If You Forget Me


My breath comes out as a fog and I shiver from the cold, that is biting at my sensitive skin. It’s dark in here. Arms wrap around my torso, trying to keep me warm. A gust of pungent air hits my flesh and I flinch. The loving embrace tightens. My mouth parts, while I let small whimpers slip. He’s not happy about it. The monster spins me around and roughly pushes my frail body. Bones, skin collide painfully with red brick wall. Slowly I slide down it, welcoming the ground.

“Hey, what do you think you are doing?” I hear someone scream. The voice is familiar. I lift my bloody head and look at the intruder. He is tall and lean. Shiny raven hair frames his sharp face perfectly, while crystal emerald eyes burn with fury, as he glares at the monster. But the beast only cackles and moves closer to the beautiful boy…

My eyes snap open, as I stare at the person. A dream or reality? Sane, or insane? Him or maybe not? Confused, startled and a little bit cranky but still so hypnotized, amazed by the gorgeous creature, that returns my gaze.

“Morning.” He says softly. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” Christopher continues. He sits up, sighing then stretches. I follow his skinny body with my eyes, because it’s so tempting. The Goosebumps appear on his milky flesh and I fight the urge to brush my fingertips against them. His porcelain chest rises and falls calmly, showing me, that he is no longer scared or hurt. The wave of relief washes over me, as I bite my tongue, trying to suppress small smile, that is bound to appear on my pale lips.

The warm body leaves the bed and I shiver form discomfort. Bonny fingers, grabbing the blankets tighter and wrapping them around me. Much better. I watch as the boy searches for his clothes. As he moves gracefully and pulls a shirt over his head. My eyes widen, as I try not to gasp, when I see that huge scar. I can feel tension fill the air. I avert my gaze, because I wasn’t supposed to stare, because Christopher was not comfortable about it and I just made things worse. Stupid drug addict!

The nurse comes in and gives him his medicine. And right before leaving the room, I receive a weird look, the one that makes me shudder, the one, that reminds me of the monster. I will my heartbeat to slow down but it’s not working. Another loud door bang lets me understand, that Christopher left me. I curl into a small ball and let the tears slip. He doesn’t want me. I’m just a disgusting druggie to him. He hates me, because I was dumb enough to stare at his scar, reminding him of his past.

I have no idea how long I stayed like this. Nothing mattered at the moment. I was hurting from the inside, I was feeling something, I hadn’t in a long, long time. Seconds, minutes, maybe hours pass. I need to calm down, before Christopher returns and sees how pitiful I truly am. Sniffling and hiccuping I wipe at my running nose and try to sit up. The door opens and I freeze. Shit!

“Awe Jamie baby, what happened?” Sebastian coos. He is one of the nurses, that works in this place. Red head giant sits on the bed and pulls me into his lap, suffocating me in a bear hug. His huge hands soothingly rub my back, as I relax into the touch. His low, silent whispers fill my ears and I smile hiccuping. Seb awes again, making me laugh. He’s one of the nicest nurses in here. He’s the only one, I really like in this hell hole.

“So who upset my poor Jamie?..” He whispers out, knowing damn well, that loud voices hurt my ears.

“N-no-one.” I stutter out still breathless.

“Oh well, you’ll tell me eventually, now lets go, doc wanted to see you.” I gulp but let him pick out clothes for me and lead the way. On the way to the office we run into Christopher, who doesn’t look very happy. His crystal emerald eyes burn my flesh, as I stare past him. He bumps shoulders with Seb and I hear my companion laughing quietly. Shrugging of the weird behavior, I just walk silently minding my own business.

We reach sickly white doors, faster than I would like to, but it’s okay. The faster the better. I enter the office and sit down on the plush sofa. My body drowns in it and I squirm uncomfortably, trying to get rid of the feeling, that this bloody thing will swallow me as soon as doctor closes his eyes.

“How are you Jamie?” The man asks.

“Fine.” I answer quietly.

“Do you like your new roommate. ”I nod my head, knowing what question will be asked.

“I just tried to comfort him.” I state and smile as the man furrows his eyebrows.

“Okay, and what about the pills…”

“Can you please put them in my food, or drink, or something? Can I go now, my previous doctor, doctor Vance, will answer all the questions if needed?” I let the words rush out of my mouth. This time he nods and I fly out of the room.
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Well Guys, hope you enjoyed this.
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And special thanks to Jordan Holland