Status: comment please! and enjoy

A vampire always gets what he wants.

Chapter 10


It seemed like every time I was in her presence, or even thought about her, I forgot everything else around me, what only mattered was her. The door suddenly opened and I pulled away to see an old woman walk into the store. “Lets get out of here,” I said grabbing Kate’s hand in mine and pulling her towards the door.
“Wait! I have to put the key back,” Kate suddenly said.
“Don’t worry I’ll do it for you,” I said taking the key from her hand and walking up to the counter. The guy was standing as far away from the counter as he could get with a terrified look on his face as he watched me drop the key on the counter, I smirked, before walking back to Kate and out the door.

Chapter 10

[Kate’s POV]

“Where’s Jensen?” I asked Sebastian, as we casually strolled down the street towards the car. Sebastian looked away for a second before glancing back towards me.
“He’s…decided to go on his own path,” he replied slowly, shoving his hands into his pockets.

I studied his face watching to see if he was lying, but his face was just blank. “By on his own path you mean…” I trailed off trying to pry some more information from him.
“I…convinced him to see the…reality of this situation. I made him realize that it just wasn’t working out between the two of you. That you were better off with a guy like me,” he replied wrapping his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him with a cocky smile.

I stared up into his eyes almost losing myself in their blue depths, but I looked away feeling a slight blush rise to my cheeks. Why does he have to make me feel like this, on one hand I want to punch him in the face for ruining my life, but on the other hand I want him to just hold me close and forget about the rest of the world. “And what did he say to that?” I said, slowly pulling his arm off my shoulders, not wanting the stupid tingles running up and down my spine to distract me from finding out what really happened to Jensen, because when they both left it sure didn’t look they were going to have a male bonding session.

“You never answered my question, where’s Jensen,” I pushed wanting to make sure Sebastian didn’t just beat him up and leave him unconscious in a random alley.

It was silent for a minute, before he simply said, “He‘s gone.” I instantly stopped in my tracks looking over at Sebastian in disbelief. “What do you mean he’s gone! Gone where?” I shouted. Sebastian placed his hands on my shoulders as he looked me in the eyes saying, “He’s in a better place right now and I can tell you he’s very happy about it too,” Sebastian said giving me a small smile. “You…you don’t mean he’s dead do you. Oh please don’t tell me you killed him Sebastian, please,” I rushed out feeling my whole body start to tremble as the tears started to come down.
“No no no, I didn’t mean it like that Kate,” he said panicking as he pulled me into his chest. “I meant he’s…he’s…going on a vacation…to someplace nice,” Sebastian said gently as he started rubbing soothing circles along my back.

I pressed my face closer to his chest, my tears making his shirt all wet. “Jensen wouldn’t just leave without saying goodbye to me,” I sniffled out, already feeling better just hearing that Jensen wasn’t dead.
“He was on a tight schedule since his plane leaves in less than an hour, so he told me to say goodbye for him.”
“But he never said anything about going on a vacation to me before?” I said in confusion, liking the way Sebastian’s hand felt against my back, it felt oddly soothing.
“That’s because…I gave him the ticket…I felt bad for knocking him unconscious earlier, so to make up to him I gave him my ticket to the…Bahamas.”

I pushed away from Sebastian’s chest so I could see his face, “Really. Well…that was very sweet of you to do Sebastian,” I said giving him a small smile.
“Hey, I’m not all that bad,” he said with a mischievous smile.
“Sure you aren’t,” I said with a laugh.
“Well, I guess you’ll just have to wait and see,” Sebastian said placing his arm around my waist and leading me back to the car.


The rest of the car ride was surprisingly not filled with an awkward silence. It was like an invisible wall had been lifted between us and I felt oddly at ease around Sebastian. I almost forgot he was the one who brutally murder my parents, but that thought still lingered in the back of my mind.

There was obviously something inhuman about Sebastian but I just couldn’t figure out what he was. I mean for all I know he could be a genetically engineered human that’s escaped from a testing lab. Or he could even be a superhero, what with his changing eye color, extraordinary reflexes and super strength, but that wasn’t the case since every super hero I’ve heard of doesn’t kill people, so I’m guessing he’s the evil super villain.

Suddenly from the corner of my eye I saw Sebastian stiffen in his seat. I watched as he lifted his nose up like he was sniffing the air before he glanced behind him in the rear view mirror.
I glanced back at the black SUV behind us, noticing two big burly men sitting in it, but there was nothing unusual about them.

Abruptly, the car lurched forward as Sebastian sped up, changing into the other lane. I fell back into my seat from the sudden burst of speed. “Sebastian what’s going on, who are those guys?” I said panicking.
“Just relax and be quiet, I’ve got everything under control,” he snapped.
I flinched from the harshness of his voice, not liking how his eyes were starting to turn black from their original midnight blue. I hated this side of Sebastian. This side was evil and I just couldn’t stop myself from pushing up against the door. Trying to stay as far away from him as I could.

