Status: New Don't know where it's going. Comment, leave suggestions. Their fate could be in your hands if I get stuck for plot lines =p

The Playlist


She was the real singing waitress. She sang along to whatever was on the radio while she made peoples drinks. The dark haired boy in the dark wool jacket smiled into his coffee as she danced foolishly behind the counter. Her voice drifted through the full cafe cutting through the morning mug of their customer’s minds.

Me and my heart we got issues,” she acted up to her friend behind the counter, pressing her hand to her chest and pulling a pathetic face. She swayed her hips slightly as she filled the mug with coffee. “Order up!” She took a break from singing for just long enough to say the two words.

Her friend Hannah took the trays of drinks. “Cover me for five minutes. I need to call home.”

Haven nodded and cleaned the counter still singing along softly. The door to the cafe swung open just as the C.D stopped. The musical girl swapped the C.D still humming under her breath. It was like it was her true heart beat, and if the noise ever stopped she die.

“Can I order please?” A jerk of a business man tapped the counter. As he waited impatiently his eyes ran appreciatively over the form of the now embarrassed girl.

“Oh I’m so sorry.” She span round and smiled anxiously. “What can I get you?” Her smile fell slightly when she saw the angry face of the suit.

The dark haired boy shifted angrily in his seat, he hated to see unkindness, especially to the brilliant girl who always stopped to talk and smile with every costumer.

“Espresso” He snapped. His eyes drifted south as she turned round again.

Hannah slipped back behind the counter. “Thanks sweets,” as she went to put her apron on she saw the man unashamedly staring at her co workers arse.

“Hey mate, she’s sixteen stop perving please." Hannah said as politely as possible, anger hissing out along with the words.

The coffee girl’s cheeks burned red as she finished pouring the coffee. The suit frowned at being called out and adjusted his tie.
The younger girl put the small coffee down in front of him eyes on the counter the whole time.

“Thanks.” The man said gruffly before storming out.

Sweets,” Hannah smiled taking the younger girls arm. “You have to stop guys if they are being disrespectful okay?”

The young girl nodded. She didn't know, the dark haired boy yelled at Hannah in his mind. She didn’t know!

“I’m going to take a break okay?” Haven said softly her cheeks still burning bright red. She grabbed her iPod and walked out without waiting for an answer, the next song already on her lips. She walked down the road scolding herself for being so stupid, Hannah always had one eye on the costumer and one on the coffee, she never would have let that man stare at her in such a disrespectful manor. She took a side road to lead her back to the back of the cafe, all the way trying to shake her embarrassment from her face.

The playlist
Issues-The Saturdays
Boats and Birds- Gregory and the Hawk
My Heart- Paramore

The next day the younger girls masses of dirty blond hair where tied back in a loose pony tail and she was softly singing along to some nineties radio channel instead of her own CDs.

“Hey sweet,” Hannah gave her a peck on the cheek. "Do me a favour and tell Mum I won’t be back tonight.”

The younger girl nodded. “Sure thing,” she slipped her arms around the Hannah and gave her an impromptu hug. Hannah wrapped her arms around her younger sister and kissed her cheek.

The two girls, now obvious, resemblance seemed so clear. Their faces matched, both heart shaped and dainty, but whereas Hannah’s was polished, perfect and mature, Haven’s was beauty in rough, youthful and smiley, The shared green eyes the shade of ripe Greek olives.
Hannah had brilliant red hair, was few inches shorter and a few pounds curvier than the younger girl but they were just different sizes of the same t-shirt. The younger girl walked round collecting empty mugs and screwed up napkins. Then after she had tidied the tables she rummaged through the pile of blank C.D cases.

“Hannah where’s my mix from the summer?” She called into the back room.

“It's in the case marked looking for this Haven.” Hannah called back laughing.
Haven found the C.D case and smiled slightly. “I just love you labelling skills Hannah.” She remarked dryly.

Haven put the C.D on and skipped through it looking for her older sisters favourite song.

“Here we go,” she mumbled to herself. “I don’t know what you smoke.” Haven sang along softly to the calm acoustic song. She smiled as she heard Hannah sing along from the back room

She continued to sing along with every song, word perfect, with Hannah joining in when songs she recognised came on, as she made coffee after coffee, with just the occasional tea to add variety to her morning
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey I'm taking down all the chapters to edit, but I thought I'd leave one already edited chapter up.

Songs of this chapter
Issues- The Saturdays
Boats and Birds- Gregory and the Hawk
My Heart - Paramore
I Don't Know - Lisa Hanigan

Songs listened to while writting this chapter
Lillie - Lisa Hanigan
I'm in Love - Stephen Jerzak
(a lot of Stephen Jerzak)
Something by +44 but the name escapes me (there is an awesome youtube video of it using clips from eternal sunshine of a spotless mind though look it up)
Stephen Jerzak -Charades
The scene ascetic- Beauty in the Break down
Stephen Jerzak Sunshine
Letters and lights - Hearts belong in pairs
John Mayer - Who Says