Status: active

Snowed In

Chapter 2

The next day, Marley came over to my house, it was a Saturday luckily. We did what we always did when we had boy trouble, made our signature No-Boys-Allowed milkshakes. You start with vanilla ice cream, then add strawberry syrup,milk, gummy bears, swedish fish, and a few Dove chocolates, and mix it all up in a blender. Then, you put in a funky glass with one of those swirly straws. It does wonders. We were sipping our shakes and sitting on my bed looking through an issue of Teen Vogue. The plan was that she would spend the day here, then we'd have a sleepover at her house later and watch our favorite movies: She's the Man, John Tucker Must Die, and Mean Girls. Marley was laughing at something I had just said about one of the models in the magazine when my cell rang. We both looked at each other and I dove across the bed to pick it up. "Hullo?" I mumbled into the reciever. "Uh, hey, this is Allie, right?" Oh my gosh. It was Trey. Trey had been my crush for who knows how long. He had wazy brown hair and deep chocolate brown eyes. His freckles just accented his beauty. When he smiled, it was as if everything in the world was going to be alright, and nothing else mattered. I held the phone away and squealed. "Marley, it's TREY!" Her face lit up. She motioned for me to keep talking. "Um, yeah. Hey Trey. Haha, that rhymes." Wow, apparently I have lost my ability to think straight and think before I say stuff. If I keep going like this, I'd look like a fool. "Yeah...anyways I was just wondering if you knew if we had biology homework over the weekend." Did we? I couldn't think. I signed to Marley to throw me the agenda sitting on my desk. She did so, and I flipped to my "Homework" section. "Um we have to read pages 20-27 and fill out the review sheet." Trey groaned. "Oh, great. Well, thanks Allie. I guess that's it then. See ya." The phone clicked off. I started screamign and jumping around the room and dancing with Marley. "Trey called me! Trey knows my number! He knows my name, too!" Suddenly, Marley stopped dancing. I could hear her phone vibrate, and she walked over to pick it up. Obviously, she had gotten a text message. Her face transformed into one of someone who had just learned that their pet had just died. Then she tried to compose herself and didn't come close to succeding. "Marley, what's wrong?" She shook her head. "Nothing, nothing. It's fine." A fake smile fluttered across her face. "I'm happy for you. Really, I am." I could tell something was wrong. That smile was as fake as the sun lamps they make for reptiles.