Sebastian was weaving in and out of lanes on the freeway as he tried to lose the SUV behind us, but it was useless as I watched it mimic our every move. Sebastian suddenly cut off another car as he merged onto the upcoming exit, speeding up the ramp and heading into a small town.

The SUV was hot on our trail, as Sebastian sped through empty side streets. Disregarding any red lights as he sped through intersections, heading further and further away from town.

The residential area quickly became flat farm land, filled with rolling fields of grass and livestock. Then all of a sudden the back of the car’s windshield shattered and I screamed in surprise as glass flew everywhere.
“Kate get down. Now!” Sebastian yelled using his right arm to open my seatbelt and push me down onto the floor, as the car began to be peppered with bullets. I gulped as Sebastian reached under his seat and pulled out a gun. I pushed myself down even lower to the ground making sure to cover my head with my arms.

Who the heck these guys and why are they trying to kill us? Sebastian suddenly swerved to the left, slamming onto the breaks, and turning the wheel hard. The car tires screeched as the car drifted around in a half circle now facing the oncoming SUV.

Before I could even blink, Sebastian was already out the door, with the gun raised as he shot the right tire of the SUV four times. I gasped in horror as I watched the SUV swerve right before flipping twice and landing far off in the field with a sickening thud. Sebastian immediately started walking towards the pile of twisted and smashed up metal that was the SUV, with the gun still in his hand. What the heck is he doing! Those guys are probably dead already, there’s no way they could have survived that!

I pulled my door open slowly, placing one foot out before I heard the loud roar of a car engine up ahead. Turning my head forward I saw the outline of a red sports car speeding down the road towards me.

[Sebastian’s POV]

Stupid. Fucking. Morons.

I was as pissed as hell right now. They fucking blew my back windshield to pieces. Well I should have known better, since Evander’s men never ceased to amaze me with their pathetic attempts at my life, but this time they picked the wrong day to fuck around with me.

I was going to rip their bloody heads off for pulling this stupid little stunt. I held no sympathy for these two bastards, they deserved what was coming especially when they tried to hurt my Kate. My hand clenched even tighter around the gun I still held in my hand. Wanting to just shove the damn thing down their fucking throats, but oh no, I wouldn’t give them the pleasure of receiving a quick death, I was going to stretch it out for as long as I could waiting until I had them begging me to end their pathetic existence.

As I reached the crumpled heap of twisted metal I could still hear the faint thump of a heartbeat coming from the passenger side door. Wrapping my hand around the door handle I wretched the door open throwing the piece of scrap metal carelessly into the field behind me. The man was slumped into his seat. His unconscious body held up by the inflated air bag protruding from the dashboard. I could smell the blood that seeped from the man’s left arm from a huge gash that almost covered his entire forearm. I licked my lips, wanting to just finish him off nice and quick, but where was the fun in that.

Leaning into the man I ran my tongue along the gash just wanting a quick taste. My fangs elongated wanting more and just as I was about to sink my fangs into the bastards arm I heard a car engine roaring from up the road. I snapped my head up narrowing my eyes in rage as I recognized the bright red Ferrari coming to a screeching halt 20 feet away from me. I snarled in outright furry as I raced out in front of the Mercedes, barring my fangs in utter rage. The filthy bastard actually had the balls to show his face.

Evander rolled his window down, revealing his pale face, pulled up into a cocky smirk.
“Long time no see eh Sebastian,” he said in a sarcastic tone. I narrowed my eyes, not liking how he was eyeing the Mercedes behind me with a amused stare. “On the contrary Evander, I would have preferred a another century or two to compose myself for the sight of your horrendous face, a man can only take so much,” I said with a cocky smirk, laughing inside as Evander’s face turned murderous.
“Ha ha, very funny. I’m glad to see you haven’t lost your great sense of humour Sebastian.”
“I suggest you get to the point Evander, because my patience is warring thin at the moment.”
“I just wanted to see if the rumours I have been hearing about you were true, and it seems they are indeed,” he replied with a smug grin. “By the way I must say Kate is absolutely gorgeous?” I whipped my head around to see Kate’s head through the open passenger door as she hid behind it.
“I didn’t think you had it in you Sebastian.”

I gritted my teeth, wanting to just rip Evander’s head off for laying his disgusting gaze on Kate. “Get he fuck out of here Evander before I rip your fucking head off!” I snarled out, standing in a defensive stance in front of Kate.
“Tsk tsk, no need to be rude Sebastian, but don’t worry I’ll be on my way. Seeing as I have all the information I need,” he said with a wink before reversing and speeding off down the road.

Watching with narrow eyes, I followed the red car until it was nothing but a red speck in the distance, before breathing out a long frustrated breath, as I willed my fangs away. The murderous rage I once felt slowly diminished as the seconds passed by. What the fuck did he mean by, ’checking to see if the rumours were true’? No one knew about Kate except for my brother and my uncle. Unless, there was a traitor amidst our walls. Damn it, I would have to deal with it later, for now there was no time to dwell on the past. We had to leave and we had to leave now. Because there was no telling what Evander would do with this new found knowledge.
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