Status: Active

Under a Willow Tree

Sweet Momentum


"Wh-what are you doing here?" Willow's throat suddenly ran dry and her words came out in tiny stutters.

"I was just going to ask you the same thing." Tom said, walking to where she was standing. "It's cold out here. Aren't you supposed to be inside with your - "

"I'm not four. I can be anywhere I please." Willow retorted, frustrated with the whole 'you should stay with your great-aunt' vibe that everyone always gave her. "I don't always need to be with them. I'm perfectly capable of - "

"Alright, alright." Tom chuckled, amused with her attitude. "You still didn't answer my question, though."

"But I asked you that first."

"Okay, then. I'm out here because it's quite crowded in there." Tom said, fiddling with a crisp leaf that had just fallen from the tree above.

"What about Dan? And Jade?" Willow asked. Surprisingly, saying her name out loud wasn't as difficult as she thought it would.

"Jade's off in the powder room, and I couldn't find Dan anywhere. He's probably dancing with someone." Tom replied. Coincidentally, the music playing inside played even louder, seeping through the French doors.

"You were really good during the waltz. A guy like you, well, I'd never expect that." Willow commented.

"Thank you." Tom smiled. "Do you dance yourself?"

"No, no way. My feet don't really like to cooperate with me. I'm quite stiff." Willow flustered.

"Then, I can teach you." Tom held out his hand to her in a gentlemanly manner.

"Oh, no." She refused, blushing even more. "I'm going to be all over your feet."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure you don't." Tom said, and then he took both her hands and placing one on his shoulder and grasping the other. Willow felt a little surge of warmth at this touch. The breeze blowing against her didn't seem all that significant anymore.

Tom pulled her gently, looking down at their feet, making sure she knew where to step. Willow placed her feet down ever so gently, cautious of where she was stepping on. Tom pulled her forward and back, left and right, just like the way all the princes and charming gentlemen in the movies danced. Slowly, Willow began to break out of her stiff shell, and danced like one of those ladies who danced with the said gentlemen.

"I'm beginning to think you've lied to me." Tom said. "It's like you've been dancing for years."

"I guess... I guess it just comes naturally." Willow shrugged.

The two danced like the gods and goddesses of the heavens, gracefully moving here and there with divine rhythm. They waltzed against the brilliant moonlight, so beautifully you would have thought it was a play. And that is what they did the whole time. Just danced.

After three or four more songs, the orchestra inside ceased playing, letting Tom and Willow end their brilliant waltz. Tom bowed down humbly to her, and Willow curtsied back, causing them to both laugh.

"You were brilliant." Tom noted.

"Thank you. I never knew I could actually waltz. I must thank you for teaching me. It was all your work, mostly."

"Pleasure was all mine."

Suddenly, a faint applause came from the French doors. There, Jade was standing, a look of awe on her face, and beside her was Dan, who didn't look to happy as he stared at Willow.

"You danced really well!" Jade complimented, running up to Tom and pecking him on the cheek.

"Thank you..." Tom said, reluctantly as he glanced over at Willow. But she wasn't looking at them. Her eyes were locked fearfully with Dan's, who was coming over to them.

"Did you take lessons?" Jade asked Willow.

"What?" Willow abruptly turned her attention to Jade. "Lessons? Oh... No, I didn't."

"She's quite a natural." Dan added coldly, still looking at Willow.

Tom cleared his throat, noticing the subtle hostility between Dan and Willow. "Jade, let's get inside. It's a bit too cold."

"Okay." Jade replied, turning towards the door.

Tom wanted to bid Willow a nice goodbye, but the circumstances have been changed with both Jade and Dan present, so instead, he gave her an assuring nod and then entered the ballroom with Jade.

When Tom and Jade were far off inside, Dan's scowl hardened. "What were you doing?"

"We were only dancing, for God's sake. What's wrong about that?" Willow said.

"He's a taken man, you little slag." Dan spat.

"How dare you call me that?" Willow growled. "What's your problem? Why are you getting so rudely defensive about all this? It's not like he's married."

"Jade is the best thing that has ever happened to him and if you ever ruin it for them, you will be more than sorry."

"You're pathetic." Willow hissed, pushing Dan away to get back inside the ballroom. "You really couldn't care any more for other people's lives, can you?"

Before Dan could reply, Willow had already shut the doors behind her.

"He did not!" Georgia gasped, after Willow had told her everything that had happened out in the garden terrace. The two girls were lounging on the couch in one of Richard Felton's libraries.

"I know! Surprising, isn't it?" Willow said. "And to think, he's getting all heated up about this. I've never even spoken to him and now he thinks I'm some slut."

"How could he be so rude and call you that? That is so... low." Georgia shook her head in disapproval. "But I think, maybe, you ought to stand guard. Dan might say something to Jade..."

"Like how I'm plotting to steal her boyfriend, I bet." Willow implied.

"Exactly. So whatever they say, just make sure you act like you don't know what's going on. Jade gets really bitchy -"

"Yeah, I've heard."

"But are you really going to do it?" Georgia implored.

"Do what?"

"Take him, you dope! Take Tom away from Jade's treacherous possessions!"

"What?" Willow laughed. "No, I don't think so."

"What? Why not?"

"Because..." Willow paused to think for an answer. "Because that's an awfully mean thing to do and I am not a 'slag'."

"But if he wasn't taken, would you still?" Georgia looked at her seriously. "Be honest."


"So, you like him?" Excitement seemed to be rushing through Georgia like blood.

"I... do." Willow blushed. "A lot."

Georgia let out a joyful squeal and hugged Willow. "I've always wanted to hear that from you. You're so perfect for him! You're smart and pretty and interesting and - "

"But that still doesn't mean we'd end up with each other, Georgia." Willow pointed out.

"Who said that?" Georgia's face suddenly turned into a scowl.

Willow opened her mouth to say Dan, but she knew Georgia would say it was all a lie, so she decided against it. "No one. Never mind." She said, instead. "But please don't tell anyone about this! Please promise me that."

"Promise?" Georgia scoffed. "God, Willow, how old are we? Four? Of course I won't tell anyone about it. But I have to ask why."

"They might think I'm some slag. I mean, I just ended a week long relationship with Rupert and now my prospect is some guy who's taken. That's just a big no-no."

"I don't think it's sluttish, at all." Georgia said.

"Thanks, but the truth is that I've actually had these feelings for Tom for quite awhile. And it just keeps getting bigger and bigger every time I see him." Willow recounted. "And even if I see him with Jade: kissing her, hugging her, or just talking to her... I feel hurt, but you know what? I still think it's incredible to at least feel something, even if it's painful. It's some sign that your heart is still alive."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, man. Chapter 8 was tooo long. 3303 words! So that's why Chapter 9 is short, just to finish up where the previous chapter left off. I'm working on chapter ten, and hopefully it would be more exciting since I've got something planned out.