Status: active

Snowed In

Chapter 1

No. No, there was no way this was happening. Not now, not to her.
They were so close, Marley and Danny. Every night she would call him and they would talk about everything that was going on. And every day she would tell me how much she loved him. His hair, his eyes, his body!
When they would go out, shed be in a sort of daze the next day, so in love with him.
He was a drummer, she was a writer, yet they clicked like Romeo and Juliet.
"Marley? Marley are you there?" I heard sobbing on the other end of the phone. She was in shock, anybody would be.
"Marley..." I didn't know what to say. All I could do was just be there for her. I heard her catch her breath and answer me.
"Yeah?" I decided to quote her favorite band, the Beatles.
"It's gonna be alright." I heard her laugh quietly.
"Yeah, yeah I know it is. I just...I just don't understand!" I sighed.
"Nobody does."
Her and Danny had been going out for four months, yet it seemed more like four years. They never fought and they would both talk about each other as if nothing else in the whole world mattered.
And yet... and yet Danny had done this. Left Marley a wreck, no reasons given and, apparently, no questions asked.
"Listen, Marley. Soon you will find your prince charming. He will come and sweep you off of your feet when you least expect it, and you'll forget all about the boy who broke up with you over the phone when you were fifteen."
I could imagine her smiling at this, her perfect golden girl sunshiny smile that made everyone else in the room want to smile with her.
"Thanks, Allie. I love you. I'm going to take a shower, my tears will blend in with the stream of water. And maybe some of the puffiness and redness in my face will go away too. Bye."
"Love you too. Bye." I heard the phone disconnect.
My heart felt like it was in my stomach and 100 pounds, and I felt like crying. She was such an amazing girl, she didn't deserve this. We had been best friends since we were babies, nothing could come between us. It hurt me so much to see her like this.