do anything about it. If Dan and Emma can handle all the rumours that circulate them each day, then I can probably handle this tiny made up story."

"Wait, did you just say 'made up'?" Tom jumped. "So, this is all just made up? You and Willow, I mean."

"Sort of. I don't know." Rupert answered nonchalantly.

Tom could feel blood rising to his ears. "What do you mean 'sort of'? What are you? A fucking 13 year old? Can't anyone give a straight answer these days?"

Silence persisted on the other line, until Rupert spoke. "Whoa... What's your deal?"

It took Tom a while to breathe and gain back his composure. He completely had no idea why he just blurted out something like that. "I'm sorry. I'm just in over my head today. Probably from the party last night." He said. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Right..." Rupert said, indefinitely. "See you."

Tom hung up and looked up to see Georgia standing by his bedroom doorway, trying her hardest to succumb all the laughter in her.

"Nice one. You were pretty smooth." Georgia snickered.

"Shut up." Tom snapped. "Just get out of here. If it weren't for you, showing me that bloody newspaper, then I wouldn't act like this."

"Hey, how was I supposed to know you were going to act like that? Why are you being so defensive about this? By any chance... Do you like -"

"No way." Tom scoffed. "Now, get out before I force you out myself. Come on, get out. Jade will be here. So if you want to stay while she's around, then it's my pleasure."

"Ugh... Jade!" Georgia sneered indignantly, making her way to Tom's front door. "I'd rather be stuck with ravenous wolves than stay in the same room as her."

"Yes, yes." Nodded Tom continuously, pushing her out of his flat. He obviously wasn't listening to her; he just wanted her out of there.

"I'll see you." Georgia bid before Tom closed the door on her. He went over to his couch and picked up the newspaper.

"I'll have to burn you." He sighed, crumpling the paper up and tossing it away.

The rain spattered softly outside Willow's bedroom window. She lied in bed with a book her Uncle Peter lent her to read. Upon turning the page, her Aunt Ariana stormed inside.

"Willow Adeline Coult. Explain." She said sternly, tossing the Daily Mail at Willow.

Willow sat up, clearly terrified. She has never seen her great-aunt this furious before in her life. Willow nervously picked up the newspaper which was opened and folded back to show the article about her and Rupert. Seeing the picture of them, she gasped.

"I - I don't know..." She managed to say, quickly reading through the article. "I don't know who did this..."

"Who is that boy, and why is his arm around you?" Aunt Ariana reproached.

"We're just friends, Aunt Ariana. There's nothing going on between us! I swear!" Willow's heart began to thump harshly against her chest with every second of fear.

"You didn't answer my question. Who is he and why are you two 'cozying' up like that?"

"It was..." Willow quickly racked her mind for a legit reason. "It was cold outside. He was just being nice, that's all."

"Name." Aunt Ariana's eyes pierced through Willow like cold daggers.

"R-rupert Grint. He's one of the boys on Uncle Peter's set." Willow breathed out.

"One of the boys!" Repeated Aunt Ariana. "Of all the gentlemen in Britain, you chose 'one of the boys' from your Uncle Peter's set? What did I tell you about that place, Willow?"

"He's not what you think he is. He's one of the actors." Willow defended, though her voice was soft.

"Even so! What's his family?"

"Huh?" Willow looked at her, puzzled.

"What's his bloodline? His heritage? Is he more of the common folk?"

"I don't know..." Willow's voice trailed off, unsure of what her Aunt Ariana was talking about.

"Willow," Aunt Ariana suddenly became gentle again as she sat beside Willow on the bed. "Do you understand what I'm trying to say here?"

Willow shook her head. No.

"You are a descendant of the Prescott family. If you haven't been doing your research on our family line, then you wouldn't have known that every woman of the Prescott family is entitled to high class men for marriage. Anyone lower than that is strictly forbidden. Of course, your grandmother went on a completely different direction, and you know how that turned out."

"Yes, I do."

"So you're aware that she was banned from the family." Aunt Ariana said.

"No. I'm aware that she was happy. She was in love."

Aunt Ariana heaved a heavy sigh. "Love is second to family and well-being. Love can always turn your world upside down. Look at all those people out there without a home and without food. How do you think they got there? They always believed in that 'follow your heart' nonsense. They took it too seriously and eventually forgot to use their brains."

"But," Willow said. "Rupert's a nice guy. And it's not like we're going to get married or anything. I just like him. Alot."

"No." Aunt Ariana shook her head. "No, no, no. Willow, unless he's related, through bloodline, to any Duke or Duchess, then I'm sorry. Your relationship with him must end immediately."

"WHAT?" cried Willow incredulously. "That's crazy! That's completely out of context. You can't do that! That's no fair! You haven't even met Rupert!"

"You are the seventh generation Prescott. You are the only single Prescott left to carry on the bloodline. You have to marry some one who is eligible."

"But what's all this about marriage? I wasn't even thinking about marriage!"

"You may say that now, but all that boyfriend/girlfriend rubbish could get to your head. Before you know it, you'll be running away to Italy to elope."

"Even if my grandmother did disgrace her family, she was sure as hell happy." Willow stood up, anger building up inside her. "She didn't live the life you lived, but she was head over heels in love. And being in love is the greatest feeling in the world. Better than having a million pounds in your bank account or owning 13 cars."

"Don't use that tone with me. I may not be your grandmother, but I am still your great aunt. And as long as you are living in this house and going to school under our endowment, you must comply with our orders." Aunt Ariana got up to leave. "You are no longer allowed to step into that studio lot, and I wish that all connections with that boy be cut off. Immediately."

"But - "

"No. Love does not exist when you've got other things to worry about. Like schoolwork, perhaps." Aunt Ariana was already at the door. "If I ever see you and that boy together, I promise you that you will regret it. Your Uncle Peter and I have been very patient with your needs, but any nonsense like that will not be tolerated at all."

Aunt Ariana slammed the door behind her, leaving Willow alone in that desolate room. The rain fell aggressively outside, yet Willow was able to hear the faint click of Aunt Ariana's heels on the hardwood floor outside. Everything began to feel dim. The light outside diminished and it felt as if the room was closing in on Willow, suffocating the air out of her. Her mind ran all over, trying to catch something that was too far away. At that moment, Willow had no idea what to do. She had only just met Rupert, and since last night after Tom's party, she began to love him. The minute her heart began to open up, her great-aunt stepped in and told her to coldly close it up for higher society. Willow felt sick. She felt so shallow; thinking of Rupert as a low-class fellow felt so wrong. Aunt Ariana had no idea what she was talking about. Willow wanted him... But she didn't move in with her great-aunt and uncle to fall in love. She came to finish university to help out her father. She couldn't fall in love, not at that moment. Aunt Ariana was right, in some aspects. Family came first.

It took a few days for Willow to gain strength to do the job. She hadn't spoken to Rupert since her Aunt Ariana told her not to. But she shouldn't hold it in any longer. Rupert would be wondering why she hasn't called, and could appear in her doorstep with flowers. That couldn't happen, because if it did, Aunt Ariana would brush him out rudely. Willow didn't want Rupert to find out why she had to stay away with him. She didn't want to hurt him, so she had to do this herself. With a shaky hand, Willow picked up her mobile phone. It took her awhile to dial the first few digits; but after a quick bout of breathing in and out, she dialed the last four digits. Every second that the phone rang, Willow's heart slipped down lower, lower, lower...

"Hello?" Rupert's voice came in on the other line. It was gentle, making Willow all weak inside.

"Rupert." Her voice was cracky, her eyes stinging.

"Willow? What's wrong?" He noticed the sadness in her voice.

"I..." A tear fell down slowly her face. "I saw the article."

"Oh." Rupert deflated. "I'm sorry you had to put up with that. If I knew that we'd be in the papers then I wouldn't have taken you out, even if I really wanted to."

"It's alright... It's just that I have to say something."

"What is it?"

"I can't see you anymore." Willow let it out immediately, before it imploded inside of her.


"I just can't. I can't see you anymore. I can't talk to you."

"What do you mean?" Rupert was started to get more worried.

"I just can't, alright?" Willow was getting a bit angry. "I'm not allowed to be on the set any more. We just can't be."

"Willow," Rupert spoke gently. "if this is about the article, then we can always fix this. We can be more discreet. I promise you this wouldn't happen again."

"No, it's not that." The tears that welled up inside of her streamed down like a waterfall. "I'm sorry. I have to go."

Willow hung up and threw her mobile phone at the wall, sobbing helplessly. Rupert stood where he was, frozen with agony.

"Who was that?" Tom asked, noticing Rupert's expression. He was there the whole time, listening.

"Willow." Rupert said, trying to bring back all the blood that left his face.

"What happened?" Tom started, his interest spiked up once he heard her name.

"She - she broke up with me."

"She what?!" Tom didn't know how to hide the happiness in his heart. It suddenly became light. After going through days and days of listening to Rupert whine about Willow not calling him, his wish came true. He wished that the reason behind her absence was because she no longer wanted Rupert. In reality, that wasn't the case, but let's let Tom has his fun for now.

"She broke up with me." Rupert said bitterly. "Just like that. How could she? I thought we were infinite."

Tom raised an eyebrow. He's never seen Rupert so caught up with love before. "Wouldn't it be awkward, you know, with her working here?"

Rupert looked at Tom for a moment, not saying anything. After sighing, he said, "She's not going to be on set any time soon."

"Wha - ? She's not going - ?" The lightness in Tom's heart disappeared. It deflated like a helium balloon; flying around his chest letting out all the air and then collapsing helplessly to the pit of his stomach. "What do you mean? Why isn't she coming to the set anymore?"

There was anger growing inside of Tom. Of all places, on set was the only place where he could see Willow. That was where he saw her laugh and act playfully. She could be so free. She wasn't under the reign of her Aunt Ariana, and it was much different from school. She was always so full of enjoyment. That was the only place where Tom didn't have to try too hard to try to get a glimpse of her. She was always just there. But now... It was like she was gone, forever.

"You git." Everything just felt so blank to Tom. Until this day, he still doesn't know what got into him, but he knew that he did it. He ran his fist onto Rupert's face, knocking him to the ground. Rupert lied there, blood flowing down his nose.

"What was that for?!" He cried out loud; loud enough for everyone to hear. Dan and a crew member, who were having a conversation nearby, came running to them.

"Tom, what did you do?" The crew member asked in disbelief.

"That," Tom looked furiously at Rupert. "was for Willow."
♠ ♠ ♠
Does anybody hate Aunt Ariana? Tell me :)

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